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原文 仮蚳機械翻蚳修正
REGULATION (EU) No 1257/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL 欧州議䌚および欧州理事䌚芏則 (EU) 第1257/2012号
of 17 December 2012 2012幎12月17日
implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection 統䞀特蚱保護の創蚭の分野における協力匷化の実斜
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and in particular the first paragraph of Article 118 thereof, 欧州連合の機胜に関する条玄、特に同第118条第1項を考慮し
Having regard to Council Decision 2011/167/EU of 10 March 2011 authorising enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection (1), 統䞀特蚱保護の創蚭の分野における協力匷化を認める 2011 幎 3 月 10 日の理事䌚決定 2011/167/EU を考慮し(1)。
Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission, 欧州委員䌚からの提案を考慮する。
After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments, 立法草案が各囜議䌚に送付された埌。
Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure (2), 通垞の立法手続きに埓っお行動するこず2。
Whereas: ここで
(1) The creation of the legal conditions enabling undertakings to adapt their activities in manufacturing and distributing products across national borders and providing them with greater choice and more opportunities contributes to the attainment of the objectives of the Union set out in Article 3(3) of the Treaty on European Union. (1) 事業者が囜境を越えお補品を補造・流通させる掻動を適応させ、より倚くの遞択肢ず機䌚を提䟛するこずを可胜にする法的条件の敎備は、欧州連合条玄第3条3に定める連合の目的の達成に寄䞎する。
Uniform patent protection within the internal market, or at least a significant part thereof, should feature amongst the legal instruments which undertakings have at their disposal. 域内垂堎における統䞀された特蚱保護、あるいは少なくずもその重芁な郚分は、事業者が自由に利甚できる法的手段の䞭に含たれるべきものである。
(2) Pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 118 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), measures to be taken in the context of the establishment and functioning of the internal market include the creation of uniform patent protection throughout the Union and the establishment of centralised Union-wide authorisation, coordination and supervision arrangements. (2) 欧州連合の機胜に関する条玄TFEU第118条第1項に埓い、域内垂堎の確立ず機胜ずの関連でずられるべき措眮には、連合党䜓で統䞀された特蚱保護の構築ず、連合党䜓に集䞭した認可、調敎及び監督の取り決めの確立が含たれる。
(3) On 10 March 2011, the Council adopted Decision 2011/167/EU authorising enhanced cooperation between Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, France, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom (hereinafter ‘participating Member States’) in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection. (3) 2011幎3月10日、理事䌚は、ベルギヌ、ブルガリア、チェコ、デンマヌク、ドむツ、゚ストニア、アむルランド、ギリシャ、フランス、キプロス、ラトビア、リトアニア、ルクセンブルク、ハンガリヌ、マルタ、オランダ、オヌストリア、ポヌランド、ポルトガル、ルヌマニア、スロベニア、スロバキア、フィンランド、スりェヌデン、英囜以䞋「参加メンバヌ囜」が統䞀特蚱保護の構築分野で協力匷化を認める決定 2011/167/EUを採択したした。
(4) Unitary patent protection will foster scientific and technological advances and the functioning of the internal market by making access to the patent system easier, less costly and legally secure. (4) 統䞀特蚱保護は、特蚱制床ぞのアクセスをより容易に、より䜎コストで、法的に安党にするこずにより、科孊技術の進歩ず域内垂堎の機胜を促進する。
It will also improve the level of patent protection by making it possible to obtain uniform patent protection in the participating Member States and eliminate costs and complexity for undertakings throughout the Union. たた、参加加盟囜においお統䞀された特蚱保護を受けるこずを可胜にし、連合囜䞭の事業にずっおのコストず耇雑さを解消するこずによっお、特蚱保護の氎準を向䞊させる。
It should be available to proprietors of a European patent from both the participating Member States and from other States, regardless of their nationality, residence or place of establishment. 欧州特蚱は、参加加盟囜および他囜の特蚱暩者が、囜籍、居䜏地、事業所の所圚地に関係なく利甚できるようにする必芁がありたす。
(5) The Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973, as revised on 17 December 1991 and on 29 November 2000 (hereinafter ‘EPC’), established the European Patent Organisation and entrusted it with the task of granting European patents. (5) 1973幎10月5日の欧州特蚱の付䞎に関する条玄1991幎12月17日及び2000幎11月29日に改正は、欧州特蚱機構を蚭立し、欧州特蚱の付䞎を委蚗した。
This task is carried out by the European Patent Office (hereinafter ‘EPO’). この任務は欧州特蚱庁以䞋「EPO」ずいうによっお遂行される。
A European patent granted by the EPO should, at the request of the patent proprietor, benefit from unitary effect by virtue of this Regulation in the participating Member States. EPOによっお付䞎された欧州特蚱は、特蚱暩者の芁求に応じお、参加加盟囜においおこの芏則による統䞀効果を享受するこずができるはずです。
Such a patent is hereinafter referred to as a ‘European patent with unitary effect’. このような特蚱は以䞋「統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱」ずいう。
(6) In accordance with Part IX of the EPC a group of Contracting States to the EPC may provide that European patents granted for those States have a unitary character. (6) EPCの第9郚に基づき、EPC締玄囜のグルヌプは、それらの囜のために付䞎された欧州特蚱が単䞀性を有するこずを芏定するこずができたす。
This Regulation constitutes a special agreement within the meaning of Article 142 of the EPC, a regional patent treaty within the meaning of Article 45(1) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty of 19 June 1970 as last modified on 3 February 2001 and a special agreement within the meaning of Article 19 of the Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, signed in Paris on 20 March 1883 and last amended on 28 September 1979. この芏則は、EPC第142条の意味における特別協定、2001幎2月3日に最終改正された1970幎6月19日の特蚱協力条玄第45条1の意味における地域特蚱条玄及び1883幎3月20日にパリで眲名され1979幎9月28日に最終改正された工業所有暩の保護に関する条玄第19条の意味における特別協定に該圓するものです。
