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Last active March 29, 2019 04:14
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// title: Destructible Terrain
// Dev log can be found at
// The change set is described here:
// Update described here:
// Update described here:
function initTerrain() {
let terrain = [];
for (let y = 0; y < 300; y++) {
let row = [];
for (let x = 0; x < 128; x++) {
if (y > 90) {
} else {
return terrain;
function createPhysicsObject(x, y, sprite) {
return {
previous: {
position: {
radius: 4,
grounded: false
initialState = {
terrain: initTerrain(),
player: createPhysicsObject(20, 20, 0),
bombs: [],
cameraY: 0,
score: 0
function terrainAt(x, y, terrain) {
if (terrain[y]) {
return terrain[y][x];
return false;
function getPhysicsObjects({ player, bombs }) {
return [player].concat(bombs);
const gravity = 0.07;
const cameraMomentum = 0.8;
const cameraLag = 0.2;
const maxSpeed = 5;
const groundFriction = 0.99;
function updatePhysicsObjects(objects) {
for (const obj of objects) {
let vx = obj.position.x - obj.previous.x;
let vy = obj.position.y - obj.previous.y;
let speed = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
if (speed > maxSpeed) {
vx = vx * maxSpeed / speed;
vy = vy * maxSpeed / speed;
} else if(obj.grounded) {
vx = vx * groundFriction;
vy = vy * groundFriction;
obj.previous.x = obj.position.x;
obj.previous.y = obj.position.y;
vy += gravity;
obj.position.x += vx;
obj.position.y += vy;
if (obj.position.x - obj.radius < 0) {
obj.position.x = obj.radius;
if (obj.position.x + obj.radius > 128) {
obj.position.x = 128 - obj.radius;
for (const first of objects) {
for (const second of objects) {
if (first == second) continue;
let dx = first.position.x - second.position.x;
let dy = first.position.y - second.position.y;
let distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (distance < first.radius + second.radius) {
if (dy < 0) first.grounded = true;
else second.grounded = true;
let amount = first.radius + second.radius - distance;
let nx = dx / distance;
let ny = dy / distance;
first.position.x += nx * amount / 2;
first.position.y += ny * amount / 2;
second.position.x -= nx * amount / 2;
second.position.y -= ny * amount / 2;
function handleTerrainCollisions(terrain, objects) {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (const obj of objects) {
let totalX = 0;
let totalY = 0;
let count = 0;
for (let r = 0; r < Math.PI * 2; r += Math.PI / 8) {
let dx = Math.cos(r) * obj.radius;
let dy = Math.sin(r) * obj.radius;
let x = Math.floor(obj.position.x + dx);
let y = Math.floor(obj.position.y + dy);
if (terrainAt(x, y, terrain)) {
if (dy > 3) {
obj.grounded = true;
totalX += dx;
totalY += dy;
if (count == 0) {
let dx = totalX / count;
let dy = totalY / count;
let length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
let nx = dx / length;
let ny = dy / length;
let displacement = obj.radius - length;
obj.position.x -= nx * displacement * 0.3;
obj.position.y -= ny * displacement * 0.3;
function updateCamera(state) {
if (state.previousCameraY) {
let vy = state.cameraY - state.previousCameraY;
state.previousCameraY = state.cameraY;
state.cameraY += vy * cameraMomentum;
if (state.player.position.y > state.cameraY + 96) {
var cameraDiff = state.player.position.y - (state.cameraY + 96);
state.cameraY += cameraDiff * cameraLag;
if (state.player.position.y < state.cameraY + 32) {
var cameraDiff = state.player.position.y - (state.cameraY + 32);
state.cameraY += cameraDiff * 0.2;
if (!state.previousCameraY) {
state.previousCameraY = state.cameraY;
function updateScore(state) {
if (state.player.position.y > state.score) {
state.score = state.player.position.y;
function drawTerrain({ terrain, cameraY }) {
let top = Math.max(0, Math.floor(cameraY));
let bottom = Math.min(Math.floor(cameraY + 128), terrain.length);
for (let y = top; y < bottom; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < terrain[y].length - 1; x++) {
if (terrainAt(x, y, terrain)) {
if (!terrainAt(x, y - 1, terrain)) {
setPixel(x, y, 0);
} else if (!terrainAt(x, y + 1, terrain)) {
setPixel(x, y, 2);
} else {
setPixel(x, y, 1);
function drawPhysicsObjects(objects) {
for (let obj of objects) {
sprite(obj.position.x - obj.radius, obj.position.y - obj.radius, obj.sprite);
function drawScoreMarker({ score }) {
sprite(0, score, 1);
sprite(120, score, 1, 0, true);
function drawInstructions() {
print(5, 5, "left/right to move");
print(5, 13, "up to jump");
print(5, 21, "a to cut terrain");
const fuzeTime = 100;
const fuzeSpeed = 0.75;
const bombRadius = 30;
const knockBack = 50;
function spawnBombs({ player, bombs, score }) {
if (Math.random() * 100 <= 0.5 * (score / 100)) {
bombs.push(createPhysicsObject(Math.random() * 112 + 8, player.position.y - 300, 2));
function updateBombs(state) {
let bombsToExplode = [];
let remainingBombs = [];
for (const bomb of state.bombs) {
if (bomb.timeLeft != undefined) {
bomb.sprite = 2;
bomb.timeLeft -= 1;
if (bomb.timeLeft <= 0) {
bomb.fuze = bomb.fuze * 0.75;
if (bomb.fuze < 1) {
} else {
bomb.timeLeft = bomb.fuze;
bomb.sprite = 3;
} else if (bomb.grounded) {
bomb.timeLeft = fuzeTime;
bomb.fuze = fuzeTime;
state.bombs = remainingBombs;
let physicsObjects = getPhysicsObjects(state);
for (const bomb of bombsToExplode) {
cutTerrain(bomb.position.x, bomb.position.y, bombRadius, state.terrain);
for (const object of physicsObjects) {
let dx = object.position.x - bomb.position.x;
let dy = object.position.y - bomb.position.y;
let length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
let nx = dx / length;
let ny = dy / length;
object.position.x += nx * knockBack / length;
object.position.y += ny * knockBack / length;
function cutTerrain(x, y, r, terrain) {
for (let cx = Math.floor(x - r); cx <= x + r; cx++) {
for (let cy = Math.floor(y - r); cy <= y + r; cy++) {
let dx = cx - x;
let dy = cy - y;
let cr = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
if (cr > r) continue;
if (cy >= 0 && cy < terrain.length) {
let row = terrain[cy];
if (cx >= 0 && cx < row.length) {
row[cx] = false;
const runSpeed = 0.05;
const airSpeed = 0.01;
const jumpSpeed = 2;
function handleInput(input, player, terrain) {
let speed = player.grounded ? runSpeed : airSpeed;
if (input.left) {
player.position.x -= speed;
if (input.right) {
player.position.x += speed;
if (input.upPressed && player.grounded) {
player.previous.y += jumpSpeed;
player.grounded = false;
if (input.a) {
cutTerrain(player.position.x, player.position.y, 20, terrain);
update = (state, input) => {
let physicsObjects = getPhysicsObjects(state);
handleTerrainCollisions(state.terrain, physicsObjects);
handleInput(input, state.player, state.terrain);
draw = state => {
let physicsObjects = getPhysicsObjects(state);
camera(0, Math.floor(state.cameraY));
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