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Last active August 22, 2018 19:14
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Umbraco Translation Manager - remove everything but vorto elements from a translation job, just before it is submitted (created)
n.b this code isn't really tested - but in principle will work - it may need tweaking around
the edges.
At the moment there are no TranslationNode creation events - so you have to attach this to the
job submitting event which happens just before a job is created - in practice if you are
creating jobs directly from the send to translate dialog you won't notice the diffrence.
// within something like ApplicationStarted attache to the submitting event, this is fired just before a job is submitted
// TranslationJobService.Submitting += TranslationJobService_Submitting;
private void TranslationJobService_Submitting(TranslationEventArgs e)
foreach (var node in e.Job.Nodes)
var tabs = new List<TranslationPropertyGroup>();
foreach (var tab in node.Groups)
var newTab = tab;
var properties = new List<TranslationProperty>();
foreach (var property in tab.Properties)
var sourceValues = GetVorto(property.Source);
var targetValues = GetVorto(property.Target);
if (sourceValues != null)
property.Source = sourceValues;
property.Target = targetValues;
// this is dirty the save below should really update the properties
// but it doesn't remove the ones that have been removed here.
if (properties.Count > 0)
tab.Properties = properties;
if (tabs.Count > 0)
node.Groups = tabs;
// recurse into a translation value and remove anything that isn't a vorto
// this will allow you to have vorto values inside other things.
private TranslationValue GetVorto(TranslationValue value)
if (value.EditorAlias.InvariantEquals("Our.Umbraco.Vorto")) return value;
if (value.HasChildValues())
var newInner = new Dictionary<string, TranslationValue>();
foreach (var innerValue in value.InnerValues)
var inner = GetVorto(innerValue.Value);
if (inner != null)
newInner.Add(innerValue.Key, inner);
if (newInner.Any())
value.InnerValues = newInner;
return value;
return null;
return null;
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