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Last active December 7, 2023 11:30
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Tips for writing a paper

  1. e.g. is an abbreviation for exempli greti, it has a comma after.

There exist many malware types (e.g., ransomware, spyware, worm)

  1. Same with i.e.

  2. With three or more objects use a comma before and.

It has to be automated, easy to use, and scalable.

  1. Chapter 5.x (capitalized). This chapter (not capitalized). Same with table, section, and figure.

This chapter explains the clustering.

  1. Never use The Section X..., use instead in Section X....

  2. Use same structure in each sentenc.

Section 5.1 shows...

Section 5.2 details...

Section 5.3 presents...

  1. Always provide some introductory text to Section/Subsection (i.e., never start with another heading)

  2. You can abbreviate a word between parenthesis to use it later whenever you want

An antivirus (AV) is an ... The AV engines analyze...

  1. All the important words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) but not the rest (prepositions, conjunctions, articles) are capitalized in the title.

Hunting for New Threats in a Feed of Malicious Samples

  1. Much better to use finally than lastly.

  2. Research not used in plural.

Section 2.X presents researches related to ....

Section 2.X presents background information...

  1. State of the art does not need to have a personal opinion, neither does not need a conclusion

  2. A section or subsection with one paragraph should not be a section/subsection

  3. Each minimum idea belongs to a sentence delimited with a dot.

This thesis is organized in seven chapters. Chapter 1 is this introduction. Chapter 2 explains the state of the art. Chapter 3 presents the overview.

  1. Typical verbs. Demonstrates, describes, explains, presents, shows, details.

The state of the art is explained

The overview is presented, not explained

The tool is described, not demonstrated

The results is presented, not extracted

  1. Better to use may than an assert with no cite

  2. A paragraph must be minimum 5/6 lines

  3. Same structure between different paragraphs when enumerating

This work (1) presents....

This work (2) investigates...

This project also (3) presents... This project also presents (3)...

  1. One of the most. Often overused.

  2. So. Avoid used as an intensifier.

So good; so warm.

  1. Dates

August 9, 1918

  1. Keep related words together

  2. Put statements in positive form

  3. While. Avoid the indiscriminate use of this word in place of and, but, and although.

  4. Write short paragraphs. Try to limit paragraphs to four or five sentences, or about 100-125 words. A paragraph should discuss one main idea, not several.

  5. Which and that are not interchangeable. Which is not a more elegant way to say that. If you delete the words in a which clause, the remaining words should still form a full sentence. Do not use a comma before that.

  6. Often, that can be omitted. Generally, you should include that after verbs implying assertion or speaking, such as: Advise, advocate, agree, assert, assume, calculate, conceive, claim, content, declare, estimate, hold, imagine, insist, learn, maintain, make clear, point out, propose, state, and suggest.

  7. Avoid this is. It is confusing, repeat the subject from the previous sentence.

  8. Use an adjective when you want to modify a noun or pronoun. Use an adverb when you want to modify a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.

  9. Not use Firstly, or Secondly,. Use First, or Second,

  10. I have to ask for the funding acknowledge when camera-ready

For presentations

  1. Each table has to have a conclusion
  2. Better not to use beamer latex, preferable to insert images
  3. Try to not have top and bottom bar to save space
  4. Add delimiter between each part of the talk
  5. The first delimiter (introduction) is no needed
  6. Don't start with empty template, use one from beggining
  7. Don't write "State of the Art" in title slide, better "Most Related Work"
  8. Present yourself even in a practice talk, I'm a PhD Student...
  9. Print the slides when giving a practice talk
  10. In related work, not piss anyone into the audience
  11. Don't sort upward (328.8M is 328M)

What to do after writing thesis?

  1. Check for [0]:
  • Abuse of the passive voice
  • Weasel words
  • Lexical illusions
  1. Check for [1]:
  • Disable all macros for TODOs
  • Run spell checker (LanguageTool plugin for vim [2], GNU Aspell)
    • for file in *tex; do aspell --lang=en_us -c "$file"; done
  • Check for repeated words
    • grep -E '\b(\w+)\s+\1\b' *tex
  1. Always add the submission deadline in paper.tex, at AoE and in the living country, as well as the hour!!
  2. Ask for the acknowledge section
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