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Last active August 8, 2023 06:32
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LLM story generations

(This was actually the first generation with the prompt.)

Parameters (llama.cpp):

--ignore-eos --temp .7 --mirostat 1 --mirostat-ent 4 --mirostat-lr 0.2 --repeat-last-n 1600 --repeat-penalty 1.2

The model is guanaco-65B.ggmlv3.q4_K_M.bin, for this generation --seed 1686254786

The bold part is my prompt. Everything else was written by the LLM.

tags: fairy tale, animals, dog, wolf, fox, death, humor, dark storyline, violence, loss

Animals in a forest setting investigate a series of gruesome murders that recently occured. Written in the style of classics like Animal Farm and Watership Down, the writing is vivid and very descriptive. The dialog is thoughtful and often quite witty. It's clear the author really understands animal behavior and has done their research well!


Chapter 1: An Unfortunate Discovery

A fox by species, a detective by trade, you'll only have reason to know my name if the worst has come to pass. It's nearly winter and a bitter wind drives stinging sleet into my face, but it's still not as chilling as the scene before me or what I must relay when I return home. My mind races with questions as I survey this brutal crime scene; who could do such a thing? Why was no one there to stop them? And how many more victims lie undiscovered further out in these woods? A lone paw print leads away from where a rabbit family once happily resided, now reduced to bloody scraps scattered among splintered twigs and torn fur. This isn't just some random predator attack, something far more sinister is at play here...

I turn back toward town, determined to find answers. As I trudge through the snow, each step feels heavier than the last. How will I break the news to those closest to them? What words can possibly bring comfort after so much senseless suffering? I shake my head, trying to focus on the task at hand. There are others depending on me right now, they need someone strong and steady to guide them through this darkness. I won't let them down.

The first person I see upon entering town is old man Badger, his white whiskers blown about by the gusting wind. He looks up at me expectantly, "Well Fox, did you find anything?" His voice quavers slightly, betraying his concern for the missing families.

"I'm afraid I have bad news," I say somberly, "there were signs of a struggle near the burrow entrance, but no survivors."

Badger sighs heavily, "Dear me, this is worse than we feared. We must alert the council immediately!"

We hurry over to the meeting hall, a large hollow tree that serves as our central gathering place. Inside, several other animals are already waiting anxiously for word of their loved ones. They look up hopefully as we enter, then quickly realize the grim tidings we bear. A collective groan fills the room, followed by muffled sobs and whispered prayers.

Mayor Bear calls for order, her deep voice cutting through the din. She motions for us to join her at the front of the room, "Please tell us everything you saw, Fox. Every detail may be important."

I take a moment to compose myself, then begin recounting the events leading up to this tragedy. Mayor Bear listens intently, occasionally asking clarifying questions or requesting additional information. When I finish, she thanks me for my efforts and turns to address the crowd.

"Friends, this is indeed a terrible day for all of us. But we cannot afford to give in to despair. These acts of violence will not go unpunished. I am declaring a state of emergency effective immediately. All travel outside of town borders is restricted until further notice. Any strangers seen approaching should be reported to the guard patrols without delay. Additionally, we will be increasing security measures within the village itself. From now on, curfew begins an hour earlier and all doors must remain locked after sundown. Anyone found violating these new rules will be subject to arrest and investigation."

There are murmurs of agreement throughout the room, though some faces show doubt and worry. One timid looking mouse speaks up, "Excuse me Madame Mayor, but what if the perpetrator is already inside the village? Locking doors won't help if they're already here amongst us."

Mayor Bear nods solemnly, "That is certainly a possibility we must consider. However, given the current situation, it's best to err on the side of caution. For now, we ask everyone to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the guards. Together we can keep our community safe."

With that, the meeting comes to a close. Animals disperse to share the sad news with their families while the mayor and I discuss next steps. She tasks me with organizing a search party to scour the surrounding area for clues, promising to provide whatever resources we need to get the job done. Before long, a group of volunteers assembles, eager to help however they can. We divide into teams and set off in different directions, determined to find answers and bring justice to those responsible.

As dusk falls, we regroup to compare notes and plan our next moves. So far, we've found nothing significant beyond the initial crime scene. No tracks, no witnesses, no sign of a struggle anywhere else. Whoever did this either moved swiftly or had help covering their trail. Either way, it's clear they knew what they were doing. Our frustration grows as night falls, but we refuse to give up hope. Tomorrow we'll try again, doubling our efforts and expanding our searches. Somewhere out there lies the truth, we just have to dig deep enough to find it.

Days turn to weeks, and still no solid leads. Rumors spread through town like wildfire, fueling fear and speculation. Some claim a rogue pack of wolves is behind the attacks, seeking revenge for past wrongdoings. Others point fingers at a nearby settlement of ferrets, known for their unsavory dealings and loose morals. Still others insist it's simply a case of nature taking its course, dismissing concerns about foul play altogether. Regardless of the source, tensions rise as tempers flare. Something needs to be done before things spiral out of control.

