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Created July 14, 2010 20:27
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Imports FChoice.Foundation.Clarify
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports FChoice.Foundation
Imports FChoice.Foundation.Clarify.Workflow
Imports NUnit.Framework
Module SDKExample
<TestFixture()> Public Class SDK_test
<Test()> Public Sub update_case_title()
UseGenericToUpdateExistingCaseTitle("1", "new title")
End Sub
End Class
Sub InitializeDovetailSDK()
Dim config As New NameValueCollection
'notice that these are hard coded database credentials. More typically you'd use application configuration
config.Add("fchoice.dbtype", "mssql")
config.Add("fchoice.connectionstring", "Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=SDKcl125_2k5; User Id=sa; Password=sa;")
End Sub
Function CreateSession() As ClarifySession
Return ClarifyApplication.Instance.CreateSession("sa", "sa", ClarifyLoginType.User)
End Function
Function CreateDataSet() As ClarifyDataSet
Return New ClarifyDataSet(CreateSession())
End Function
Sub UseGenericToUpdateExistingCaseTitle(ByVal caseId As String, ByVal title As String)
Dim dataset As ClarifyDataSet = CreateDataSet()
Dim caseGeneric As ClarifyGeneric
caseGeneric = dataset.CreateGeneric("case")
caseGeneric.AppendFilter("id_number", StringOps.Equals, caseId)
If caseGeneric.Rows.Count < 1 Then
Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format("Case {0} was not found.", caseId))
End If
caseGeneric.Rows(0)("title") = title
End Sub
Sub DispatchCustomWorflowObject(ByVal id As String, ByVal objectName As String, ByVal queue As String)
Dim workflowManager As New WorkflowManager(CreateDataSet())
Dim workFlowInfo As WorkFlowInfo = workflowManager.Dispatch(id, objectName, queue, DateTime.Now, "sa", False)
End Sub
End Module
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