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Last active July 9, 2021 18:22
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Bitbucket PR commits navigation
// ==UserScript==
// @name Bitbucket PR commits navigation
// @namespace
// @source
// @version 0.1
// @description Bitbucket PR commits navigation
// @author Benoit Verret
// @match*/repos/*/pull-requests/*/diff
// @match*/repos/*/pull-requests/*/commits/*
// @icon
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @require
// @connect
// ==/UserScript==
/* global $ */
// FIXME: Lorsqu'on change de commit via le menu déroulant, les boutons ne sont pas actualisé car la page n'est pas rechargé
// Possible fix:
const currentURL = new URL(window.location.href)
const commitsRequestURL = `https://${}/rest/api/1.0${currentURL.pathname.match(/(?<base>.*pull-requests\/\d{1,4}).*/).groups.base}/commits?limit=100`;
const commitsBaseURL = `${currentURL.pathname.match(/(?<base>.*pull-requests\/\d{1,4}).*/).groups.base}/commits/`;
fetch (commitsRequestURL)
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(error => console.error(error));
function getFirstCommitsURL(currentCommit, commits) {
return currentCommit == commits[commits.length-1].id ? false : `${commitsBaseURL}${commits[commits.length-1].id}`;
function getLastCommitsURL(currentCommit, commits) {
return currentCommit == commits[0].id ? false : `${commitsBaseURL}${commits[0].id}`;
function getPreviousCommitsURL(currentCommit, commits) {
const result =, index) => {
if ( === currentCommit && index+1 < commits.length) {
return `${commitsBaseURL}${commits[index+1].id}`;
const filteredResult = result.filter(url => !!url)
return !!filteredResult.length ? filteredResult[0] : false;
function getNextCommitsURL(currentCommit, commits) {
const result =, index) => {
if ( === currentCommit && index > 0) {
return `${commitsBaseURL}${commits[index-1].id}`;
const filteredResult = result.filter(url => !!url)
return !!filteredResult.length ? filteredResult[0] : false;
function getCurrentCommit(locationURL) {
if (!!locationURL.includes("/commits/")) {
return locationURL.match(/.*\/commits\/(?<ref>[a-f0-9]*).*/).groups.ref;
return false;
function buildButton(url, name, title) {
if (!!url) {
return `
<button class="aui-button commit-button" title="${title}" onclick="window.location='${url}';">
return `
<button class="aui-button commit-button" title="${title}" disabled>
function buildCommitsNavigationBlock(firstCommitBtn, previousCommitBtn, nextCommitBtn, lastCommitBtn) {
return $( `
<div class="aui-toolbar2 commit-navigation-toolbar">
` );
function processJSON_Response(response) {
// Get PR commits from response and current commit if in commit view
const commits = response.values;
const currentCommit = getCurrentCommit(window.location.href);
// Get commits URL for navigation
const lastCommitURL = getLastCommitsURL(currentCommit, commits);
const firstCommitURL = getFirstCommitsURL(currentCommit, commits);
const nextCommitURL = !!currentCommit ? getNextCommitsURL(currentCommit, commits) : false;
const previousCommitURL = !!currentCommit ? getPreviousCommitsURL(currentCommit, commits) : false;
// Generate Button HTML block
const firstCommitBtn = buildButton(firstCommitURL, "First", "Go to the first commit");
const previousCommitBtn = buildButton(previousCommitURL, "Previous", "Got to the previous commit");
const nextCommitBtn = buildButton(nextCommitURL, "Next", "Go to the next commit");
const lastCommitBtn = buildButton(lastCommitURL, "Last", "Go to the last commit");
// Generate Navigation block
const commitsNavigationBlock = buildCommitsNavigationBlock(firstCommitBtn, previousCommitBtn, nextCommitBtn, lastCommitBtn);
// Get injection target and inject Navigation block
const targetInjection = $("div[class='file-tree-container'] > button[class*='commit-selector-button']");
if (!targetInjection.length) {
throw "Bitbucket PR Commit Navigation script => Target node not found.";
// Inject Custom Style
GM_addStyle ( `
.commit-navigation-toolbar {
display: inline-flex;
padding-right: 20px;
width: 100%
.commit-button {
flex: 1;
` );
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