In desperate times, people seek solace wherever they can find it. Religious services become popular again, with animals of all faiths coming together to pray for guidance and protection. Candlelit vigils are held in memory of the deceased, offering a chance to grieve openly and connect with others affected by the tragedies. Even small kindnesses carry greater weight now, serving as reminders that goodness still exists despite the horrors around us.

Parameters (llama.cpp):

--ignore-eos --temp .7 --mirostat 1 --mirostat-ent 4 --mirostat-lr 0.2 --repeat-last-n 1600 --repeat-penalty 1.2

The model is guanaco-65B.ggmlv3.q4_K_M.bin, for this generation --seed 1686257122

The bold part is my prompt. Everything else was written by the LLM.

tags: fairy tale, animals, dog, wolf, fox, death, humor, dark storyline, violence, loss

Animals in a forest setting investigate a series of gruesome murders that recently occured. Written in the style of classics like Animal Farm and Watership Down, the writing is vivid and very descriptive. The dialog is thoughtful and often quite witty. It's clear the author really understands animal behavior and has done their research well!


Chapter 1: An Unfortunate Discovery

A fox by species, a detective by trade, you'll only have reason to know my name if the worst has come to pass. It's nearly winter and a bitter wind drives stinging sleet into my face, but it's still not as chilling as the scene before me. A few days ago someone had asked after a wayward canine companion - they were worried sick over her disappearance. I told them not to worry since she might turn up any day now, here or there. They thanked me for such kind words and went on with their business, which was good because my words weren't kind at all; just a professional lie. Now we both stood looking down at what remained of their beloved pet, torn apart and scattered across the ground.

The owner sobbed quietly while I took notes. "I don't understand," he said between gasps. "She never left without telling us." He looked up at me with tear filled eyes. "What could do something like this?" "That's why I'm here," I replied. "To find out who did this and make sure they pay." He nodded grimly then turned away from the carnage. "Thank you," he whispered. Then he walked off leaving me alone with his dead friend.

It wasn't long until another body showed up, this time a rabbit. And again, no sign of struggle or tracks leading away. Just more blood and gore strewn about haphazardly. This one was found near an old oak tree where some kids liked to play. When word got around town people started getting scared. Parents kept their children close and everyone double checked locks before going to bed. But fear does little to stop whatever evil lurks in the night. Soon enough another corpse appeared, this time a raccoon. By now panic had set in and folks demanded answers. That's when they called me back in.

I spent several days investigating each crime scene carefully. There were no signs of struggle anywhere, nor any footprints leading away. Whoever (or whatever) was doing this knew how to cover their tracks. I interviewed witnesses and searched through records, but nothing seemed to add up. Until finally I came across a clue that changed everything...

Chapter 2: A Breakthrough

While reviewing reports from previous cases I noticed a pattern emerging. Each victim had been killed during a full moon, always within a mile radius of the same spot. Further investigation revealed that spot to be none other than Grandma Wolf's house. She lived deep in the woods, far from civilization, and rarely interacted with others. Some even claimed she practiced black magic, though I dismissed those rumors as nonsense. Still, given the circumstances I decided to pay her a visit.

As I approached her home I couldn't help but notice how run-down it looked. The roof sagged under its own weight and many of the windows were boarded shut. Weeds grew tall around the porch and the front door creaked loudly as I pushed it open. Inside it was dim and musty smelling, with cobwebs hanging everywhere. In the center of the room sat a rocking chair facing a roaring fireplace. As I stepped inside a voice spoke from behind me.

"Welcome stranger," it said. "You've come seeking knowledge I presume? Well, you're in luck. For I am the keeper of secrets and know many things. What is it you wish to learn?"

I spun around to see an old woman standing in the shadows. Her hair was white as snow and her eyes gleamed brightly in the darkness. She smiled crookedly as she waited for my reply.

"I'm investigating a string of recent killings," I explained. "And I believe you may be able to help me solve the case."

Her smile faded slightly. "Killings you say? How unfortunate. But alas, I cannot assist you. You see, I'm just an old lady living out my final years in peace. Why would anyone want my help?"

I pulled out a file containing photos of the victims and laid them on the table. "Because these are your victims," I said sternly. "And I intend to bring you to justice for your crimes."

Grandma Wolf's expression hardened. "Crimes? Me? Preposterous!" she exclaimed. "Why would I harm innocent creatures? I'm a vegetarian for heaven's sake!"

I shook my head skeptically. "Save the act for someone else," I said. "Your game is up. Now tell me, why are you doing this?"

She sighed heavily and lowered herself into the rocking chair. "Very well," she said. "If you must know, I'm doing this to protect our community."

"Protect it from what?" I asked warily.

