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Forked from anonymous/index.html
Last active July 23, 2016 14:58
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JS Bin// source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<div id="container-1"></div>
<div id='container-2'</div>
// similiar to $(function() { ... })
// class is an UI object
// creating a class does not add into DOM yet
var TweetBox = React.createClass({
// In React, you don’t directly modify the DOM. Instead, in an event handler, you modify something called the “state”. And this is done by calling this.setState
// every time state changes, the render function is called again
getInitialState: function(){
return {
text: '',
photoAdded: false
// changes the state of 'text' every time someone inputs into text area
handleChange: function(event){
input =;
this.setState({ text: input });
// changes the state of 'photoAdded'
togglePhoto: function(event){
this.setState({ photoAdded: !this.state.photoAdded });
// returns the number of remaining character from 'text' state
remainingCharacters: function(event){
{return 140 - 23 - this.state.text.length;}
{return 140 - this.state.text.length;}
// creates error flash and overflow text and return to render method
overflowAlert: function() {
if (this.remainingCharacters() < 0) {
if (this.state.photoAdded) {
var beforeOverflowText = this.state.text.substring(140 - 23 - 10, 140 - 23);
var overflowText = this.state.text.substring(140 - 23);
} else {
var beforeOverflowText = this.state.text.substring(140 - 10, 140);
var overflowText = this.state.text.substring(140);
return (
<div className="alert alert-warning">
<strong>Oops! Too Long:</strong>
<strong className="bg-danger">{overflowText}</strong>
} else {
return "";
// {...} syntax to include any JavaScript code inside the HTML syntax part of JSX.
// add slash for self closing tags
render: function() {
<div className='well clearfix'>
This React example is created from
<a href=''>
{ this.overflowAlert() }
<textarea className='form-control' onChange = {this.handleChange}></textarea><br/>
<button className='btn btn-primary pull-right' disabled={this.state.text.length === 0 && !this.state.photoAdded}>Tweet</button>
<button className="btn btn-default pull-right" onClick={ this.togglePhoto }>
{ this.state.photoAdded ? '√ Photo Added' : 'Add Photo'}
// handleChange and togglePhoto are event handlers
// remainingCharacters() method to return a number.
// render(class_name, container_to_append_into)
<TweetBox />, document.getElementById('container-1')
// whatever happens to container-2 will not
// affect anything on container-1
// as both of them have different rendering ID
<TweetBox />,
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