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Created June 12, 2023 23:23
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llama-65b story generation attempt

tags: fairy tale, animals, dog, wolf, fox, death, humor, dark storyline, violence, loss

Animals in a forest setting investigate a series of gruesome murders that recently occured. Written in the style of classics like Animal Farm and Watership Down, the writing is vivid and very descriptive. The dialog is thoughtful and often quite witty. It's clear the author really understands animal behavior and has done their research well!


Chapter 1: An Unfortunate Discovery

A fox by species, a detective by trade, you'll only have reason to know my name if the worst has come to pass. It's nearly winter and a bitter wind drives stinging sleet into my face, but it's still not as chilling as the scene I find myself investigating. My paws sink deep into a soft bed of fallen leaves, the scent of decay thick on this cold air. Overhead, bare branches huddle against one another for warmth under a heavy sky. A circle of trees surrounds me; old friends who hold whispered conversations among themselves when mortal ears aren't listening. Though they are silent now, there's no doubt that this quiet grove has witnessed its share of tragedies over the years. But none could compare to what lies at my feet.

The corpse appears to be a male red-tailed hawk, about three seasons of age. His body was found here by a young raccoon named Rustle, who had been sent out from Fox Hollow Village to collect firewood with his brother Digger. Unfortunately, these poor boys were too late to save him. There's little question he died violently - his feathers are ruffled and dishevelled, his talons clenched tightly around nothingness...and most disturbingly, his eyes are wide open and frozen mid-squawk. He looks surprised more than anything else.

I kneel down beside the body and examine it closely. "What do you make of all this?" I ask my companion, Detective Inspector Owl. She hovers above us both, her great wings spread wide enough to block out the sunlight filtering through the canopy roof overhead. Her golden eyes narrow behind round spectacles perched upon an elegant hooked nose. "It would seem we have our work cut out for us," she says gravely.

Owls are known for being wise creatures, so naturally they tend towards careers involving investigation or scholarship. This particular owl is also rather large compared to others of her kind, which makes her intimidating presence all the more imposing. Whenever she enters a room, every head turns to look upwards. Even mine does sometimes.

She continues, "There doesn't appear to be any sign of struggle."

"No blood either," I add. "Which means he likely didn't die where we found him."

Inspector Owl nods. "That would explain why there isn't much wildlife activity nearby. They must sense something amiss."

"Or maybe word got back to them already..." I trail off, thinking aloud.

"Hmmm...." She frowns. "You may be right. In fact, I think I hear someone approaching even now!"

Sure enough, the sound of rustling leaves grows louder until two figures emerge from between the tree trunks. One is a tall grey wolf with piercing yellow eyes and a scarred muzzle. The other is a small brown mouse dressed in a smart blue uniform jacket. Both stop short when they see us standing over the dead bird.

"Good afternoon, Chief Wolf," I say politely. "And Sergeant Mouse, good day to you."

Wolf gives me a curt nod while Mouse bows respectfully. "Detectives," replies Wolf. "We heard reports of some trouble in the woods? Is everything alright?"

"Not exactly," answers Owl. "But perhaps you should take a closer look before jumping to conclusions."

They step forward cautiously, then freeze when they spot the body. Their reactions couldn't be more different though. While Wolf growls low in his throat, barring his teeth menacingly, Mouse lets out a high pitched squeak and covers his eyes with trembling paws.

"Is that a dead hawk?" asks Mouse.

"Indeed it is," confirms Owl. "Do you recognize him?"

Mouse shakes his head vigourously. "Nope! Never seen 'em before in my life!"

"Then how did you happen across him?" I press.

He swallows hard. "Well sir, er, ma'am, and my partner were just out gatherin' wood fer the village bonfire tonight, y'see? And we came across this here clearin', and saw somethin' lyin' on th' ground. So we went t'investigate, and that's when we spotted your friend here."

"Your partner?" repeats Owl. "Where is he now?"

"Oh, he ran home t'fetch help straight away," explains Mouse. "Said he wasn't feelin' too hot after seein' such a grisly sight."

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