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Last active March 23, 2017 14:15
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  • Save KenDB3/2f9fb1281bd14c5c3ce5ffd3a8582f0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KenDB3/2f9fb1281bd14c5c3ce5ffd3a8582f0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This program takes a LORD Score Bulletin file that has unconverted LORD color codes (for example `1 for Dark Blue) and converts them to ANSI color codes.
/*LORD-Color-Fix.js -by- KenDB3 of KD3net (
This script is meant for use with Synchronet BBSes.
It requires JSexec.exe (from SBBS) to be run from command line.
Do your LORD Score Bulletins look funky because people use multiple color
codes in their name? Do the extra LORD color codes throw off the alignment
of the bulletin? This program takes a LORD Score Bulletin file that has
unconverted LORD color codes (for example `1 for Dark Blue) and then
converts them to their equivalent ANSI color codes (Ex: ESC[0;34m).
Add the LORD-Color-Fix.js script to your mods (/sbbs/mods/) or your
exec (/sbbs/exec/) directory.
Command Line:
(be sure you're in the correct directory to call jsexec.exe, ie /sbbs/exec/)
jsexec.exe LORD-Color-Fix.js InputFile OutputFile
---All arguments are required---
---InputFile cannot match OutputFile---
Note: You probably need this for the original Legend of the Red Dragon,
but not for Legend of the Red Dragon II: New World.
LORD 2 makes the scores bulletin correctly.
Version 1.0 2017-03-21 Initial Release
//Make sure we have enough arguments to handle the conversion
if(argc < 2) {
alert(format("!!!Missing Argument!!! \r\n" +
"Format should look like this: \r\n" +
"jsexec.exe LORD-Color-Fix.js InputFile OutputFile \r\n\r\n" +
"InputFile = LORD Scores Bulletin in ANSI format that needs to be cleaned up.\r\n" +
"OutputFile = LORD Scores Bulletin you want saved after it has been cleaned up.\r\n"
, errno, LORDscoresInput));
var LORDscoresInput = argv[0];
var LORDscoresOutput = argv[1];
if(LORDscoresInput.toLowerCase() == LORDscoresOutput.toLowerCase()) {
alert(format("!!!InputeFile Cannot Match OutputFile!!! \r\n" +
"Format should look like this: \r\n" +
"jsexec.exe LORD-Color-Fix.js InputFile OutputFile \r\n\r\n" +
"InputFile = LORD Scores Bulletin in ANSI format that needs to be cleaned up.\r\n" +
"OutputFile = LORD Scores Bulletin you want saved after it has been cleaned up.\r\n" +
"Sorry, but unfortunately these files cannot be the same.\r\n" +
"I suggest making this part of a script that later deletes the original file.\r\n"
, errno, LORDscoresInput));
//Our input file
var file = new File(LORDscoresInput);
//Does the file open? Or are you messing with me?
if(!"r")) {
alert(format("Error %d opening %s\n", errno, LORDscoresInput));
var LORDscoresFix = file.readAll(4096);
var line_num;
var line_num_out;
//RegEx to find and replace the text
for(line_num in LORDscoresFix) {
//Dark Blue
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`1/g, '\033' + '[0;34m');
//Dark Green
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`2/g, '\033' + '[0;32m');
//Dark Cyan
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`3/g, '\033' + '[0;36m');
//Dark Red
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`4/g, '\033' + '[0;31m');
//Dark Purple (Dark Magenta)
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`5/g, '\033' + '[0;35m');
//Puke (Dark Yellow)
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`6/g, '\033' + '[0;33m');
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`7/g, '\033' + '[0m');
//Dark Gray
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`8/g, '\033' + '[0;1;30m');
//Bright Blue
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`9/g, '\033' + '[0;1;34m');
//Bright Green
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`0/g, '\033' + '[0;1;32m');
//Bright Cyan
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`!/g, '\033' + '[0;1;36m');
//Bright Red
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`@/g, '\033' + '[0;1;31m');
//Purpink (Magenta)
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`#/g, '\033' + '[0;1;35m');
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`\$/g, '\033' + '[0;1;33m');
LORDscoresFix[line_num] = LORDscoresFix[line_num].replace(/`%/g, '\033' + '[0;1m');
var file = new File(LORDscoresOutput);
//Does the new file open?
if(!"w")) {
alert(format("Error %d opening %s\n", errno, LORDscoresOutput));
for(line_num_out in LORDscoresFix) {
var lineout = LORDscoresFix[line_num_out];
print(LORDscoresInput + " successfully converted to " + LORDscoresOutput);
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