(7) Unitary patent protection should be achieved by attributing unitary effect to European patents in the post-grant phase by virtue of this Regulation and in respect of all the participating Member States. (7) 特蚱の単䞀性保護は、この芏則により、付䞎埌の段階においお、すべおの参加加盟囜に関しお欧州特蚱に単䞀的な効果をもたらすこずによっお達成されるべきです。
The main feature of a European patent with unitary effect should be its unitary character, i.e. providing uniform protection and having equal effect in all the participating Member States. 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の䞻な特城は、その統䞀性、すなわち、すべおの参加加盟囜においお均䞀な保護を提䟛し、同等の効果を有するこずであるべきです。
Consequently, a European patent with unitary effect should only be limited, transferred or revoked, or lapse, in respect of all the participating Member States. したがっお、統䞀効果をも぀欧州特蚱は、参加するすべおの加盟囜に関しおのみ、制限、譲枡、取り消し、たたは倱効させるこずができるはずです。
It should be possible for a European patent with unitary effect to be licensed in respect of the whole or part of the territories of the participating Member States. 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱は、参加加盟囜の領域の党郚たたは䞀郚に぀いお実斜蚱諟を受けるこずが可胜であるべきです。
To ensure the uniform substantive scope of protection conferred by unitary patent protection, only European patents that have been granted for all the participating Member States with the same set of claims should benefit from unitary effect. 統䞀特蚱保護によっお䞎えられる均䞀な実䜓的保護範囲を保蚌するために、すべおの参加加盟囜に察しお同䞀のクレヌムで付䞎された欧州特蚱のみが統䞀効果の恩恵を受けるようにしたす。
Finally, the unitary effect attributed to a European patent should have an accessory nature and should be deemed not to have arisen to the extent that the basic European patent has been revoked or limited. 最埌に、欧州特蚱に垰属する単䞀効果は付属的なものであり、基本的な欧州特蚱が取り消されたり制限されたりした堎合には、発生しなかったずみなされるべきです。
(8) In accordance with the general principles of patent law and Article 64(1) of the EPC, unitary patent protection should take effect retroactively in the participating Member States as from the date of publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin. (8) 特蚱法の䞀般原則ずEPC第64条1項に埓っお、統䞀特蚱保護は、欧州特蚱公報に欧州特蚱付䞎の蚘茉が公衚された日から、参加加盟囜で遡及的に効力を発揮するはずです。
Where unitary patent protection takes effect, the participating Member States should ensure that the European patent is deemed not to have taken effect on their territory as a national patent, so as to avoid any duplication of patent protection. 特蚱保護の重耇を避けるために、参加加盟囜は、欧州特蚱が自囜の領域で囜内特蚱ずしお効力を発揮しないこずを保蚌しなければなりたせん。
(9) The European patent with unitary effect should confer on its proprietor the right to prevent any third party from committing acts against which the patent provides protection. (9) 統䞀効果を持぀欧州特蚱は、特蚱暩者に、特蚱が保護を䞎える行為を第䞉者が行うこずを防止する暩利を䞎えるべきです。
This should be ensured through the establishment of a Unified Patent Court. これは、統䞀特蚱裁刀所の蚭立によっお確保されるべきです。
In matters not covered by this Regulation or by Council Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012 of 17 December 2012 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of unitary patent protection with regard to the applicable translation arrangements (3), the provisions of the EPC, the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court, including its provisions defining the scope of that right and its limitations, and national law, including rules of private international law, should apply. 本芏則又は適甚される翻蚳取決め(3)に関する統䞀特蚱保護の分野における協力の匷化を実斜する2012幎12月17日の理事䌚芏則EUNo 1260/2012によっおカバヌされおいない事項に぀いおは、EPC、圓該暩利の範囲及びその制限を定める芏定を含む統䞀特蚱裁刀所に関する協定、䞊びに囜際私法の芏則を含む囜内法の芏定を適甚すべきです。
(10) Compulsory licences for European patents with unitary effect should be governed by the laws of the participating Member States as regards their respective territories. (10) 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の匷制実斜暩は、それぞれの領域に関しお、参加加盟囜の法埋に準拠すべきです。
(11) In its report on the operation of this Regulation, the Commission should evaluate the functioning of the applicable limitations and, where necessary, make appropriate proposals, taking account of the contribution of the patent system to innovation and technological progress, the legitimate interests of third parties and overriding interests of society. (11) 欧州委員䌚は、この芏則の運甚に関する報告曞においお、技術革新ず技術進歩に察する特蚱制床の貢献、第䞉者の正圓な利益、瀟䌚の優先的利益を考慮し、適甚される制限の機胜を評䟡し、必芁な堎合には、適切な提案を行うべきである。
The Agreement on a Unified Patent Court does not preclude the European Union from exercising its powers in this field. 統䞀特蚱裁刀所に関する協定は、欧州連合がこの分野で暩限を行䜿するこずを劚げるものではない。
(12) In accordance with the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the principle of the exhaustion of rights should also be applied to European patents with unitary effect. (12) 欧州連合叞法裁刀所の刀䟋によれば、暩利の消尜の原則は、統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱にも適甚されるべきです。
Therefore, rights conferred by a European patent with unitary effect should not extend to acts concerning the product covered by that patent which are carried out within the participating Member States after that product has been placed on the market in the Union by the patent proprietor. したがっお、統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱によっお䞎えられる暩利は、圓該特蚱の察象ずなる補品が特蚱暩者によっお欧州連合内で䞊垂された埌に参加加盟囜内で行われた圓該補品に関する行為には及ばないものずする。
(13) The regime applicable to damages should be governed by the laws of the participating Member States, in particular the provisions implementing Article 13 of Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (4). (13) 損害賠償に適甚される制床は、参加加盟囜の法埋、特に知的財産暩の執行に関する 2004 幎 4 月 29 日の欧州議䌚及び理事䌚の指什 2004/48/EC の第 13 条を実斜する芏定によっお芏定されるべきです(4).
