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Daniil Trishkin KernelPryanic

  • JW Player
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
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superjamie /
Last active January 14, 2025 18:31
How to install Ubuntu with LUKS Encryption on LVM

How to install Ubuntu with LUKS Encryption on LVM

My work requires us to have full-disk encryption, so these are the steps I use.

The basic idea is to create a LUKS-encrypted partition which is used as an LVM Physical Volume.

The GRUB boot partition isn't encrypted, but everything else is.

These steps tested and working on 22.04 (jammy) and 20.04 (focal).

# Use Google Cloud Platform stackdriver with python structlog
from import Client
from import _helpers
from import CloudLoggingHandler
from import _Worker
# pip install python-json-logger
from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger
sluger /
Created September 27, 2018 13:47 — forked from keckelt/Backtick
Avoid typing backticks twice (on Linux)

The backtick is called grave If the backtick is not typed on your first keyboard button press, but on the second it is a dead grave.

So, find the backtick button keycode for your layout:

xmodmap -pke | grep "grave"

which returns (for my german keyboard layout):

keycode 21 = dead_acute dead_grave dead_acute dead_grave
rm-- /
Created March 1, 2018 15:41
url encode and decode in python (alias)
urlencode='python3 -c "import sys, urllib.parse as ul; print(ul.quote_plus(sys.argv[1]))"'
urldecode='python3 -c "import sys, urllib.parse as ul; print(ul.unquote_plus(sys.argv[1]))"'
kotakanbe / ipcalc.go
Created September 17, 2015 02:59
get all IP address from CIDR in golang
package main
import (
func Hosts(cidr string) ([]string, error) {
chrisnc / rawudp.go
Last active August 9, 2024 17:42
constructing ip/udp packets in go
package main
import (