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Created June 26, 2020 12:36
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A js file for Tampermonkey that adds raw text for easier copying into any app as a plain text for Yandex TV and TV programmes . This project is a script for Yandex and TV websites.

How to contribute

Clone this project on GitHub and start your changes. If you want to use the script from source code, then create new script in Tampermonkey extension and put source code in opened window.

How to use this script?

You need Tampermonkey extension installed on your browser to use this style.

You can install the script from Greasyfork.

P. S. Author is not affiliated in any kind of mentioned organizations.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Raw text copier for TV programmes
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description This is a script for Yandex TV and TV programmes that adds raw text for easier copying into any app as a plain text
// @author Kenya-West
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
setInterval(function () {
}, 500)
function main() {
let textarea;
document.querySelector("#textarea__rawtext") ? textarea = document.querySelector("#textarea__rawtext") : textarea = createTextarea();
textarea ? textarea.value = getInfo() : null;
function createTextarea() {
const textarea = document.createElement("textarea"); = "textarea__rawtext";
textarea.classList = ["cols__column cols__column_small_14"]; = 300;
const parent = document.querySelector(".cols__column_sidebar > .cols__inner");
const ad = document.querySelector(".cols__column_sidebar > .cols__inner > .sticky-springs");
if (ad && parent) document.querySelector(".cols__column_sidebar > .cols__inner").insertBefore(textarea, ad);
return textarea;
function getInfo() {
let rawText = "";
document.querySelectorAll(".p-channels__items > .p-channels__item").forEach((element) => {
rawText = rawText + element.querySelector(".p-channels__item__info .p-channels__item__info__title__link").innerText.replace(/LIVE$/gi, "") + "\n\n";
element.querySelectorAll(".p-programms__items > .p-programms__item").forEach((item) => {
let info = "";
info = item.querySelector(".p-programms__item__time__value").innerText;
info = info + " " + item.querySelector(".p-programms__item__name__link").innerText;
rawText = rawText + info + "\n";
rawText = rawText + "\n\n";
return rawText;
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