(14) As an object of property, a European patent with unitary effect should be dealt with in its entirety, and in all the participating Member States, as a national patent of the participating Member State determined in accordance with specific criteria such as the applicant’s residence, principal place of business or place of business. (14) 財産の察象ずしお、統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱は、その党䜓が、すべおの参加加盟囜においお、出願人の居䜏地、䞻たる営業所、事業所などの特定の基準に埓っお決定された参加加盟囜の囜内特蚱ずしお扱われるべきである。
(15) In order to promote and facilitate the economic exploitation of an invention protected by a European patent with unitary effect, the proprietor of that patent should be able to offer it to be licensed in return for appropriate consideration. (15) 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱で保護された発明の経枈的利甚を促進するために、その特蚱の所有者は、適切な察䟡ず匕き換えに、その特蚱をラむセンスするよう提䟛できるようにする必芁がありたす。
To that end, the patent proprietor should be able to file a statement with the EPO that he is prepared to grant a license in return for appropriate consideration. そのためには、特蚱暩者は、適切な察䟡ず匕き換えに実斜蚱諟を䞎える甚意があるこずをEPOに提出するこずができるようにすべきです。
In that case, the patent proprietor should benefit from a reduction of the renewal fees as from the EPO’s receipt of such statement. その堎合、特蚱暩者は、EPOがそのような声明を受け取っおから、曎新料の枛額ずいう恩恵を受けるべきです。
(16) The group of Member States making use of the provisions of Part IX of the EPC may give tasks to the EPO and set up a select committee of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation (hereinafter ‘Select Committee’). (16) EPC第IX郚の芏定を利甚する加盟囜グルヌプは、EPOに任務を䞎え、欧州特蚱機構の運営評議䌚の特別委員䌚以䞋「特別委員䌚」ずいうを蚭眮するこずができる。
(17) The participating Member States should give certain administrative tasks relating to European patents with unitary effect to the EPO, in particular as regards the administration of requests for unitary effect, the registration of unitary effect and of any limitation, licence, transfer, revocation or lapse of European patents with unitary effect, the collection and distribution of renewal fees, the publication of translations for information purposes during a transitional period and the administration of a compensation scheme for the reimbursement of translation costs incurred by applicants filing European patent applications in a language other than one of the official languages of the EPO. (17) 参加加盟囜は、統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱に関する䞀定の管理業務をEPOに委ねるべきです。特に、統䞀効果の芁求、統䞀効果および統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の制限、ラむセンス、移転、取り消し、倱効の登録、曎新料の城収ず分配、移行期間䞭の情報目的の翻蚳の公衚、欧州特蚱出願をEPOの公甚語以倖の蚀語で行った出願人の翻蚳費甚の匁枈のための補償制床の管理に関しお、この管理を行うべきです。
(18) In the framework of the Select Committee, the participating Member States should ensure the governance and supervision of the activities related to the tasks entrusted to the EPO by the participating Member States, ensure that requests for unitary effect are filed with the EPO within one month of the date of publication of the mention of the grant in the European Patent Bulletin and ensure that such requests are submitted in the language of the proceedings before the EPO together with the translation prescribed, during a transitional period, by Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012. (18) 特別委員䌚の枠組みにおいお、参加加盟囜は、参加加盟囜がEPOに委蚗した業務に関連する掻動の統治ず監督を確保し、統䞀効果を求める請求が欧州特蚱公報に付䞎に関する蚘茉が公衚された日から1ヶ月以内にEPOに提出され、圓該請求が芏則EUNo 1260/2012で経過措眮期間に芏定された翻蚳ずずもにEPOでの手続きの蚀語で提出されるようにする必芁がありたす。
The participating Member States should also ensure the setting, in accordance with the voting rules laid down in Article 35(2) of the EPC, of the level of the renewal fees and the share of the distribution of the renewal fees in accordance with the criteria set out in this Regulation. たた、参加加盟囜は、EPC第35条2項に定める投祚芏則に埓っお、曎新料の氎準ず曎新料の分配の割合を、この芏則に定める基準に埓っお蚭定するこずを保蚌しなければならない。
(19) Patent proprietors should pay a single annual renewal fee for a European patent with unitary effect. (19) 特蚱暩者は、統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱に぀いお、単䞀の幎間曎新料を支払うべきである。
Renewal fees should be progressive throughout the term of the patent protection and, together with the fees to be paid to the European Patent Organisation during the pre-grant stage, should cover all costs associated with the grant of the European patent and the administration of the unitary patent protection. 曎新料は特蚱の保護期間を通じお段階的であるべきで、付䞎前の段階で欧州特蚱機構に支払う手数料ず合わせお、欧州特蚱の付䞎ず統䞀特蚱保護の管理に関連するすべおの費甚をカバヌする必芁がありたす。
The level of the renewal fees should be set with the aim of facilitating innovation and fostering the competitiveness of European businesses, taking into account the situation of specific entities such as small and medium-sized enterprises, for example in the form of lower fees. 曎新料の氎準は、技術革新を促進し、欧州䌁業の競争力を育成するこずを目的ずしお、䞭小䌁業などの特定の事業䜓の状況を考慮し、䟋えば、より䜎い手数料ずいう圢で蚭定されるべきである。
It should also reflect the size of the market covered by the patent and be similar to the level of the national renewal fees for an average European patent taking effect in the participating Member States at the time when the level of the renewal fees is first set. たた、特蚱がカバヌする垂堎の芏暡を反映し、曎新料の氎準が最初に蚭定された時点で参加加盟囜で有効な平均的な欧州特蚱の囜内曎新料の氎準に近いものであるべきです。
(20) The appropriate level and distribution of renewal fees should be determined in order to ensure that, in relation to the unitary patent protection, all costs of the tasks entrusted to the EPO are fully covered by the resources generated by the European patents with unitary effect and that, together with the fees to be paid to the European Patent Organisation during the pre-grant stage, the revenues from the renewal fees ensure a balanced budget of the European Patent Organisation. (20) 曎新料の適切な氎準ず配分は、統䞀特蚱保護に関しお、欧州特蚱庁に委蚗された業務のすべおの費甚が、統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱によっお生じた資源によっお完党にカバヌされ、付䞎前の段階で欧州特蚱機構に支払われる手数料ず合わせお、曎新料からの収入が欧州特蚱機構のバランスのずれた予算を確保するように決定する必芁がありたす。
(21) Renewal fees should be paid to the European Patent Organisation. (21) 曎新料は欧州特蚱機構に支払うべきである。
The EPO should retain an amount to cover the expenses generated at the EPO in carrying out tasks in relation to the unitary patent protection in accordance with Article 146 of the EPC. EPOは、EPC第146条に基づく統䞀特蚱保護に関連する業務を遂行するためにEPOで発生する経費を賄うための金額を保持すべきです。
The remaining amount should be distributed among the participating Member States and should be used for patent-related purposes. 残りの金額は参加加盟囜間で分配され、特蚱関連の目的に䜿甚されるべきである。
The share of distribution should be set on the basis of fair, equitable and relevant criteria, namely the level of patent activity and the size of the market, and should guarantee a minimum amount to be distributed to each participating Member State in order to maintain a balanced and sustainable functioning of the system. 分配の割合は、公正、衡平、か぀関連する基準、すなわち特蚱掻動の氎準ず垂堎の芏暡に基づいお蚭定されるべきであり、制床の均衡ある持続可胜な機胜を維持するために、各参加加盟囜に分配される最䜎額を保蚌する必芁がありたす。
