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Last active November 10, 2016 01:39
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  • Save KevinMarquette/3bb280ddbd8ee0c0b56e7f74f1897de6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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function Get-Double ($number){$number + $number}
function Get-Double2
New-Function -ComputerName server
# Pipeline variable
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = ' ',
Position = 0,
ValueFromPipeline = $true
foreach($node in $Number)
$node + $node
$max = 100000
Measure-Command {
0..$max | %{$_ + $_}
} | FT t*seconds
Measure-Command {
$list = 0..$max
foreach($item in $list)
$item + $item
} | FT t*seconds
Measure-Command {
$_+ $_
} | FT t*seconds
Measure-Command {
0..$max | %{ Get-Double $_}
} | FT t*seconds
Measure-Command {
0..$max | %{ Get-Double2 $_}
} | FT t*seconds
Measure-Command {
0..$max | Get-Double2
} | FT t*seconds
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