"From humans," she replied. "They've been encroaching on our land for years now, cutting down trees and building roads. If we don't stop them soon there won't be anything left for us. These killings are simply a warning to stay away."

I considered her words carefully. On one hand I understood her frustration, but on the other hand murder was never the answer. "There must be better ways to handle this," I suggested. "Have you tried talking to them? Maybe you could work something out?"

She laughed derisively. "Talking to humans? Don't be ridiculous! They wouldn't listen to us even if we begged them. Besides, they'd probably just use it against us somehow. No, the only way to keep them away is to show them we mean business."

I shook my head sadly. "This isn't right," I said. "Killing innocent animals won't solve anything. It will only cause more pain and suffering."

Grandma Wolf glared at me defiantly. "Then what would you suggest?" she challenged. "Let them destroy our homes and drive us out forever? Is that what you want?"

I paused for a moment to consider my options. Then an idea occurred to me. "How about this," I proposed. "Instead of killing random animals, why not target the ones actually causing problems? Like hunters or loggers maybe?"

She pondered this for a moment then nodded slowly. "Alright," she agreed. "I'll give it a try. But if that doesn't work I'm going back to Plan A."

We shook hands to seal the deal and I left feeling hopeful yet uneasy. Would her new plan work or would it lead to even greater tragedy? Only time would tell.

Chapter 3: A Dangerous Game

Over the next few weeks Grandma Wolf carried out her new strategy with ruthless efficiency. Hunters disappeared without a trace and logging operations were halted due to mysterious accidents. Word spread quickly throughout the region and people began to avoid the area altogether. Our problem seemed solved, but appearances can be deceiving.

One evening while returning home from a grocery trip I heard rustling in the bushes nearby. Thinking it was just a passing animal I continued walking until suddenly something jumped out at me. Before I could react it struck me from behind, knocking me to the ground. My vision blurred and everything went dark.

When I regained consciousness I found myself tied to a stake in the middle of a clearing. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the surrounding trees. I struggled to free myself but the ropes were too tight. Panic rose in my chest as I realized I was trapped. Then I saw movement in the distance and recognized Grandma Wolf approaching with a sinister look on her face.

"Hello detective," she said cheerfully. "Fancy meeting you here."

I glared at her angrily. "What are you doing?" I demanded. "Why am I tied up?"

She smiled wickedly. "Don't worry, I have a perfectly good reason," she assured me. "You see, I've discovered a plot by humans to build a massive resort in our forest. They plan to cut down thousands of trees and disrupt our entire ecosystem. I can't let that happen so I need your help to stop them."

I was confused. "But how do you expect me to help like this?" I asked. "I can barely move."

She held up a small vial filled with liquid. "Simple," she said. "You're going to deliver this poison$$$CONTEXTLIMIT$$$ to the construction site tonight. Once they drink it they'll get sick and abandon the project. Problem solved."

My heart sank. This was exactly what I feared might happen. "No way," I said firmly. "I'm not going to commit murder for you. Find some other solution."

She rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh please," she scoffed. "It's not murder, it's self-defense. And besides, they're the bad guys here, not us. Think of all the animals who will suffer if you don't help."

I hesitated, torn between my principles and compassion for the animals. Finally I made my decision. "Look, I understand your concerns," I said sympathetically. "But violence is never the answer. There has to be another way."

Grandma Wolf sighed impatiently. "Fine," she conceded. "If that's how you feel then I guess we'll have to do this the hard way." She raised the vial to my lips and forced me to swallow the contents.

The liquid burned my throat and I gagged violently. Everything started spinning and I felt dizzy. Darkness closed in around me and I lost consciousness again.

When I came to I found myself lying on the floor of a dilapidated cabin surrounded by stacks of lumber and tools. Sunlight streamed through the window illuminating dust motes floating in the air. Confused and disoriented, I struggled to remember what had happened. Slowly the events leading up to my capture returned to me and I realized where I was.

Quickly I surveyed the room looking for a way out. The door appeared locked from the outside so escape that way was unlikely. However, the windows looked promising. One of them was partially open, allowing fresh air to circulate freely. With a bit of effort I should be able to pry it open further and climb through.

I approached the window cautiously, listening for any signs of activity outside. Hearing none, I grabbed the frame and pulled with all my strength. The wood creaked loudly but refused to budge. Determined, I tried again with renewed vigor. This time the window gave way and slammed open, startling a nearby bird which took flight in a flurry of feathers.

Heart racing, I peered outside to assess the situation. To my relief the coast was clear. No sign of Grandma Wolf or anyone else. Quickly I hoisted myself up and wriggled through the opening, landing unceremoniously on the grass below.

Freedom tasted sweet after being confined for so long. I breathed deeply, savoring the sensation of open space around me. Then I remembered my mission and set off towards the construction site, determined to put an end to this madness once and for all.

As I neared the site I noticed several workers

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