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Last active June 22, 2024 13:53
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  • Save KevinKParsons/98b3cb980536802a9ac56cf75786d1e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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% Program:
% rocket-trajectory-simulation.m
% Multi-stage rocket dynamics and trajectory simulation.
% Description:
% Predicts multi-stage rocket dynamics and trajectories based on the given
% rocket mass, engine thrust, launch parameters, and drag coefficient.
% Variable List:
% Delta = Time step (s)
% t = Time (s)
% Thrust = Thrust (N)
% Mass = Mass (kg)
% Mass_Rocket_With_Motor = Mass with motor (kg)
% Mass_Rocket_Without_Motor = Mass without motor (kg)
% Theta = Angle (deg)
% C = Drag coefficient
% Rho = Air density (kg/m^3)
% A = Rocket projected area (m^2)
% Gravity = Gravity (m/s^2)
% Launch_Rod_Length = Length of launch rod (m)
% n = Counter
% Fn = Normal force (N)
% Drag = Drag force (N)
% Fx = Sum of forces in the horizontal direction (N)
% Fy = Sum of forces in the vertical direction (N)
% Vx = Velocity in the horizontal direction (m/s)
% Vy = Velocity in the vertical direction (m/s)
% Ax = Acceleration in the horizontal direction (m/s^2)
% Ay = Acceleration in the vertical direction (m/s^2)
% x = Horizontal position (m)
% y = Vertical position (m)
% Distance_x = Horizontal distance travelled (m)
% Distance_y = Vertical travelled (m)
% Distance = Total distance travelled (m)
% Memory_Allocation = Maximum number of time steps expected
clear, clc % Clear command window and workspace
% Parameters
Delta = 0.001; % Time step
Memory_Allocation = 30000; % Maximum number of time steps expected
% Preallocate memory for arrays
t = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Thrust = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Mass = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Theta = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Fn = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Drag = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Fx = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Fy = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Ax = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Ay = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Vx = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Vy = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
x = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
y = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Distance_x = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Distance_y = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
Distance = zeros(1, Memory_Allocation);
C = 0.4; % Drag coefficient
Rho = 1.2; % Air density (kg/m^3)
A = 4.9*10^-4; % Rocket projected area (m^2)
Gravity = 9.81; % Gravity (m/s^2)
Launch_Rod_Length = 1; % Length of launch rod (m)
Mass_Rocket_With_Motor = 0.01546; % Mass with motor (kg)
Mass_Rocket_Without_Motor = 0.0117; % Mass without motor (kg)
Theta(1) = 60; % Initial angle (deg)
Vx(1) = 0; % Initial horizontal speed (m/s)
Vy(1) = 0; % Initial vertical speed (m/s)
x(1) = 0; % Initial horizontal position (m)
y(1) = 0.1; % Initial vertical position (m)
Distance_x(1) = 0; % Initial horizontal distance travelled (m)
Distance_y(1) = 0; % Initial vertical distance travelled (m)
Distance(1) = 0; % Initial distance travelled (m)
Mass(1) = Mass_Rocket_With_Motor; % Initial rocket mass (kg)
n = 1; % Initial time step
while y(n) > 0 % Run until rocket hits the ground
n = n+1; % Increment time step
t(n)= (n-1)*Delta; % Elapsed time
% Determine rocket thrust and mass based on launch phase
if t(n) <= 0.1 % Launch phase 1
Thrust(n) = 56*t(n);
Mass(n) = Mass_Rocket_With_Motor;
elseif t(n) > 0.1 && t(n) < 0.5 % Launch phase 2
Thrust(n) = 5.6;
Mass(n) = Mass_Rocket_With_Motor;
elseif t(n) >= 0.5 && t(n) < 3.5 % Launch phase 3
Thrust(n) = 0;
Mass(n) = Mass_Rocket_With_Motor;
elseif t(n) >= 3.5 % Launch phase 4
Thrust(n) = 0;
Mass(n) = Mass_Rocket_Without_Motor; % Rocket motor ejects
% Normal force calculations
if Distance(n-1) <= Launch_Rod_Length % Launch rod normal force
Fn(n) = Mass(n)*Gravity*cosd(Theta(1));
Fn(n) = 0; % No longer on launch rod
% Drag force calculation
Drag(n)= 0.5*C*Rho*A*(Vx(n-1)^2+Vy(n-1)^2); % Calculate drag force
% Sum of forces calculations
Fx(n)= Thrust(n)*cosd(Theta(n-1))-Drag(n)*cosd(Theta(n-1))...
-Fn(n)*sind(Theta(n-1)); % Sum x forces
Fy(n)= Thrust(n)*sind(Theta(n-1))-(Mass(n)*Gravity)-...
Drag(n)*sind(Theta(n-1))+Fn(n)*cosd(Theta(n-1)); % Sum y forces
% Acceleration calculations
Ax(n)= Fx(n)/Mass(n); % Net accel in x direction
Ay(n)= Fy(n)/Mass(n); % Net accel in y direction
% Velocity calculations
Vx(n)= Vx(n-1)+Ax(n)*Delta; % Velocity in x direction
Vy(n)= Vy(n-1)+Ay(n)*Delta; % Velocity in y direction
% Position calculations
x(n)= x(n-1)+Vx(n)*Delta; % Position in x direction
y(n)= y(n-1)+Vy(n)*Delta; % Position in y direction
% Distance calculations
Distance_x(n) = Distance_x(n-1)+abs(Vx(n)*Delta); % Distance in x
Distance_y(n) = Distance_y(n-1)+abs(Vy(n)*Delta); % Distance in y
Distance(n) = (Distance_x(n)^2+Distance_y(n)^2)^(1/2); % Total distance
% Rocket angle calculation
Theta(n)= atand(Vy(n)/Vx(n)); % Angle defined by velocity vector
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]) % Maximize plot window
% Figure 1
xlim([0 inf]);
ylim([0 inf]);
xlabel({'Range (m)'});
ylabel({'Altitude (m)'});
% Figure 2
xlabel({'Time (s)'});
ylabel({'Vx (m/s)'});
title({'Vertical Velocity'});
% Figure 3
xlabel({'Time (s)'});
ylabel({'Vy (m/s)'});
title({'Horizontal Velocity'});
% Figure 4
xlabel({'Time (s)'});
ylabel({'Theta (Deg)'});
% Figure 5
xlim([0 2]);
ylim([59 61]);
xlabel({'Distance (m)'});
ylabel({'Theta (Deg)'});
title({'Theta at Launch'});
% Figure 6
ylim([.0017 .02546]);
xlabel({'Time (s)'});
ylabel({'Mass (kg)'});
title({'Rocket Mass'});
% Figure 7
xlim([0 0.8]);
xlabel({'Time (s)'});
ylabel({'Thrust (N)'});
% Figure 8
xlabel({'Time (s)'});
ylabel({'Drag (N)'});
title({'Drag Force'});
% Figure 9
xlim([0 2]);
xlabel({'Distance (m)'});
ylabel({'Normal Force (N)'});
title({'Normal Force'});
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Nevermind, i managed to figure it out.

Hello Mr. Kevin, I am planning on using this for a school project. I am looking to convert the program to python as it is my programming language of choice and the syntax just makes more sense in my head. However I have been running into a problem, that is that I cannot seem to wrap my head around the method that you used to make it function. I am still a starter at programming an would very much appreciate it if you could give me some more insight into how you got this program to work. Thank you💖

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