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Created November 30, 2018 08:28
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Install MIM 2016 Updates (Hotfix Rollups)
Installs updates for MIM Synchronization Service and MIM Service.
Add support for Languagepack updates.
[string]$Version = "",
[string]$MediaFolder = "F:\Install\Media",
[string]$LogFolder = "F:\Install\Logs"
$FIMSynchronizationService = Get-Service -Name FIMSynchronizationService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$FIMService = Get-Service -Name FIMService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function Install{
$ArgumentList = "/p $MSP /L*v $LogFilePath"
$result=(Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Wait -PassThru).ExitCode
if($result -eq 0){
"Installing $MSP completed succesfully."
"Some error occured, please check $LogFilePath"
return $result
#This is the FIM Sync Service Server
$FIMSynchronizationService | Stop-Service
$MIMPatch = Get-Item ($MediaFolder + "\" + $Version + "\" + "MIMSyncService*")
$LogFilePath = $LogFolder + "\" + "MIMSync" + $Version + ".log"
Install -MSP $MIMPatch.FullName -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
#This is the FIM Service Server
$FIMService | Stop-Service
$MIMPatch = Get-Item ($MediaFolder + "\" + $Version + "\" + "MIMService*")
$LogFilePath = $LogFolder + "\" + "MIMService" + $Version + ".log"
Install -MSP $MIMPatch.FullName -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if(!$FIMSynchronizationService -and !$FIMService){
#This is only a Portal server
$MIMPatch = Get-Item ($MediaFolder + "\" + $Version + "\" + "MIMService*")
$LogFilePath = $LogFolder + "\" + "MIMService" + $Version + ".log"
Install -MSP $MIMPatch.FullName -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
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As you can see the script expects that the updates are downloaded to a folder named as the version, like F:\Install\Media\

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Thanks Kent . This is very simple and minimalistic, just the way I like my scriptsto be.

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