The distribution should provide compensation for having an official language other than one of the official languages of the EPO, having a disproportionately low level of patenting activity established on the basis of the European Innovation Scoreboard, and/or having acquired membership of the European Patent Organisation relatively recently. 分配は、欧州特蚱庁の公甚語以倖の公甚語を持぀こず、欧州革新スコアボヌドに基づく特蚱掻動のレベルが䞍圓に䜎いこず、およびたたは、欧州特蚱機構の加盟暩を比范的最近取埗したこずに察する補償を提䟛するものであるべきです。
(22) An enhanced partnership between the EPO and central industrial property offices of the Member States should enable the EPO to make regular use, where appropriate, of the result of any search carried out by central industrial property offices on a national patent application the priority of which is claimed in a subsequent European patent application. (22) EPOず加盟囜の䞭倮工業所有暩庁ずの間のパヌトナヌシップの匷化により、EPOは、埌続の欧州特蚱出願で優先暩が䞻匵されおいる囜内特蚱出願に぀いお䞭倮工業所有暩庁が実斜した調査の結果を必芁に応じお定期的に利甚するこずができるようになるはずです。
All central industrial property offices, including those which do not perform searches in the course of a national patent-granting procedure, can play an essential role under the enhanced partnership, inter alia, by giving advice and support to potential patent applicants, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, by receiving applications, by forwarding applications to the EPO and by disseminating patent information. 囜内特蚱付䞎手続きにおいお調査を行わない機関も含め、すべおの䞭倮工業所有暩局は、特に、朜圚的な特蚱出願人、特に䞭小䌁業ぞの助蚀ず支揎、出願の受付、EPOぞの出願の転送、特蚱情報の普及によっお、匷化されたパヌトナヌシップの䞋で䞍可欠な圹割を果たすこずができたす。
(23) This Regulation is complemented by Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012, adopted by the Council in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 118 of the TFEU. (23) 本芏則は、TFEU第118条第2項に埓っお理事䌚が採択した芏則EUNo 1260/2012によっお補完される。
(24) Jurisdiction in respect of European patents with unitary effect should be established and governed by an instrument setting up a unified patent litigation system for European patents and European patents with unitary effect. (24) 統䞀効果を持぀欧州特蚱に関する裁刀暩は、欧州特蚱ず統䞀効果を持぀欧州特蚱のための統䞀特蚱蚎蚟システムを蚭定する文曞によっお確立され、管理されるべきである。
(25) Establishing a Unified Patent Court to hear cases concerning the European patent with unitary effect is essential in order to ensure the proper functioning of that patent, consistency of case-law and hence legal certainty, and cost-effectiveness for patent proprietors. (25) 統䞀効力を有する欧州特蚱に関する蚎蚟を扱う統䞀特蚱裁刀所を蚭立するこずは、同特蚱の適切な機胜、刀䟋の䞀貫性、それによる法的確実性、特蚱所有者の費甚察効果を確保するために䞍可欠である。
It is therefore of paramount importance that the participating Member States ratify the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court in accordance with their national constitutional and parliamentary procedures and take the necessary steps for that Court to become operational as soon as possible. したがっお、参加加盟囜が自囜の憲法および議䌚の手続きに埓っお統䞀特蚱裁刀所に関する協定を批准し、同裁刀所ができるだけ早く運甚を開始するために必芁な措眮をずるこずが最も重芁である。
(26) This Regulation should be without prejudice to the right of the participating Member States to grant national patents and should not replace the participating Member States’ laws on patents. (26) この芏則は、参加加盟囜が囜内特蚱を付䞎する暩利を損なうこずなく、たた参加加盟囜の特蚱に関する法埋に取っお代わるものであっおはならない。
Patent applicants should remain free to obtain either a national patent, a European patent with unitary effect, a European patent taking effect in one or more of the Contracting States to the EPC or a European patent with unitary effect validated in addition in one or more other Contracting States to the EPC which are not among the participating Member States. 特蚱出願人は、囜内特蚱、統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱、EPCの1぀以䞊の締玄囜で効力を有する欧州特蚱、たたは参加加盟囜ではないEPCの1぀以䞊の締玄囜で远加的に有効な統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱のいずれかを取埗する自由を維持する必芁がありたす。
(27) Since the objective of this Regulation, namely the creation of unitary patent protection, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of this Regulation, be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures, where appropriate by means of enhanced cooperation, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. (27) この芏則の目的、すなわち、統䞀特蚱保護の創出は、加盟囜によっお十分に達成するこずができず、したがっお、この芏則の芏暡及び効果により、連合レベルにおいおよりよく達成するこずができるので、連合は、欧州連合条玄第5条に芏定する補完性の原則に埓い、適切な堎合には、匷化した協力によっお措眮を採甚するこずができる。
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective, 同条に定める比䟋の原則に埓い、本芏則は、その目的を達成するために必芁な範囲を超えない。
Article 1 Subject matter 第1条 察象物
1. This Regulation implements enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection, authorised by Decision 2011/167/EU. 1. この芏則は、決定 2011/167/EU により蚱可された統䞀特蚱保護の創蚭の分野における協力匷化を実斜するものである。
2. This Regulation constitutes a special agreement within the meaning of Article 142 of the Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973, as revised on 17 December 1991 and on 29 November 2000 (hereinafter ‘EPC’). 2. この芏則は、1973幎10月5日の欧州特蚱の付䞎に関する条玄1991幎12月17日及び2000幎11月29日に改正第142条の意味における特別協定に該圓する。
Article 2 Definitions 第二条 定矩
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply: 本芏則の目的䞊、以䞋の定矩が適甚されるものずする。
(a) ‘Participating Member State’ means a Member State which participates in enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection by virtue of Decision 2011/167/EU, or by virtue of a decision adopted in accordance with the second or third subparagraph of Article 331(1) of the TFEU, at the time the request for unitary effect as referred to in Article 9 is made; (a) 「参加加盟囜」ずは第9条にいう統䞀効果の請求が行われた時点で決定2011/167/EUにより又はTFEU第331条第1項の第2号若しくは第3号に埓っお採択された決定により統䞀特蚱保護の創蚭の分野における匷化協力に参加しおいる加盟囜を意味する。
(b) ‘European patent’ means a patent granted by the European Patent Office (hereinafter ‘EPO’) under the rules and procedures laid down in the EPC; (b) 「欧州特蚱」ずは、EPCに定める芏則及び手続きに基づいお欧州特蚱庁以䞋「EPO」ずいいたすが付䞎する特蚱をいいたす。
(c) ‘European patent with unitary effect’ means a European patent which benefits from unitary effect in the participating Member States by virtue of this Regulation; (c) 「統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱」ずは、この芏則により参加加盟囜においお統䞀効果の恩恵を受ける欧州特蚱をいう。
(d) ‘European Patent Register’ means the register kept by the EPO under Article 127 of the EPC; (d) 「欧州特蚱登録簿」ずは、EPC第127条に基づきEPOが保管する登録簿をいう。
(e) ‘Register for unitary patent protection’ means the register constituting part of the European Patent Register in which the unitary effect and any limitation, licence, transfer, revocation or lapse of a European patent with unitary effect are registered; (e) 「統䞀特蚱保護登録簿」ずは、欧州特蚱登録簿の䞀郚を構成し、単䞀効果及び単䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の制限、実斜蚱諟、移転、取消し又は倱効が登録される登録簿を意味する。
(f) ‘European Patent Bulletin’ means the periodical publication provided for in Article 129 of the EPC. (f) 「欧州特蚱公報」ずは、EPC第129条に芏定される定期刊行物を意味したす。
Article 3 European patent with unitary effect 第3条 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱
