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Created August 13, 2014 07:39
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/r/Periwinkle Posters and Commentors, sorted by score effeciency
donny_brook 66.0
hradium 65.0
timelordstallywacker 58.0
theredditsurvivalist 53.5
gusissupercool 46.0
harbingerofthelight 40.0
basoran 33.0
periwinkledownman 30.0
cleverboy1 27.5
ashx3 26.0
resistance_cell_2 26.0
screwsnow 25.66
herowcatsmanzzz 25.0
tylerdurdenbot 25.0
train_driver_ 24.0
ismellmusic 21.0
periwinkle_prime 20.57
ryden_of_everautumn 19.0
a-big-roach 17.0
roberst15 17.0
cjkline83 16.66
firenine09 14.75
tonydrago 14.0
totally_not_roaddogg 14.0
iizdat1n00b 14.0
alienth 14.0
debatablyclutch 14.0
dbmuffin 14.0
cynicalpillow 13.0
mrmanatee99 13.0
believesingod 13.0
truebc 11.71
sfv_echo_1 11.5
twilight_octavia 11.5
chesterhiggenbothum 11.0
marfell 11.0
sirbobfree 11.0
naughtepenguin 11.0
dirtberghen 11.0
pnc_news_desk 10.8
lordcola 10.0
avenged7fold 10.0
_doctor_ 10.0
dragonsword 9.83
popeperiwinkle_i 9.66
monkeyclock1234 9.0
blast373 9.0
ihadaface 9.0
willomo 8.5
clearhit 8.5
warriorservant 8.5
naughtypenguin 8.3
jcpoopyall 8.0
uhf_guard 8.0
sasquatch606 8.0
theganjalord 8.0
klepisimo 8.0
_train_driver 8.0
nethergain 8.0
cdos93 7.89
sakuram1011 7.85
i_am_telekinetic 7.5
ghost_of_onyx 7.18
infamousunicorn 7.06
redis213 7.01
purefresh 7.0
stormy_analhole 7.0
king_yeti 7.0
walter_wonkite 7.0
cdodge109 7.0
notgreyavenger 7.0
cielestial 7.0
jak00 7.0
wittyusername816 6.84
remnance627 6.83
cutter97 6.75
souperlizard 6.75
germankipp 6.71
lolzrfunni 6.67
luuklilo 6.62
theasianisgamin 6.5
brewza 6.33
peristotle 6.25
ctr0 6.23
pink_one_is_right 6.0
bobajoe 6.0
r_e_v_a_n 6.0
bomberhead 6.0
radio-free-peri 6.0
aidenrock 6.0
shukrishahizam 6.0
lithiumenergy 6.0
peace_unleashed 6.0
nictheunicorn 6.0
vtwo 6.0
faren107 6.0
iberollinantrollin 6.0
denkobmuffins 6.0
omegaus492 6.0
pnc_reporter 6.0
sfv_willow_3 6.0
civilian_chorus_echo 6.0
pbgrapejelly 6.0
lumini_veritatis 6.0
irrelevantpersonage 6.0
bubbajack8 5.93
hanneken 5.63
theallstarrband 5.6
unipooper 5.5
justapoorboy42 5.5
rockdalerooster 5.45
zwoosh 5.13
icebluerabbit 5.06
frodude258 5.04
zthousand 5.0
ehjaykeleh 5.0
spacemost 5.0
lord_fern 5.0
pallandt 5.0
noke_swog 5.0
bestthresheu 5.0
finnerre 5.0
cboy369 5.0
mtnwanderer 5.0
o_opc 5.0
myductape 4.95
itking86 4.76
sahdee 4.55
powerofgamers 4.5
duzitickle 4.5
toasterman247 4.5
reostra 4.5
violentharmony 4.5
nyanderp 4.4
ladygagadisco 4.38
djreoofficial 4.38
dbcrumpets 4.29
braydonmire 4.28
takenakahanbei 4.28
tiercel 4.27
red_october42 4.2
roaddogg 4.15
l_rufus_californicus 4.08
shadow_creature 4.0
bobsagetasaur 4.0
lubkin 4.0
swiftpaw12 4.0
cheezasaurus 4.0
jss_mstr 4.0
babiesinmicrowaves 4.0
leviathantheawesome 4.0
bluebellp 4.0
dragon__heat 4.0
byketard 4.0
janichols89 4.0
freakingnormalreddit 4.0
joshingme 4.0
loopsix 4.0
drinktildrunk 4.0
newagenoah 4.0
curiousgeorge17 4.0
matrinka 4.0
pkmntrainermrflowers 4.0
redragepanda 3.85
dcaspy7 3.85
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buddytherooster 3.75
xzenocrimzie 3.66
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soulfire6464 3.62
iama914 3.57
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ghtuy 3.5
dgiangiulio228 3.5
yeti_king 3.5
highcow 3.5
pannuba 3.5
veryscience 3.5
srubt242 3.46
papertax 3.42
the_purple_turtle 3.33
ghostofpacman 3.33
ben767676 3.33
ohh_ 3.33
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danishanish 3.22
elaifiknow 3.21
sirguyfawkes 3.21
paxton125 3.2
thezippy49 3.2
spamman4587 3.12
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nyx_the_night 3.0
kernowgringo 3.0
atrositus 3.0
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taintedquail 3.0
rebellious_monkey 3.0
throwawayfashizzle 3.0
babango 3.0
chaos20x6 3.0
happybuddyclub 3.0
iwasateenagepunk 3.0
captaincrunchie 3.0
katzali 3.0
xethaios 3.0
azisen 3.0
memedad-transcriber 3.0
elguru 3.0
tootiny03 3.0
joseph2999 3.0
pkmn4ever 3.0
saintjeremy 3.0
pokemonmasterx 3.0
dotsau 3.0
tokie_haynes 3.0
roguerainbow 3.0
zanderkerbal 3.0
seeya32 3.0
ty2012 3.0
b_fee 3.0
shadowblade232 3.0
halcyon408 3.0
validatedquail 3.0
zxprodigyx 3.0
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1950samericanfather 2.5
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zeke911 2.25
the_shrimp52 2.25
jjozma 2.25
uzaka 2.25
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notweeblewobble82 2.0
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theclarinetsoloist 2.0
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9315808 2.0
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mech-1-5 2.0
markzthetrollface 2.0
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orange_jam 2.0
chivalry13 2.0
alphabetpancake 2.0
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textofreason 2.0
pmeaney 2.0
truxtunator 2.0
omgrussianitsgg 2.0
deviantstorms 2.0
drewniverse 2.0
frifthor 2.0
kicks_and_gigglez 2.0
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coffeeenemas 0.0
totally_professional 0.0
shuttheeffupnavi 0.0
argonnightmare -2.0
justinj1125 -4.0
periwinkleorangered -5.0
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