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Last active March 11, 2018 19:46
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ES2018 Dice Roller


Roll any number of dice on your command line, including modifiers!


Requrise node v8.x or higher.


$ node index.js roll1 [, roll2, ..., rollN]

Format your rolls as [integer]d[size][+ or -][modifier], such as 1d20+4 or 2d6-1.

Assuming you alias roll to node index.js:

$ roll 1d20+6 2d6+4 1d6-1 1d4
11 = 1d20 (5) + 6
6 = 1d6 (1) + 1d6 (1) + 4
2 = 1d6 (3) + -1
1 = 1d4 (1) + 0
// Utilities
const times = n => Array.from({ length: n }).map(n => n + 1);
const compact = [(acc, x) => x ? [...acc, x] : acc, []];
const sum = [(acc, n) => acc + n, 0];
const randBetween = (lower, upper) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (upper - lower + 1) + lower);
// Parsing
const parseInput = die => die.replace(/\s/g, '').match(/(\d*)d(\d+)(?:([\+-])(\d+))?/);
const operators = {
'+': str => parseInt(str, 10),
'-': str => -1 * parseInt(str, 10),
const toNumber = (operator, modifier) => operators[operator] ? operators[operator](modifier) : 0;
// Dice
const rollDie = size => randBetween(1, size);
const generateDiceRolls = ([str, count, size, operator, modifier]) => ({
rolls: times(count).map(() => rollDie(size)),
modifier: toNumber(operator, modifier),
const total = roll => roll.rolls.reduce(...sum) + roll.modifier;
// Display
const individuals = roll => times(roll.count)
.map((n, i) => `1d${roll.size} (${roll.rolls[i]})`)
.join(' + ');
const formatRoll = roll => `${total(roll)} = ${individuals(roll)} + ${roll.modifier}`;
// Application
const [, , ...dice] = process.argv;
const rolls = dice
rolls.forEach(roll => console.log(roll));
"name": "roll",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Roll arbitrary dice on the command line",
"main": "index.js",
"repository": "",
"author": "Kerrick Long <>",
"license": "MIT"
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