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Last active April 15, 2020 13:46
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Measure Distance Between Two Images Blog
# importing required libraries
import cv2
import face_recognition
import os
import numpy as np
# initialize the empty list of name label
known_face_names = []
# initialize the empty list for storing the encoding of each face
known_face_encodings = []
# initialize the folder path consisting of training dataset
training_dataset_path = 'Training data/'
# read all the image file with extension .JPG present under the training_dataset_path
training_dataset = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.jpg'), os.listdir(training_dataset_path))
# Sort in alphabetical order
training_dataset = sorted(training_dataset)
# define function for generating known face encodings
def generate_known_face_encodings():
# Get full paths to training images
paths_to_training_images = [training_dataset_path + x for x in training_dataset]
for index,image_file in enumerate(paths_to_training_images):
# Get list of names of people by eliminating the .JPG extension from image filenames
# read image file
image = cv2.imread(image_file)
# detect face from image and get the face encoding
face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(image)[0]
# append this into known_face_encodings
print("Training Started...")
print("Training Completed...")
# load the image to be detected
image_to_recognize = cv2.imread('modi-obama-1.jpg')
# locate all faces from the image
all_face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image_to_recognize, number_of_times_to_upsample = 2 ,model="cnn")
# generate encoding for all detected faces
all_face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(image_to_recognize,all_face_locations)
for face_location, face_encoding in zip(all_face_locations,all_face_encodings):
# split the tuple
top_pos, right_pos, bottom_pos, left_pos = face_location
# find the distance of current encoding with all known encodings
face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
for i,face_distance in enumerate(face_distances):
print("\nThe calculated distance is {:.2} from sample image {}".format(face_distance, known_face_names[i]))
# print matching percentage
print("The matching percentage is {}% against the sample image {}".format(round((1-float(face_distance))*100, 2), known_face_names[i]))
# load the image to be detected
image_to_recognize = cv2.imread('modi-obama-1.jpg')
# locate all faces from the image
all_face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image_to_recognize, number_of_times_to_upsample = 2 ,model="cnn")
# generate encoding for all detected faces
all_face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(image_to_recognize,all_face_locations)
for face_location, face_encoding in zip(all_face_locations,all_face_encodings):
# split the tuple
top_pos, right_pos, bottom_pos, left_pos = face_location
# find the distance of current encoding with all known encodings
face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
for i,face_distance in enumerate(face_distances):
print("\nThe calculated distance is {:.2} from sample image {}".format(face_distance, known_face_names[i]))
# print matching percentage
print("The matching percentage is {}% against the sample image {}".format(round((1-float(face_distance))*100, 2), known_face_names[i]))
# importing required libraries
import cv2
import face_recognition
import os
import numpy as np
# initialize the empty list of name label
known_face_names = []
# initialize the empty list for storing the encoding of each face
known_face_encodings = []
# initialize the folder path consisting of training dataset
training_dataset_path = 'Training data/'
# read all the image file with extension .JPG present under the training_dataset_path
training_dataset = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.jpg'), os.listdir(training_dataset_path))
# Sort in alphabetical order
training_dataset = sorted(training_dataset)
# define function for generating known face encodings
def generate_known_face_encodings():
# Get full paths to training images
paths_to_training_images = [training_dataset_path + x for x in training_dataset]
for index,image_file in enumerate(paths_to_training_images):
# Get list of names of people by eliminating the .JPG extension from image filenames
# read image file
image = cv2.imread(image_file)
# detect face from image and get the face encoding
face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(image)[0]
# append this into known_face_encodings
print("Training Started...")
print("Training Completed...")
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