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Last active July 18, 2017 19:45
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import Foundation
enum Token: Character {
case A = "A"
case B = "B"
case C = "C"
case D = "D"
case E = "E"
case F = "F"
case G = "G"
case H = "H"
case I = "I"
case J = "J"
case K = "K"
case L = "L"
case M = "M"
case N = "N"
case O = "O"
case P = "P"
case Q = "Q"
case R = "R"
case S = "S"
case T = "T"
case U = "U"
case V = "V"
case W = "W"
case X = "X"
case Y = "Y"
case Z = "Z"
extension Token {
func next() -> Token {
switch self {
case .A: return .B
case .B: return .C
case .C: return .D
case .D: return .E
case .E: return .F
case .F: return .G
case .G: return .H
case .H: return .I
case .I: return .J
case .J: return .K
case .K: return .L
case .L: return .M
case .M: return .N
case .N: return .O
case .O: return .P
case .P: return .Q
case .Q: return .R
case .R: return .S
case .S: return .T
case .T: return .U
case .U: return .V
case .V: return .W
case .W: return .X
case .X: return .Y
case .Y: return .Z
case .Z: return .A
extension Token {
var num: Int {
switch self {
case .A: return 0
case .B: return 1
case .C: return 2
case .D: return 3
case .E: return 4
case .F: return 5
case .G: return 6
case .H: return 7
case .I: return 8
case .J: return 9
case .K: return 10
case .L: return 11
case .M: return 12
case .N: return 13
case .O: return 14
case .P: return 15
case .Q: return 16
case .R: return 17
case .S: return 18
case .T: return 19
case .U: return 20
case .V: return 21
case .W: return 22
case .X: return 23
case .Y: return 24
case .Z: return 25
extension Int {
var token: Token {
switch self {
case 0: return .A
case 1: return .B
case 2: return .C
case 3: return .D
case 4: return .E
case 5: return .F
case 6: return .G
case 7: return .H
case 8: return .I
case 9: return .J
case 10: return .K
case 11: return .L
case 12: return .M
case 13: return .N
case 14: return .O
case 15: return .P
case 16: return .Q
case 17: return .R
case 18: return .S
case 19: return .T
case 20: return .U
case 21: return .V
case 22: return .W
case 23: return .X
case 24: return .Y
case 25: return .Z
extension Token {
static func - (lhs: Token, rhs: Int) -> Token {
return ((lhs.num - rhs + 26) % 26).token
static func - (lhs: Token, rhs: Token) -> Int {
return lhs.num - rhs.num
// -------------------------------------------- //
typealias Cipher = (Token) -> (Token)
struct RotorBox {
struct Rotor {
let forward: Cipher
let backward: Cipher
var position: Token
init(_ forward: @escaping Cipher, position: Token) {
self.forward = forward
self.backward = { token in
let tokens: [Token] = [.A, .B, .C, .D, .E, .F, .G, .H, .I, .J, .K, .L, .M, .N, .O, .P, .Q, .R, .S, .T, .U, .V, .W, .X, .Y, .Z]
return tokens.filter{ forward($0) == token }.first!
self.position = position
mutating func rotate() {
position =
private var pure = Rotor({ $0 }, position: .A)
private var rotor0: Rotor
private var rotor1: Rotor
private var rotor2: Rotor
private let reflector = Rotor({ token in
switch token {
case .A: return .E
case .B: return .J
case .C: return .M
case .D: return .Z
case .E: return .A
case .F: return .L
case .G: return .Y
case .H: return .X
case .I: return .V
case .J: return .B
case .K: return .W
case .L: return .F
case .M: return .C
case .N: return .R
case .O: return .Q
case .P: return .U
case .Q: return .O
case .R: return .N
case .S: return .T
case .T: return .S
case .U: return .P
case .V: return .I
case .W: return .K
case .X: return .H
case .Y: return .G
case .Z: return .D
}, position: .A) // regard the position of the reflector as .A
private var mod1 = 0
private var mod2 = 0
init(rotor0: Rotor, rotor1: Rotor, rotor2: Rotor) {
self.rotor0 = rotor0
self.rotor1 = rotor1
self.rotor2 = rotor2
mutating func cipher(_ target: Token) -> Token {
defer {
let input = connect(pure, rotor0)(target)
let r0 = rotor0.forward(input)
let _r0 = connect(rotor0, rotor1)(r0)
let r1 = rotor1.forward(_r0)
let _r1 = connect(rotor1, rotor2)(r1)
let r2 = rotor2.forward(_r1)
let _r2 = connect(rotor2, reflector)(r2)
let ref = reflector.forward(_r2)
let _ref = connect(reflector, rotor2)(ref)
let r2ret = rotor2.backward(_ref)
let _r2ret = connect(rotor2, rotor1)(r2ret)
let r1ret = rotor1.backward(_r2ret)
let _r1ret = connect(rotor1, rotor0)(r1ret)
let r0ret = rotor0.backward(_r1ret)
