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Created August 13, 2014 06:52
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/r/Periwinkle Posters and Commentors, sorted by upvotes
lolzrfunni 1555
redis213 1551
tiercel 1241
naughtypenguin 980
sahdee 951
cdos93 908
i_am_telekinetic 766
rockdalerooster 763
myductape 520
zwoosh 493
meshugganah 484
ghost_of_onyx 438
sakuram1011 424
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luuklilo 384
frodude258 373
infamousunicorn 339
red_october42 332
remnance627 328
toworn 271
ctr0 243
5t3v0esque 207
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thezippy49 199
bubbajack8 196
theallstarrband 185
dragonsword 177
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srubt242 142
l_rufus_californicus 139
itking86 124
elaifiknow 122
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firenine09 118
cielestial 112
roaddogg 108
theredditsurvivalist 107
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caps_get_upvotes 84
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justinj1125 -4
periwinkleorangered -5
argonnightmare -6
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