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Last active December 17, 2019 02:59
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My Red Discord bot commands reference.

Type ,help (or ,h for short) for a DM containing all the commands. Type ,help <command> for more info on a command.


Command Short Description
,profile ,p Show your leveler progress. Default to yourself.
,profileset Change settings of your profile.
,toplevel ,lb Show the server leaderboard!


Command Short Description
,bank ,b Manage the bank.
,bank balance ,bal Show the user's account balance.
,leaderboard ,clb Print the currency leaderboard.
,payday ,pd Get some free currency.
,payouts Show the payouts for the slot machine.
,slot Use the slot machine.


Command Short Description
,adventure ,a This will send you on an adventure!
,backpack ,ab This shows the contents of your backpack.
,backpack trade ,at Trade an item from your backpack to another user.
,equip ,ae This equips an item from your backpack.
,heroclass This allows you to select a class if you are Level 10.
,loadout Setup various adventure settings.
,loot ,al This opens one of your precious treasure chests.
,loot normal ,aln This opens one of your normal treasure chests.
,skill ,ask This allows you to spend skillpoints.
,stats ,as This draws up a charsheet of you or an optionally specifi...
,unequip This stashes a specified equipped item into your backpa...


Command Short Description
,allin Bets all your currency for a chance to win big!
,blackjack ,bj Play a game of blackjack.
,casino ,c Interacts with the Casino system.
,casino info ,ci Interacts with the Casino system.
,coin Coin flip game with a 50/50 chance to win.
,craps Plays a modified version of craps
,cups Guess which cup of three is hiding the coin.
,dice Roll a set of dice and win on 2, 7, 11, 12.
,double Play a game of Double Or Nothing.
,hilo Pick high, low, or 7 in a dice rolling game.
,war Play a modified game of war.


Command Short Description
,trivia list ,trvc List available trivia categories.
,trivia [categories...] ,trv Start trivia session on the specified categories.
,trivia stop ,trv stop Stop an ongoing trivia session.


Command Short Description
,inspireme ,ib Fetch a random "inspirational message" from the bot.


Command Short Description
,fertilize ,gf Fertilize the soil.
,fertilize manure ,gfm Fertilize the soil with manure.
,fertilize vermicompost ,gfv Fertilize the soil with vermicompost.
,fertilize nitrates ,gfn Fertilize the soil with nitrates.
,gardening buy ,gb Buy gardening supplies.
,gardening convert ,gcv Exchange Thneeds for credits.
,gardening plant ,gpl Look at the details of a plant.
,gardening plants ,gpls Look at the list of the available plants.
,gardening profile ,gpf Check your gardening profile.
,gardening seed ,gse Plant a seed inside the earth.
,gardening state ,gt Check the state of your plant.
,gardening ,g Gardening commands.
,prune ,gpr Prune your plant.
,shovel ,gsh Shovel your plant out.
,water ,gw Water your plant.

Cards Against Humanity

Command Description
,cahcredits Code credits.
,cahgames Displays up to 10 CAH games in progress.
,chat Broadcasts a message to the other players in your game.
,flushhand Flushes the cards in your hand - can only be done onc...
,game Displays the game's current status.
,hand Shows your hand.
,idlekick Sets whether or not to kick members if idle for 5 minu...
,joinbot Adds a bot to the game. Can only be done by the player...
,joinbots Adds bots to the game. Can only be done by the player...
,joincah Join a Cards Against Humanity game. If no id or user i...
,laid Shows who laid their cards and who hasn't.
,lay Lays a card or cards from your hand. If multiple cards are...
,leavecah Leaves the current game you're in.
,newcah Starts a new Cards Against Humanity game.
,pick As the judge - pick the winning card(s).
,removebot Removes a bot from the game. Can only be done by the...
,removeplayer Removes a player from the game. Can only be done ...
,score Display the score of the current game.
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