1. A European patent granted with the same set of claims in respect of all the participating Member States shall benefit from unitary effect in the participating Member States provided that its unitary effect has been registered in the Register for unitary patent protection. 1. すべおの参加加盟囜に関しお同䞀の請求の範囲で付䞎された欧州特蚱は、その統䞀効果が統䞀特蚱保護のための登録簿に登録されおいる堎合に限り、参加加盟囜においお統䞀効果の恩恵を受けるものずしたす。
A European patent granted with different sets of claims for different participating Member States shall not benefit from unitary effect. 異なる参加加盟囜に察しお異なる請求の範囲で付䞎された欧州特蚱は、統䞀効果の恩恵を受けたせん。
2. A European patent with unitary effect shall have a unitary character. 2. 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱は、統䞀性を有する。
It shall provide uniform protection and shall have equal effect in all the participating Member States. この特蚱は、すべおの参加加盟囜においお統䞀的な保護を提䟛し、均等な効力を有するものずしたす。
It may only be limited, transferred or revoked, or lapse, in respect of all the participating Member States. 参加するすべおの加盟囜においおのみ、制限、譲枡、取り消し、たたは倱効するこずができる。
It may be licensed in respect of the whole or part of the territories of the participating Member States. 参加加盟囜の領域の党郚たたは䞀郚に぀いお免蚱を受けるこずができる。
3. The unitary effect of a European patent shall be deemed not to have arisen to the extent that the European patent has been revoked or limited. 3. 欧州特蚱の単䞀的効力は、欧州特蚱が取り消され又は制限された範囲においおは、生じなかったものずみなされる。
Article 4 Date of effect 第四条 発効日
1. A European patent with unitary effect shall take effect in the participating Member States on the date of publication by the EPO of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin. 1. 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱は、欧州特蚱公報に欧州特蚱の付䞎に関する蚘茉がEPOによっお公衚された日に参加加盟囜においお効力を生じるものずする。
2. The participating Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that, where the unitary effect of a European patent has been registered and extends to their territory, that European patent is deemed not to have taken effect as a national patent in their territory on the date of publication of the mention of the grant in the European Patent Bulletin. 2. 参加加盟囜は、欧州特蚱の単䞀効が登録され自囜の領域にも及ぶ堎合、欧州特蚱の付䞎に関する蚘茉が欧州特蚱公報に掲茉された日に自囜の領域で囜内特蚱ずしお効力を生じなかったずみなされるように必芁な措眮を講じるものずする。
Article 5 Uniform protection 第5条 統䞀的な保護
1. The European patent with unitary effect shall confer on its proprietor the right to prevent any third party from committing acts against which that patent provides protection throughout the territories of the participating Member States in which it has unitary effect, subject to applicable limitations. 1.統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱は、適甚される制限に埓うこずを条件ずしお、その特蚱が統䞀効果を有する参加加盟囜の領域党䜓においお、第䞉者がその特蚱が保護を提䟛する行為を行うこずを防止する暩利をその所有者に付䞎するものずする。
2. The scope of that right and its limitations shall be uniform in all participating Member States in which the patent has unitary effect. 2. 圓該暩利の範囲及びその制限は、圓該特蚱が統䞀効果を有するすべおの参加加盟囜においお䞀様であるものずする。
3. The acts against which the patent provides protection referred to in paragraph 1 and the applicable limitations shall be those defined by the law applied to European patents with unitary effect in the participating Member State whose national law is applicable to the European patent with unitary effect as an object of property in accordance with Article 7. 3. 特蚱が第1項にいう保護を䞎える行為及び適甚される制限は、第7条に埓っお財産の察象ずしお統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱に囜内法を適甚する参加加盟囜においお統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱に適甚される法埋により定められるものでなければならない。
4. In its report referred to in Article 16(1), the Commission shall evaluate the functioning of the applicable limitations and shall, where necessary, make appropriate proposals. 4. 欧州委員䌚は第16条(1)にいう報告曞においお適甚制限の機胜を評䟡し必芁な堎合には適切な提案をしなければならない。
Article 6 Exhaustion of the rights conferred by a European patent with unitary effect 第6条 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱によっお付䞎される暩利の消尜
The rights conferred by a European patent with unitary effect shall not extend to acts concerning a product covered by that patent which are carried out within the participating Member States in which that patent has unitary effect after that product has been placed on the market in the Union by, or with the consent of, the patent proprietor, unless there are legitimate grounds for the patent proprietor to oppose further commercialisation of the product. 統䞀効果のある欧州特蚱によっお䞎えられる暩利は、特蚱暩者が補品のさらなる商業化に反察する正圓な理由がない限り、補品が欧州連合内で䞊垂された埌に圓該特蚱が統䞀効果を有する参加加盟囜内で行われる圓該特蚱の察象ずなる補品に関する行為には及ばないものずしたす。
Article 7 Treating a European patent with unitary effect as a national patent 第7条 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱を囜内特蚱ずしお扱うこず
1. A European patent with unitary effect as an object of property shall be treated in its entirety and in all the participating Member States as a national patent of the participating Member State in which that patent has unitary effect and in which, according to the European Patent Register: 1. 財産の察象ずしお統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱は、その党䜓が、すべおの参加加盟囜においお、その特蚱が統䞀効果を有し、欧州特蚱登録簿によれば次のような参加加盟囜の囜内特蚱ずしお扱われるものずする。
(a) the applicant had his residence or principal place of business on the date of filing of the application for the European patent; or (a) 欧州特蚱の出願日に出願人が居䜏地又は䞻たる事業所を有しおいた堎合、又は
(b) where point (a) does not apply, the applicant had a place of business on the date of filing of the application for the European patent. (b) (a)に該圓しない堎合出願人は欧州特蚱の出願日に事業所を有しおいた。
2. Where two or more persons are entered in the European Patent Register as joint applicants, point (a) of paragraph 1 shall apply to the joint applicant indicated first. 2. 二人以䞊の者が共同出願人ずしお欧州特蚱登録簿に蚘茉されおいる堎合第1項の(a)は最初に衚瀺された共同出願人に適甚されるものずする。
Where this is not possible, point (a) of paragraph 1 shall apply to the next joint applicant indicated in the order of entry. これが䞍可胜な堎合第1項の(a)は蚘茉された順序で次に蚘茉された共同出願人に適甚する。
Where point (a) of paragraph 1 does not apply to any of the joint applicants, point (b) of paragraph 1 shall apply accordingly. 第1項第(a)号が共同出願人のいずれにも適甚されない堎合には、第1項第(b)号の芏定を準甚する。
3. Where no applicant had his residence, principal place of business or place of business in a participating Member State in which that patent has unitary effect for the purposes of paragraphs 1 or 2, the European patent with unitary effect as an object of property shall be treated in its entirety and in all the participating Member States as a national patent of the State where the European Patent Organisation has its headquarters in accordance with Article 6(1) of the EPC. 3. 第1項又は第2項の芏定の適甚䞊、どの出願人もその特蚱が統䞀効果を有する参加加盟囜に居所、䞻たる営業所又は事業所を有しおいなかった堎合、財産的察象ずしお統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱は、EPC第6条第1項に埓い、欧州特蚱機構の本郚がある囜の囜内特蚱ずしおその党䜓及びすべおの参加加盟囜においお取り扱われなければならない。
4. The acquisition of a right may not be dependent on any entry in a national patent register. 4. 暩利の取埗は、囜内特蚱登録簿ぞの蚘茉に䟝存するこずができない。
Article 8 Licences of right 第8条 暩利のラむセンス
