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Created February 3, 2017 13:10
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private void ContentTreeController_MenuRendering(TreeControllerBase sender, MenuRenderingEventArgs e)
var translationMenu = e.Menu.Items.Where(x => x.Alias == "sendToTranslate").FirstOrDefault();
if (translationMenu != null)
if (sender.TreeAlias == "content")
var item = sender.ApplicationContext.Services.ContentService.GetById(int.Parse(e.NodeId));
if (item != null && _translationItemService.IsInMaster(item) && !_translationItemService.HasRelations(item))
var cloneItem = new MenuItem("langClone", "Clone to language sites");
cloneItem.Icon = "split-alt";
cloneItem.SeperatorBefore = true;
cloneItem.AdditionalData.Add("actionView", "/app_plugins/TranslationsPlus/dialogs/clone.html");
// e.Menu.Items.Add(cloneItem);
e.Menu.Items.Insert(e.Menu.Items.Count - 1, cloneItem);
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