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Created August 13, 2014 02:15
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/r/Periwinkle Posters and Commentors, sorted by activity (activity = # of Posts + # of Comments)
tiercel 290
lolzrfunni 233
redis213 221
sahdee 209
rockdalerooster 140
meshugganah 133
naughtypenguin 118
cdos93 115
myductape 105
i_am_telekinetic 102
toworn 96
zwoosh 96
dbcrumpets 91
5t3v0esque 91
weft_ 80
red_october42 79
frodude258 74
adra714 70
thezippy49 62
ghost_of_onyx 61
luuklilo 58
hanson_alister 56
sakuram1011 54
pureirony 54
greyavenger 51
weeblewobble82 51
remnance627 48
infamousunicorn 48
anonym0 46
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srubt242 41
ctr0 39
sirguyfawkes 38
elaifiknow 38
l_rufus_californicus 34
imgurtranscriber 34
bleekicker 33
bubbajack8 33
theallstarrband 33
zthousand 33
danster21 32
jspliff1 32
icebluerabbit 31
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teh_madhatter 27
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huck13b3rryf1nn 26
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eliminioa 24
jelgee23 23
ace2cool 23
danishanish 22
jjjheimer_schmidt 22
caps_get_upvotes 22
darth_rasputin32898 20
auzz13_bl1tz 19
random136 19
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agentwho 19
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hawaiiandry 18
dalek1234 18
smittywjmj 17
feblehober123 17
coylie3 16
kjeldoran0 16
cielestial 16
mr_abomination 16
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rwhite2366 14
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wittyusername816 13
questionable_ethics 13
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ben767676 12
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uberg33k 10
pronemasturbationman 10
my_leg_ 10
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urectumfranklin 10
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