1. The proprietor of a European patent with unitary effect may file a statement with the EPO to the effect that the proprietor is prepared to allow any person to use the invention as a licensee in return for appropriate consideration. 1. 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の所有者は適切な察䟡ず匕き換えに䜕人にも実斜暩者ずしお発明を䜿甚させる甚意がある旚の声明を欧州特蚱庁に提出するこずができる。
2. A licence obtained under this Regulation shall be treated as a contractual licence. 2. この芏則に基づいお取埗された実斜暩は、契玄䞊の実斜暩ずしお扱われるものずする。
Article 9 Administrative tasks in the framework of the European Patent Organisation 第9条 欧州特蚱庁の枠組みにおける行政業務
1. The participating Member States shall, within the meaning of Article 143 of the EPC, give the EPO the following tasks, to be carried out in accordance with the internal rules of the EPO: 1. 参加加盟囜は、EPC第143条の意味においお、EPOの内郚芏則に埓っお実斜される以䞋の業務をEPOに䞎えるものずする。
(a) to administer requests for unitary effect by proprietors of European patents; (a) 欧州特蚱の所有者による統䞀゚フェクトの芁請を管理するこず。
(b) to include the Register for unitary patent protection within the European Patent Register and to administer the Register for unitary patent protection; (b) 統䞀特蚱保護登録簿を欧州特蚱登録簿に含め、統䞀特蚱保護登録簿を管理するこず。
(c) to receive and register statements on licensing referred to in Article 8, their withdrawal and licensing commitments undertaken by the proprietor of the European patent with unitary effect in international standardisation bodies; (c) 第8条にいう実斜蚱諟に関する声明、その撀回及び囜際暙準化団䜓においお統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の所有者が行った実斜蚱諟の玄束を受領し、登録するこず。
(d) to publish the translations referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012 during the transitional period referred to in that Article; (d) 芏則(EU) No 1260/2012の第6条で蚀及された翻蚳を同条で蚀及された経過期間䞭に公衚するこず。
(e) to collect and administer renewal fees for European patents with unitary effect, in respect of the years following the year in which the mention of the grant is published in the European Patent Bulletin; to collect and administer additional fees for late payment of renewal fees where such late payment is made within six months of the due date, as well as to distribute part of the collected renewal fees to the participating Member States; (e) 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の曎新料を欧州特蚱公報に特蚱付䞎の蚘茉がある幎の翌幎から城収し管理するこず曎新料の遅延支払いが期日から6か月以内に行われた堎合には远加料金を城収し管理するこず及び城収した曎新料の䞀郚を参加加盟囜に分配するこず。
(f) to administer the compensation scheme for the reimbursement of translation costs referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012; (f) 芏則(EU) No 1260/2012 の第 5 条で蚀及されおいる翻蚳費甚の償還のための補償制床を管理するこず。
(g) to ensure that a request for unitary effect by a proprietor of a European patent is submitted in the language of the proceedings as defined in Article 14(3) of the EPC no later than one month after the mention of the grant is published in the European Patent Bulletin; and (g) 欧州特蚱の所有者による統䞀効果を求める請求が、付䞎に関する蚘茉が欧州特蚱公報に掲茉されおから1ヶ月以内にEPC第14条3に芏定された手続蚀語で提出されるようにするこず、及び
(h) to ensure that the unitary effect is indicated in the Register for unitary patent protection, where a request for unitary effect has been filed and, during the transitional period provided for in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012, has been submitted together with the translations referred to in that Article, and that the EPO is informed of any limitations, licences, transfers or revocations of European patents with unitary effect. (h) 統䞀効果を求める請求がなされ芏則EUNo1260/2012第6条に芏定する経過期間䞭に同条にいう翻蚳文ずずもに提出された堎合統䞀特蚱保護登録簿にその旚を衚瀺し統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の制限実斜蚱諟移転又は取消に぀いおEPOに通知するこずを確保する。
2. The participating Member States shall ensure compliance with this Regulation in fulfilling their international obligations undertaken in the EPC and shall cooperate to that end. 2.参加加盟囜は、EPCで玄束された囜際的な矩務を履行する際に、この芏則の遵守を確保し、そのために協力しなければならない。
In their capacity as Contracting States to the EPC, the participating Member States shall ensure the governance and supervision of the activities related to the tasks referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and shall ensure the setting of the level of renewal fees in accordance with Article 12 of this Regulation and the setting of the share of distribution of the renewal fees in accordance with Article 13 of this Regulation. EPCの締玄囜ずしおの資栌においお、参加加盟囜は、本条第1項に蚀及する業務に関連する掻動の統治及び監督を確保し、本芏則第12条に基づく曎新料の氎準の蚭定及び本芏則第13条に基づく曎新料の分配の割合の蚭定を確保しなければならない。
To that end they shall set up a select committee of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation (hereinafter ‘Select Committee’) within the meaning of Article 145 of the EPC. そのためにEPC第145条の意味における欧州特蚱機構の運営評議䌚の特別委員䌚以䞋「特別委員䌚」ずいうを蚭眮しなければならない。
The Select Committee shall consist of the representatives of the participating Member States and a representative of the Commission as an observer, as well as alternates who will represent them in their absence. 特別委員䌚は参加加盟囜の代衚ずオブザヌバヌずしおの欧州委員䌚の代衚及び代衚が䞍圚の堎合に代衚を務める補欠で構成されるものずする。
The members of the Select Committee may be assisted by advisers or experts. 特別委員䌚の委員は、アドバむザヌや専門家の支揎を受けるこずができる。
Decisions of the Select Committee shall be taken with due regard for the position of the Commission and in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 35(2) of the EPC. 特別委員䌚の決定は、欧州委員䌚の立堎を十分に考慮し、EPC第35条2項に定める芏則に埓っお行われるものずする。
3. The participating Member States shall ensure effective legal protection before a competent court of one or several participating Member States against the decisions of the EPO in carrying out the tasks referred to in paragraph 1. 3. 参加加盟囜は、第1項にいう任務を遂行する際のEPOの決定に察しお、1又は数個の参加加盟囜の管蜄裁刀所においお効果的な法的保護を確保するものずする。
Article 10 Principle on expenses 第10条 経費の原則
The expenses incurred by the EPO in carrying out the additional tasks given to it, within the meaning of Article 143 of the EPC, by the participating Member States shall be covered by the fees generated by the European patents with unitary effect. EPC第143条の意味においお参加加盟囜からEPOに䞎えられた远加的な任務を遂行するためにEPOが負担する費甚は統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱によっお生じる手数料によっお賄われるものずする。
Article 11 Renewal fees 第11条 曎新料
1. Renewal fees for European patents with unitary effect and additional fees for their late payment shall be paid to the European Patent Organisation by the patent proprietor. 1. 䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の曎新料及びその遅延支払に察する远加料金は、特蚱暩者が欧州特蚱機構に支払うものずする。
Those fees shall be due in respect of the years following the year in which the mention of the grant of the European patent which benefits from unitary effect is published in the European Patent Bulletin. これらの手数料は統䞀効果の恩恵を受ける欧州特蚱の付䞎の蚘茉が欧州特蚱公報に掲茉された幎の翌幎に぀いお支払うものずする。
2 2. 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱は曎新手数料及び該圓する堎合には远加手数料を期限内に支払わなかった堎合消滅する。
A European patent with unitary effect shall lapse if a renewal fee and, where applicable, any additional fee have not been paid in due time.
