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Created August 6, 2015 17:17
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After literally hours of trial and error (I'm not a Linux guy but love playing with my Raspberry Pi's), I have FINALLY got shairport-sync running on ArchLinux Arm 7 on my Raspberry Pi 2. I used numerous different sources to find all the different workarounds. I documented it and would like to give something back to the community... so here it is. I hope it's helpful.
Disclaimer: I'm sure I could have been a lot more efficient in my approach but I hope this will serve as a starting point for others.
1) are not offering an ArchLinux image for Arm7 yet but some friendly guy has created his own and kindly put it on for all to use. Download the ArchLinux Arm 7 image for Raspberry Pi 2 from here:!2JZS0CqD!KxlXr9B6URZ79zTP23vKVdrdOGVOYIeasjcjcBMoPzo
2) Write to a formatted SD card (at least 4GB) using Win32DiskImager.
3) Put in Pi and boot up with a wired network connection.
4) SSH into the Pi (User: root, Password: root).
5) Update ArchLinux, setup WiFi, install dependencies, install Shairport-sync using the ArchLinux package (EliaCereda/shairport-sync-PKGBUILD), set to run at startup. Here's the process I used:
# pacman -Suy
Install required packages for this process:
# pacman -S dialog wpa_supplicant base-devel git
Use wifi-menu to connect to wifi (note, it's a lowercase letter o at the end, not a zero):
# wifi-menu -o
Choose wireless access point SSID, enter key and give the profile a name.
Enable the wireless profile:
For example, wlan0-my_wifi
# reboot
Unplug Ethernet while rebooting - you'll be on wifi!
ArchLinux won't let you use makepkg as root so I did this:
# sudo passwd nobody
and Create password for user 'nobody' - I chose "nobody".
Add user "nobody" to sudoers
# EDITOR=nano visudo
Move down to "User privilege specification" and add "nobody ALL=(ALL) ALL" after "root ALL=(ALL) ALL". Exit, save.
Next, create a directory and set the required privileges:
# mkdir /home/build
# chgrp nobody /home/build
# chmod g+ws /home/build
# setfacl -m u::rwx,g::rwx /home/build
# setfacl -d --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::- /home/build
Move to that directory:
# cd /home/build
Clone the shairport-sync package for ArchLinux:
# git clone
Move to the newly created directory:
# cd shairport-sync-PKGBUILD
Make the package:
# sudo -u nobody makepkg -sfi
Enable avahi-daemon to start on boot:
# systemctl enable avahi-daemon
I then made some SIMPLE conf settings to get it working (you could probably play with this more):
# nano /etc/conf.d/shairport-sync
Make the following changes to give your Airplay point a name:
(making sure to remove quotes from around the Shairport "name" if copying from elsewhere)
Get the service ready so we can run it at boot
# nano /etc/systemd/system/shairport-sync.service
Paste the following
Description=Shairport-sync AirTunes receiver
ExecStart=/usr/bin/shairport-sync "$SHAIRPORT_ARGS"
Enable the service to run at boot:
# systemctl enable shairport-sync
Reboot the system:
# reboot
And, you should now see your Raspberry Pi 2 as an option in your Airplay menu on your Apple device. Mine works like a charm. Note, the default output is to the audio jack.
Oh, and you probably want to remove the user "nobody" from the sudoers.
As I said, I hope this is helpful.
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