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Created December 30, 2021 17:28
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A function that compares the commands listed in dbatools to the commands listed in the commands index page. No errorhandling.
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function Find-CommandDelta {
$ModulePath = 'C:\git\dbatools',
$Uri = 'C:\git\web\commands\index.html',
$Exclude = @('Where-DbaObject')
end {
if (-not (Get-Module dbatools)) {
Import-Module $ModulePath
[hashset[string]]$commands = Get-Command -Module dbatools -CommandType Cmdlet, Function |
Where-Object Name -notin $Exclude |
Select-Object -Expand Name
$CommandPage = 'C:\git\web\commands\index.html'
$commandPage = Get-Content $CommandPage
$pattern = '<a\ href="http://docs\.dbatools\.io/(?<command>.+)">(\k<command>)'
[hashset[string]]$uriCommand = foreach($line in $commandPage){
if($line -match $pattern){
# Clone hashset becuase ExceptWith modifies collection
[hashset[string]]$missing = $commands.clone()
# Clone hashset becuase ExceptWith modifies collection
[hashset[string]]$extra = $uriCommand.clone()
return [PSCustomObject]@{
Missing = $missing
Extra = $Extra
$delta = Find-CommandDelta
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