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Last active May 4, 2019 19:51
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NumPy direct and inverse conversion RGB to HSI
import numpy as np
def rgb2hsi(rgb: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Conversion RGB to HSI
h (hue) in [0; 2 pi], s (saturation) in [0; 1], i (intensity) in [0; 1].
If 'rgb' color is black, white or grayscale then h component is undefined (np.nan).
Description: (22 p.)
:param rgb: RGB color. Color components must be in [0; 1].
:return: Color in HSI color space.
assert rgb.ndim == 3 and rgb.shape[-1] == 3, "'rgb' has incomplete shape." \
"Expected (..., ..., 3) got {}.".format(rgb.shape)
assert ((rgb >= 0) & (rgb <= 1)).all(), "Color components must be in [0; 1]."
all_color_equal = np.all(rgb == rgb[..., 0, np.newaxis], axis=-1)
not_all_color_equal = ~all_color_equal
i = rgb.mean(axis=-1)
s = np.zeros_like(i)
h = np.zeros_like(i)
s[not_all_color_equal] = 1 - 1 / i[not_all_color_equal] * rgb[not_all_color_equal, ...].min(axis=-1)
rg_diff = rgb[not_all_color_equal, 0] - rgb[not_all_color_equal, 1]
rb_diff = rgb[not_all_color_equal, 0] - rgb[not_all_color_equal, 2]
gb_diff = rgb[not_all_color_equal, 1] - rgb[not_all_color_equal, 2]
h[not_all_color_equal] = np.arccos(0.5 * (rg_diff + rb_diff) / np.sqrt(rg_diff ** 2 + rb_diff * gb_diff))
cond = (rgb[..., 2] > rgb[..., 1]) & not_all_color_equal
h[cond] = 2 * np.pi - h[cond]
h = np.clip(h, 0, 2 * np.pi)
s = np.clip(s, 0, 1)
i = np.clip(i, 0, 1)
h[all_color_equal] = np.nan
return np.dstack((h, s, i))
def hsi2rgb(hsi: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Conversion HSI to RGB
h (hue) in [0; 2 pi], s (saturation) in [0; 1], i (intensity) in [0; 1].
If h is np.nan then r (red) = g (green) = b (blue) = i (intensity).
Description: (22 p.)
:param hsi: HSI color.
:return: Color in RGB color space.
assert hsi.ndim == 3 and hsi.shape[-1] == 3, "'hsi' has incomplete shape." \
"Expected (..., ..., 3) got {}".format(hsi.shape)
h = hsi[..., 0]
s = hsi[..., 1]
i = hsi[..., 2]
x = i * (1 - hsi[..., 1])
h_nan = np.isnan(h)
not_h_nan = ~h_nan
cond1 = np.less(h, np.pi * 2 / 3, where=not_h_nan)
y = np.zeros_like(h)
z = np.zeros_like(h)
y[cond1] = i[cond1] * (1 + s[cond1] * np.cos(h[cond1]) / np.cos(np.pi / 3 - h[cond1]))
z[cond1] = 3 * i[cond1] - (x[cond1] + y[cond1])
rest = np.greater_equal(h, 4 * np.pi / 3, where=not_h_nan)
h[rest] -= 4 * np.pi / 3
y[rest] = i[rest] * (1 + s[rest] * np.cos(h[rest]) / np.cos(np.pi / 3 - h[rest]))
z[rest] = 3 * i[rest] - (x[rest] + y[rest])
cond2 = ~(cond1 | rest)
h[cond2] -= 2 * np.pi / 3
y[cond2] = i[cond2] * (1 + s[cond2] * np.cos(h[cond2]) / np.cos(np.pi / 3 - h[cond2]))
z[cond2] = 3 * i[cond2] - (x[cond2] + y[cond2])
res = np.dstack((x, y, z))
# y z x
res[cond1] = np.roll(res[cond1], shift=-1, axis=-1)
# z x y
res[rest] = np.roll(res[rest], shift=1, axis=-1)
# Fill NaN value of intensity value
res[h_nan] = i[h_nan].reshape(-1, 1)
return np.clip(res, 0, 1)
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