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Last active April 10, 2018 20:24
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Large .Net Solution Load times

We have a large solution with about 69 projects. Here are the load times I measured in a very non-scientific way.

  1. I opened the IDE.
  2. Clicked on the solution in the MRU selection.
  3. Timed on my phone how long it took to get to a point where a file is editable.
  4. Did a warm up then repeated this 3 times for each configuraion.
App Version Detail Time Notes
VS2017 15.6.5 std. 31-35s time until editable
VS2017 15.7 preview 3 std. 22-24s time until editable
VS2017 15.6.5 w/Resharper 2017.3.5 54-58s time until editable
VS2017 15.7 preview 3 w/Resharper 2017.3.5 49-53s time until editable
Rider 2017.3.1 std. 8s time until editable
Rider 2017.3.1 std. 38s time until compile starts
Rider 2017.3.1 std. 60s time until compile completes
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