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Created January 15, 2014 13:02
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Hey Iris! I summed up comments in Scss (and CSS) for you so you can safely remove them from your current CSS. :)
Types of Comments in (S)CSS:
Standard multi-line comment.
This is the most used I'd say.
Though this is pretty awesome while developing, it should be removed for production.
Normaly, "//" is a single line comment but in CSS it's a a bit tricky.
In fact, they're not single line at all, they comment out the NEXT block if it's
not in front of a CSS property.
.foo {
// width: 10em; <-- commented out only width: 10em
height: 50em;
// commented out the NEXT rule - so it's .bar {} which is commented out
.bar {
The Special COMPASS Comment.
When you set line_comments = false in your config.rb it will remove all comments
expect special declared comment with a "!" after the first /*
Example of Special Compass Comments:
This comment will stay in the compiled css - useful when developing for WordPress. ;)
All other comments will be removed.
So simply put all your WordPress Theme Description Stuff between /*! */ instead of /**/
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