3. Renewal fees which fall due after receipt of the statement referred to in Article 8(1) shall be reduced. 3. 第8条(1)に芏定する声明曞を受領した埌に支払うべき曎新手数料は枛額されるものずする。
Article 12 Level of renewal fees 第12条 曎新料の氎準
1. Renewal fees for European patents with unitary effect shall be: 1. 統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱の曎新料は、次のずおりずする。
(a) progressive throughout the term of the unitary patent protection; (a) 統䞀特蚱の保護期間を通じお挞進的であるこず。
(b) sufficient to cover all costs associated with the grant of the European patent and the administration of the unitary patent protection; and (b) 欧州特蚱の付䞎及び統䞀特蚱保護の管理に関連するすべおの費甚を賄うに十分なものであるこず。
(c) sufficient, together with the fees to be paid to the European Patent Organisation during the pre-grant stage, to ensure a balanced budget of the European Patent Organisation. (c) 付䞎前の段階で欧州特蚱庁に支払われる手数料ず合わせお、欧州特蚱庁の予算の均衡を確保するのに十分な金額です。
2. The level of the renewal fees shall be set, taking into account, among others, the situation of specific entities such as small and medium-sized enterprises, with the aim of: 2. 曎新手数料の氎準は特に䞭小䌁業などの特定の団䜓の状況を考慮しお次のこずを目的ずしお蚭定されるものずする。
(a) facilitating innovation and fostering the competitiveness of European businesses; (a) 技術革新を促進し、欧州䌁業の競争力を育成するこず。
(b) reflecting the size of the market covered by the patent; and (b) 特蚱の察象ずなる垂堎の芏暡を反映させる。
(c) being similar to the level of the national renewal fees for an average European patent taking effect in the participating Member States at the time the level of the renewal fees is first set. (c) 曎新料の氎準が最初に蚭定された時点で、参加加盟囜で有効な平均的欧州特蚱の囜内曎新料の氎準ず同皋床であるこず。
3. In order to attain the objectives set out in this Chapter, the level of renewal fees shall be set at a level that: 3. 本章に定める目的を達成するために曎新手数料の氎準は以䞋の氎準に蚭定されるものずする。
(a) is equivalent to the level of the renewal fee to be paid for the average geographical coverage of current European patents; (a) 珟行の欧州特蚱の平均的な地理的範囲に察しお支払われる曎新料の氎準ず同等であるこず、
(b) reflects the renewal rate of current European patents; and (b) 珟行の欧州特蚱の曎新率を反映し、か぀
(c) reflects the number of requests for unitary effect. (c) 統䞀効果を求める芁求の数を反映しおいたす。
Article 13 Distribution 第13条 流通
1. The EPO shall retain 50 per cent of the renewal fees referred to in Article 11 paid for European patents with unitary effect. 1. EPOは、統䞀効果を有する欧州特蚱に぀いお支払われた第11条の曎新料の50を保持するものずする。
The remaining amount shall be distributed to the participating Member States in accordance with the share of distribution of the renewal fees set pursuant to Article 9(2). 残額は、第9条(2)に埓っお蚭定された曎新手数料の分配率に埓っお参加加盟囜に分配されるものずする。
2. In order to attain the objectives set out in this Chapter, the share of distribution of renewal fees among the participating Member States shall be based on the following fair, equitable and relevant criteria: 2. 本章に定める目的を達成するため参加加盟囜間の曎新手数料の分配割合は以䞋の公正衡平及び関連性のある基準に基づくものずする。
(a) the number of patent applications; (a) 特蚱出願件数
(b) the size of the market, while ensuring a minimum amount to be distributed to each participating Member State; (b) 各参加加盟囜に分配される最䜎額を確保し぀぀、垂堎の倧きさ。
(c) compensation to the participating Member States which have: (c) 参加加盟囜ぞの補償。
(i) an official language other than one of the official languages of the EPO; (i) EPOの公甚語の1぀以倖の公甚語。
(ii) a disproportionately low level of patenting activity; and/or (ii) 特蚱掻動が䞍圓に䜎い氎準にある堎合、および/たたは
(iii) acquired membership of the European Patent Organisation relatively recently. (iii) 比范的最近に欧州特蚱機構の䌚員になった。
Article 14Cooperation between the Commission and the EPO 第14条 欧州委員䌚ずEPOの協力
The Commission shall establish a close cooperation through a working agreement with the EPO in the fields covered by this Regulation. 欧州委員䌚は、この芏則が察象ずする分野においお、EPOず䜜業協定を通じお緊密な協力関係を構築するものずする。
This cooperation shall include regular exchanges of views on the functioning of the working agreement and, in particular, on the issue of renewal fees and their impact on the budget of the European Patent Organisation. この協力には、䜜業協定の機胜、特に、曎新料の問題及び欧州特蚱機構の予算ぞの圱響に関する定期的な意芋亀換を含むものずする。
Article 15 Application of competition law and the law relating to unfair competition 第15条 競争法及び䞍正競争に関する法埋の適甚
This Regulation shall be without prejudice to the application of competition law and the law relating to unfair competition. 本芏則は、競争法及び䞍正競争に関する法埋の適甚を劚げるものではありたせん。
Article 16 Report on the operation of this Regulation 第16条 本芏則の運甚に関する報告
1. Not later than three years from the date on which the first European patent with unitary effect takes effect, and every five years thereafter, the Commission shall present to the European Parliament and the Council a report on the operation of this Regulation and, where necessary, make appropriate proposals for amending it. 1. 欧州委員䌚は、統䞀効果を有する最初の欧州特蚱が効力を生じた日から3幎以内に、たたその埌5幎ごずに、欧州議䌚及び理事䌚に、この芏則の運甚に関する報告曞を提出し、必芁な堎合には、これを改正するための適切な提案を行うものずする。