let output = connect(rotor0, pure)(r0ret)
return output
mutating func rotate() {
mod1 = (mod1 + 1) % 26
mod2 = (mod2 + 1) % (26 * 26)
if mod1 == 0 {
if mod2 == 0 {
func connect(_ input: Rotor, _ output: Rotor) -> (Token) -> Token {
let gap = input.position - output.position
return { token in
return token - gap
struct Enigma {
private var rotorBox: RotorBox
private let plugboard: Cipher
typealias Key = (Token, Token, Token)
init(rotor0: @escaping Cipher, rotor1: @escaping Cipher, rotor2: @escaping Cipher, plugboard: @escaping Cipher, key: Key) {
self.rotorBox = RotorBox(
rotor0: RotorBox.Rotor(rotor0, position: key.0),
rotor1: RotorBox.Rotor(rotor1, position: key.1),
rotor2: RotorBox.Rotor(rotor2, position: key.2)
self.plugboard = plugboard
mutating func cipher(_ target: Token) -> Token {
return plugboard(rotorBox.cipher(plugboard(target)))
mutating func cipher(_ target: String) -> String {
var output = ""
for char in target.characters {
output += String(cipher(Token(rawValue: char)!).rawValue)
return output
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// Swiss K models
// Reflector A
let I_K: Cipher = { token in
switch token {
case .A: return .P
case .B: return .E
case .C: return .Z
case .D: return .U
case .E: return .O
case .F: return .H
case .G: return .X
case .H: return .S
case .I: return .C
case .J: return .V
case .K: return .F
case .L: return .M
case .M: return .T
case .N: return .B
case .O: return .G
case .P: return .L
case .Q: return .R
case .R: return .I
case .S: return .N
case .T: return .Q
case .U: return .J
case .V: return .W
case .W: return .A
case .X: return .Y
case .Y: return .D
case .Z: return .K
let II_K: Cipher = { token in
switch token {
case .A: return .Z
case .B: return .O
case .C: return .U
case .D: return .E
case .E: return .S
case .F: return .Y
case .G: return .D
case .H: return .K
case .I: return .F
case .J: return .W
case .K: return .P
case .L: return .I
case .M: return .C
case .N: return .Q
case .O: return .X
case .P: return .H
case .Q: return .M
case .R: return .V
case .S: return .B
case .T: return .L
case .U: return .G
case .V: return .N
case .W: return .J
case .X: return .R
case .Y: return .A
case .Z: return .T
let III_K: Cipher = { token in
switch token {
case .A: return .E
case .B: return .H
case .C: return .R
case .D: return .V
case .E: return .X
case .F: return .G
case .G: return .A
case .H: return .O
case .I: return .B
case .J: return .Q
case .K: return .U
case .L: return .S
case .M: return .I
case .N: return .M
case .O: return .Z
case .P: return .F
case .Q: return .L
case .R: return .Y
case .S: return .N
case .T: return .W
case .U: return .K
case .V: return .T
case .W: return .P
case .X: return .D
case .Y: return .J
case .Z: return .C
let UKW_K: Cipher = { token in
switch token {
case .A: return .I
case .B: return .M
case .C: return .E
case .D: return .T
case .E: return .C
case .F: return .G
case .G: return .F
case .H: return .R
case .I: return .A
case .J: return .Y
case .K: return .S
case .L: return .Q
case .M: return .B
case .N: return .Z
case .O: return .X
case .P: return .W
case .Q: return .L
case .R: return .H
case .S: return .K
case .T: return .D
case .U: return .V
case .V: return .U
case .W: return .P
case .X: return .O
case .Y: return .J
case .Z: return .N
let ETW_K: Cipher = { token in
switch token {
case .A: return .Q
case .B: return .W
case .C: return .E
case .D: return .R
case .E: return .T
case .F: return .Z
case .G: return .U
case .H: return .I
case .I: return .O
case .J: return .A
case .K: return .S
case .L: return .D
case .M: return .F
case .N: return .G
case .O: return .H
case .P: return .J
case .Q: return .K
case .R: return .P
case .S: return .Y
case .T: return .X
case .U: return .C
case .V: return .V
case .W: return .B
case .X: return .N
case .Y: return .M
case .Z: return .L
let swissK = [I_K, II_K, III_K, UKW_K, ETW_K]
let plugboard: Cipher = { token in
switch token {
return token
var enigma = Enigma(rotor0: swissK[0], rotor1: swissK[1], rotor2: swissK[2], plugboard: plugboard, key: (.A, .A, .A))
let message = "HELLOWORLD"
let ciphered = enigma.cipher(message)
var _enigma = Enigma(rotor0: swissK[0], rotor1: swissK[1], rotor2: swissK[2], plugboard: plugboard, key: (.A, .A, .A))
let deciphered = _enigma.cipher(ciphered)
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