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Last active August 24, 2017 23:44
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skyway iot sdk sample configs
; General configuration: folders where the configuration and the plugins
; can be found, how output should be logged, whether Janus should run as
; a daemon or in foreground, default interface to use, debug/logging level
; and, if needed, shared apisecret and/or token authentication mechanism
; between application(s) and Janus.
configs_folder = /opt/janus/etc/janus ; Configuration files folder
plugins_folder = /opt/janus/lib/janus/plugins ; Plugins folder
transports_folder = /opt/janus/lib/janus/transports ; Transports folder
;log_to_stdout = false ; Whether the Janus output should be written
; to stdout or not (default=true)
;log_to_file = /tmp/janus.log ; Whether to use a log file or not
;daemonize = true ; Whether Janus should run as a daemon
; or not (default=run in foreground)
;pid_file = /tmp/ ; PID file to create when Janus has been
; started, and to destroy at shutdown
;interface = ; Interface to use (will be used in SDP)
debug_level = 4 ; Debug/logging level, valid values are 0-7
;debug_timestamps = yes ; Whether to show a timestamp for each log line
;debug_colors = no ; Whether colors should be disabled in the log
;api_secret = janusrocks ; String that all Janus requests must contain
; to be accepted/authorized by the Janus core.
; Useful if you're wrapping all Janus API requests
; in your servers (that is, not in the browser,
; where you do the things your way) and you
; don't want other application to mess with
; this Janus instance.
;token_auth = yes ; Enable a token based authentication
; mechanism to force users to always provide
; a valid token in all requests. Useful if
; you want to authenticate requests from web
; users. For this to work, the Admin API MUST
; be enabled, as tokens are added and removed
; through messages sent there.
admin_secret = janusoverlord ; String that all Janus requests must contain
; to be accepted/authorized by the admin/monitor.
; only needed if you enabled the admin API
; in any of the available transports.
;server_name = MyJanusInstance ; Public name of this Janus instance
; as it will appear in an info request
; Certificate and key to use for DTLS.
cert_pem = /opt/janus/share/janus/certs/mycert.pem
cert_key = /opt/janus/share/janus/certs/mycert.key
; Media-related stuff: you can configure whether if you want
; to enable IPv6 support (still WIP, so handle with care), the maximum size
; of the NACK queue (in milliseconds, defaults to 1000ms=1s) for retransmissions, the
; range of ports to use for RTP and RTCP (by default, no range is envisaged), the
; starting MTU for DTLS (1472 by default, it adapts automatically),
; if BUNDLE should be forced (defaults to false) and if RTCP muxing should
; be forced (defaults to false).
;ipv6 = true
;max_nack_queue = 1000
;rtp_port_range = 20000-40000
;dtls_mtu = 1200
;force-bundle = true
;force-rtcp-mux = true
; NAT-related stuff: specifically, you can configure the STUN/TURN
; servers to use to gather candidates if the gateway is behind a NAT,
; and srflx/relay candidates are needed. In case STUN is not enough and
; this is needed (it shouldn't), you can also configure Janus to use a
; TURN server; please notice that this does NOT refer to TURN usage in
; browsers, but in the gathering of relay candidates by Janus itself,
; e.g., if you want to limit the ports used by a Janus instance on a
; private machine. Furthermore, you can choose whether Janus should be
; configured to work in ICE-Lite mode (by default it doesn't). Finally,
; you can also enable ICE-TCP support (beware that it currently *only*
; works if you enable ICE Lite as well), choose which interfaces should
; be used for gathering candidates, and enable or disable the
; internal libnice debugging, if needed.
stun_server =
stun_port = 3478
nice_debug = false
;ice_lite = true
;ice_tcp = true
; In case you're deploying Janus on a server which is configured with
; a 1:1 NAT (e.g., Amazon EC2), you might want to also specify the public
; address of the machine using the setting below. This will result in
; all host candidates (which normally have a private IP address) to
; be rewritten with the public address provided in the settings. As
; such, use the option with caution and only if you know what you're doing.
; Besides, it's still recommended to also enable STUN in those cases,
; and keep ICE Lite disabled as it's not strictly speaking a public server.
;nat_1_1_mapping =
; You can configure a TURN server in two different ways: specifying a
; statically configured TURN server, and thus provide the address of the
; TURN server, the transport (udp/tcp/tls) to use, and a set of valid
; credentials to authenticate...
turn_server =
turn_port = 443
turn_type = tcp
turn_user = siruuser
turn_pwd = s1rUu5ev
; ... or you can make use of the TURN REST API to get info on one or more
; TURN services dynamically. This makes use of the proposed standard of
; such an API (
; which is currently available in both rfc5766-turn-server and coturn.
; You enable this by specifying the address of your TURN REST API backend,
; the HTTP method to use (GET or POST) and, if required, the API key Janus
; must provide.
; turn_rest_api =
; turn_rest_api_key = demonstrationkey
; turn_rest_api_method = GET
; You can also choose which interfaces should be explicitly used by the
; gateway for the purpose of ICE candidates gathering, thus excluding
; others that may be available. To do so, use the 'ice_enforce_list'
; setting and pass it a comma-separated list of interfaces or IP addresses
; to enforce. This is especially useful if the server hosting the gateway
; has several interfaces, and you only want a subset to be used. Any of
; the following examples are valid:
; ice_enforce_list = eth0
; ice_enforce_list = eth0,eth1
; ice_enforce_list = eth0,192.168.