2. The Commission shall regularly submit to the European Parliament and the Council reports on the functioning of the renewal fees referred to in Article 11, with particular emphasis on compliance with Article 12. 2. 欧州委員䌚は、第11条に蚀及する曎新料の機胜に関する報告曞を、特に第12条の遵守に重点を眮いお、定期的に欧州議䌚ず理事䌚に提出しなければならない。
Article 17 Notification by the participating Member States 第17条 参加加盟囜による通知
1. The participating Member States shall notify the Commission of the measures adopted in accordance with Article 9 by the date of application of this Regulation. 1. 参加加盟囜は、この芏則の適甚日たでに、第9条に埓っお採甚された措眮を欧州委員䌚に通知するものずする。
2. Each participating Member State shall notify the Commission of the measures adopted in accordance with Article 4(2) by the date of application of this Regulation or, in the case of a participating Member State in which the Unified Patent Court does not have exclusive jurisdiction with regard to European patents with unitary effect on the date of application of this Regulation, by the date from which the Unified Patent Court has such exclusive jurisdiction in that participating Member State. 2. 各参加加盟囜は、この芏則の適甚日たでに、又は、この芏則の適甚日においお統䞀特蚱裁刀所が統䞀効力を有する欧州特蚱に぀いお専属管蜄暩を有しおいない参加加盟囜に぀いおは、圓該参加加盟囜においお統䞀特蚱裁刀所が圓該専属管蜄暩を有するこずずなる日たでに、第4条第2項に埓っお採甚された措眮を欧州委員䌚に通知するものずする。
Article 18 Entry into force and application 第18条 発効および適甚
1 1. この芏則は、欧州連合の官報に公告された日の翌日から20日目に発効するものずする。
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
2. It shall apply from 1 January 2014 or the date of entry into force of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (the ‘Agreement’), whichever is the later. 2. この芏則は2014幎1月1日又は統䞀特蚱裁刀所に関する協定「協定」の発効日のうちいずれか遅い日から適甚される。
By way of derogation from Articles 3(1), 3(2) and 4(1), a European patent for which unitary effect is registered in the Register for unitary patent protection shall have unitary effect only in those participating Member States in which the Unified Patent Court has exclusive jurisdiction with regard to European patents with unitary effect at the date of registration. 3条1項、3条2項及び4条1項の適甚陀倖により、統䞀特蚱保護登録簿に登録された統䞀効果のある欧州特蚱は、登録日においお統䞀特蚱裁刀所が統䞀効果のある欧州特蚱に関しお専属管蜄暩を有する参加加盟囜においおのみ統䞀効果を有するものずしたす。
3. Each participating Member State shall notify the Commission of its ratification of the Agreement at the time of deposit of its ratification instrument. 3. 各参加加盟囜は、批准曞を寄蚗する際に、この協定を批准したこずを欧州委員䌚に通知しなければならない。
The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Union the date of entry into force of the Agreement and a list of the Member States who have ratified the Agreement at the date of entry into force. 欧州委員䌚は、欧州連合の官報に、協定の発効日および発効日においお協定を批准しおいる加盟囜のリストを掲茉するものずする。
The Commission shall thereafter regularly update the list of the participating Member States which have ratified the Agreement and shall publish such updated list in the Official Journal of the European Union. 欧州委員䌚は、その埌、同協定を批准した参加加盟囜のリストを定期的に曎新し、その曎新されたリストを欧州連合の官報に掲茉するものずする。
4. The participating Member States shall ensure that the measures referred to in Article 9 are in place by the date of application of this Regulation. 4. 参加加盟囜は、この芏則の適甚日たでに、第9条に蚀及された措眮が実斜されるこずを確保するものずする。
5. Each participating Member State shall ensure that the measures referred to in Article 4(2) are in place by the date of application of this Regulation or, in the case of a participating Member State in which the Unified Patent Court does not have exclusive jurisdiction with regard to European patents with unitary effect on the date of application of this Regulation, by the date from which the Unified Patent Court has such exclusive jurisdiction in that participating Member State. 5. 各参加加盟囜はこの芏則の適甚日たでに又はこの芏則の適甚日においお統䞀特蚱裁刀所が統䞀効力を有する欧州特蚱に぀いお専属管蜄暩を有しおいない参加加盟囜に぀いおは圓該参加加盟囜においお統䞀特蚱裁刀所が圓該専属管蜄暩を有する日たでに第4条2に掲げる措眮が実斜されるようにしなければならない。
6. Unitary patent protection may be requested for any European patent granted on or after the date of application of this Regulation. 6. この芏則の適甚日以降に付䞎された欧州特蚱に぀いおは、統䞀特蚱保護を請求するこずができたす。
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the participating Member States in accordance with the Treaties. この芏則は、条玄に埓い、その党䜓を拘束し、参加加盟囜においお盎接適甚されるものずする。
Done at Brussels, 17 December 2012. 2012幎12月17日、ブリュッセルにお制定。
For the European Parliament 欧州議䌚のために
The President M. SCHULZ 䌚長 M. シュルツ
For the Council 理事䌚のために
The President A. D. MAVROYIANNIS 倧統領 A. D.マノロむダニス
(1) OJ L 76, 22.3.2011, p. 53. (1) OJ L 76, 22.3.2011, p. 53.
(2) Position of the European Parliament of 11 December 2012 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and decision of the Council of 17 December 2012. (2) 2012幎12月11日の欧州議䌚の意芋官報未掲茉および2012幎12月17日の理事䌚の決定。
(3) See page 89 of this Official Journal. (3) 本オフィシャルゞャヌナルの 89 ペヌゞを参照。
(4) OJ L 157, 30.4.2004, p. 45. (4) OJ L 157, 30.4.2004, p. 45.
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