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Last active April 5, 2022 00:00
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  • Save KevCaz/98309a714f6bd3f6ba5ac367425fcb62 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KevCaz/98309a714f6bd3f6ba5ac367425fcb62 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Debian Stretch
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# I ran the lines below in super user mode (*i.e.* using su; as you can see I install sudo below)
# libappindicator1 was required to use google-chrome
# **Few notes regarding R packages**: I first used the debian package (i.e. r-cran-XXXX) but with 3.4.1
# and higher there was an issue with r-api-x that leads me to install packages from R (this may be changed).
# Dependencies are required:
# - libfreetype6-dev for showtext
# - libpoppler-cpp-dev for pdftools
# - libudunits2-dev for some leaflet dependencies
# - libssl-dev for devtools
# - libmagick++-dev for magick package (one of kableExtra dependency).
# - openjdk-8-jdk to run R CMD javareconf seamlessly
##-- synchro
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
##--- to get the wifi working and other devices
apt-get install iwlwifi firmware-misc-nonfree
##--- Note that I keep repeating `apt-get` for the sack of readibility
apt-get install sudo gconf2 gconf-service gtk2.0 gtk3.0 openjdk-8-jdk dirmngr conky-all zsh curl tree valgrind clang
apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libssl-dev libgdal-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev libpoppler-cpp-dev libudunits2-dev
apt-get install libmagick++-dev libcanberra-gtk-module libappindicator1
apt-get install postgresql postgis gnuplot openssh-server docker ffmpeg
apt-get install nmap nethogs lftp ncftp pass vim rsync backup-manager xdotool lshw inxi unrar
apt-get install fortune-mod gnumeric scrot gpick okular festival thunderbird lyx
apt-get install mopidy mopidy-podcast jekyll mkdocs youtube-dl own-cloud-client pidgin
apt-get install vlc imagemagick graphicsmagick calibre xournal
apt-get install texlive-full font-manager fonts-font-awesome fonts-roboto ttf-mscorefonts-installer
apt-get install libreoffice-l10n-fr mythes-fr zotero-standalone xul-ext-zotero libreoffice-zotero-integration
apt-get install python-pip julia r-base r-recommended r-base-dev sagemath
##-- Pandoc & pandoc-citeproc (more recent versions)
wget -O /tmp/pandoc.deb && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/pandoc.deb
##-- Setting R up
git clone /tmp/pkgsR
sudo R CMD javareconf
sudo Rscript /tmp/pkgsR/myPackages.R
##-- Setup Julia
echo 'println("Greetings KevCaz")' > ~/.juliarc.jl
##-- Python packages
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib psycopg2 pyparsing future
pip install pandoc-fignos pandoc-tablenos pandoc-eqnos
pip install zotero-cli plotly
##-- Node.js 9
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
##-- npm packages
npm install -g decktape jquerry bootstrap
##-- Atom
## download atom first (use wget)
wget -O /tmp/atom.deb && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/atom.deb
## themes
apm install atom-material-syntax atom-material-syntax-dark atom-material-ui dash-ui
## packages
apm install language-knitr language-latex language-r language-matlab language-docker language-julia \
autocomplete-bibtex autocomplete-R autocomplete-emojis autocomplete-font-awesome greek-snippets wordcount \
minimap pdf-view pigments color-picker dictionary gist-it file-icons ascii-unicode-escape data-atom tablr \
intentions busy-signal ink julia-client sourcerer linter linter-lintr atom-beautify git-time-machine \
platformio-ide-terminal teletype
##-- Hugo (more recent verison)
wget -O /tmp/hugo.deb && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/hugo.deb
##-- Jobber
wget -O /tmp/jobber.deb && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/jobber.deb
##-- Skype see
## wget -0
## sudo dpkg -i skypeforlinux-64.deb
##-- Dropbox (see
cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -
##-- Setting git up
git config --global color.diff auto
git config --global color.status auto
git config --global color.branch auto
git config --global "Kevin Cazelles"
git config --global ""
git config --global github.user KevCaz
git config --global core.editor "nano"
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 7200'
##-- Github repositories (the repo I used the most). Note that it should be possible to use the API to retrieve them all
mkdir -p ~/Github/Websites ~/Github/Rpackages
wget -O ~/Github/Rpackages/pkg2date.R
cd ~/Github/Website
git clone
git clone
cd ~/Github/Rpackages
git clone
git clone
git clone
##-- powerline font
git clone
# install
cd fonts
# clean-up a bit
cd ..
rm -rf fonts
##-- prezto
git clone --recursive "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto"
for rcfile in "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/^; do
ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}"
# change shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh
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