; ice_enforce_list = eth0,
; By default, no interface is enforced, meaning Janus will try to use them all.
;ice_enforce_list = eth0
; In case you don't want to specify specific interfaces to use, but would
; rather tell Janus to use all the available interfaces except some that
; you don't want to involve, you can also choose which interfaces or IP
; addresses should be excluded and ignored by the gateway for the purpose
; of ICE candidates gathering. To do so, use the 'ice_ignore_list' setting
; and pass it a comma-separated list of interfaces or IP addresses to
; ignore. This is especially useful if the server hosting the gateway
; has several interfaces you already know will not be used or will simply
; always slow down ICE (e.g., virtual interfaces created by VMware).
; Partial strings are supported, which means that any of the following
; examples are valid:
; ice_ignore_list = vmnet8,,
; ice_ignore_list = vmnet,192.168.
; Just beware that the ICE ignore list is not used if an enforce list
; has been configured. By default, Janus ignores all interfaces whose
; name starts with 'vmnet', to skip VMware interfaces:
ice_ignore_list = vmnet
; You can choose which of the available plugins should be
; enabled or not. Use the 'disable' directive to prevent Janus from
; loading one or more plugins: use a comma separated list of plugin file
; names to identify the plugins to disable. By default all available
; plugins are enabled and loaded at startup.
; disable =,
; You can choose which of the available transports should be enabled or
; not. Use the 'disable' directive to prevent Janus from loading one
; or more transport: use a comma separated list of transport file names
; to identify the transports to disable. By default all available
; transports are enabled and loaded at startup.
; disable =
;admin_key = supersecret ; If set, mountpoints can be created via API
; only if this key is provided in the request
type = rtp
id = 1
description = RPWC H264 test streaming
audio = yes
video = yes
audioport = 5002
audiopt = 111
audiortpmap = opus/48000/2
videoport = 5004
videopt = 96
videortpmap = H264/90000
videofmtp = profile-level-id=42e028\;packetization-mode=1
; Web server stuff: whether any should be enabled, which ports they
; should use, whether security should be handled directly or demanded to
; an external application (e.g., web frontend) and what should be the
; base path for the Janus API protocol. You can also specify the
; threading model to use for the HTTP webserver: by default this is
; 'unlimited' (which means a thread per connection, as specified by the
; libmicrohttpd documentation), using a number will make use of a thread
; pool instead. Since long polls are involved, make sure you choose a
; value that doesn't keep new connections waiting.
json = indented ; Whether the JSON messages should be indented (default),
; plain (no indentation) or compact (no indentation and no spaces)
base_path = /janus ; Base path to bind to in the web server (plain HTTP only)
threads = unlimited ; unlimited=thread per connection, number=thread pool
http = yes ; Whether to enable the plain HTTP interface
port = 8088 ; Web server HTTP port
;interface = eth0 ; Whether we should bind this server to a specific interface only
;ip = ; Whether we should bind this server to a specific IP address (v4 or v6) only
https = yes ; Whether to enable HTTPS (default=no)
secure_port = 8089 ; Web server HTTPS port, if enabled
;secure_interface = eth0 ; Whether we should bind this server to a specific interface only
;secure_ip = ; Whether we should bind this server to a specific IP address (v4 or v6) only
;acl = 127.,192.168.0. ; Only allow requests coming from this comma separated list of addresses
; Janus can also expose an admin/monitor endpoint, to allow you to check
; which sessions are up, which handles they're managing, their current
; status and so on. This provides a useful aid when debugging potential
; issues in Janus. The configuration is pretty much the same as the one
; already presented above for the webserver stuff, as the API is very
; similar: choose the base bath for the admin/monitor endpoint (/admin
; by default), ports, threading model, etc. Besides, you can specify
; a secret that must be provided in all requests as a crude form of
; authorization mechanism, and partial or full source IPs if you want to
; limit access basing on IP addresses. For security reasons, this
; endpoint is disabled by default, enable it by setting admin_http=yes.
admin_base_path = /admin ; Base path to bind to in the admin/monitor web server (plain HTTP only)
admin_threads = unlimited ; unlimited=thread per connection, number=thread pool
admin_http = no ; Whether to enable the plain HTTP interface
admin_port = 7088 ; Admin/monitor web server HTTP port
;admin_interface = eth0 ; Whether we should bind this server to a specific interface only
;admin_ip = ; Whether we should bind this server to a specific IP address (v4 or v6) only
admin_https = yes ; Whether to enable HTTPS (default=no)
;admin_secure_port = 7889 ; Admin/monitor web server HTTPS port, if enabled
;admin_secure_interface = eth0 ; Whether we should bind this server to a specific interface only
;admin_secure_ip = ; Whether we should bind this server to a specific IP address (v4 or v6) only
;admin_acl = 127.,192.168.0. ; Only allow requests coming from this comma separated list of addresses
; Certificate and key to use for HTTPS.
cert_pem = /opt/janus/share/janus/certs/mycert.pem
cert_key = /opt/janus/share/janus/certs/mycert.key
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