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Last active December 7, 2017 03:24
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Lisp Parser and Interpreter, takes string of lisp code and runs it.
// Copyright 2017, Victor R. Cabrera
* enum's needed in order to tell the TaggedUnion value's
* type as well as it's label for lisp parsing
enum class Type { Char, Int, Double, String, List };
/* I got the label names through an article that I read about the terminology used in Lisp. This is the article if you are interested:
enum class Label { Atom, Identifier, Neither };
// Copyright 2017, Victor R. Cabrera
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include "./include/Parser.hpp"
using list = std::vector<TaggedUnion>;
using string = std::string;
/* My code currently assumes that the lisp you are printing is valid.
* It also assumes you are giving it lisp code that is structured in a certain
* way (for ex without spaces like ( first ( list 1 ( + 2.40 3 ) 9 ) ).
* That will be a future task since I figured just getting it to work should
* be enough for now.
int main(void) {
Parser tester;
string lisp = "(first (list 1 (+ 2.40 3) 9))";
list arr = tester.parse(lisp);
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
/* compile using: g++ -std=c++14 main.cpp src/Parser.cpp src/Utils.cpp src/TaggedUnion.cpp -o main
* folder structure should be as follows:
* Lisp Interpreter:
* include:
* enum.hpp
* Parser.hpp
* TaggedUnion.hpp
* Utils.hpp
* src:
* Parser.cpp
* TaggedUnion.cpp
* Utils.cpp
* main.cpp
// Copyright 2017, Victor R. Cabrera
#include "../include/Parser.hpp"
using string_array = std::vector<std::string>;
using list = std::vector<TaggedUnion>;
string_array Parser::split(const std::string & lisp_list) {
/* create a new list that'll hold each string value in a vector. */
string_array split_list;
/* if it's empty, there is nothing to compute. */
if (!lisp_list.empty()) {
auto curr_val = "";
auto new_list = lisp_list;
/* add whitespace to every parentheses, remove every instace of double whitespace,
* and then split the list based on whitespace.
Utils::replaceAll(new_list, "(", " ( ");
Utils::replaceAll(new_list, ")", " ) ");
Utils::replaceAll(new_list, " ", " ");
/* split the list based on whitespace. */
split_list = Utils::split(new_list, ' ');
/* If the value is a list and not an atom, the first parentheses will have a trailing whitespace
* and that will store into the first pos in the vector as an empty string. Deleting that will
* make the list validly split.
if (split_list[0] == "") {
return split_list;
list Parser::parse(const std::string & lisp_list) {
string_array split_list = split(lisp_list);
list parsed_list;
/* If the split list isn't empty, it is time to parse it. */
if (!split_list.empty()) {
int i = 0;
/* Use a helper function to recursely parse the vector. */
parsed_list = parseHelper(split_list, i);
return parsed_list;
list Parser::parseHelper(const string_array & split_list,
int & i) {
/* Create a new list to represent the current list. */
list new_list;
for (i; i < split_list.size(); ++i) {
/* If the string is "(", then it signifies a new list. */
if (split_list[i] == "(") {
/* recursively call this function on the new list, and then push it back to represent
* a nested list.
new_list.push_back(TaggedUnion(parseHelper(split_list, ++i)));
/* If the string is ")", this signifies the end of a list. */
} else if (split_list[i] == ")") {
return new_list;
/* Otherwise, you should categorize the value. */
} else {
categorize(new_list, split_list[i]);
void Parser::categorize(list & list, const std::string & str) {
/* If it's an int, store it as an int constant.
* Else if it's a double, store it as an float constant.
* Else if it's a string with quotes around it, store it as a string constant.
* Else, the string is an identifier for a function, so store it as that.
if (Utils::isInt(str)) {
list.push_back(TaggedUnion(std::stoi(str), Label::Atom));
} else if (Utils::isFloat(str)) {
list.push_back(TaggedUnion(std::stof(str), Label::Atom));
} else if (str[0] == '"' && str[str.size() - 1] == '"') {
list.push_back(TaggedUnion(str.substr(1, str.size() - 2), Label::Atom));
} else {
list.push_back(TaggedUnion(str, Label::Identifier));
void Parser::printList(const list & list) {
/* Print out the list and then show the type of label it is
* for debugging.
std::cout << "[";
for (const auto & value : list) {
switch (value.getType()) {
case Type::List:
std::cout << "list ";
std::cout << ", ";
case Type::String:
std::cout << "string ";
std::cout << value.getString() << ": ";
std::cout << ", ";
case Type::Double:
std::cout << "float ";
std::cout << value.getDouble() << ": ";
std::cout << ", ";
case Type::Int:
std::cout << "int ";
std::cout << value.getInt() << ": ";
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << "\b\b";
std::cout << "]";
// Copyright 2017, Victor R. Cabrera
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "TaggedUnion.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "enum.hpp"
using string_array = std::vector<std::string>;
using list = std::vector<TaggedUnion>;
/** Parser class
* CONSTRUCTION: Takes a lisp-like string and parses it into a vector of different types and labels to reflect the value's use in Lisp.
* ************************************************************************PUBLIC OPERATIONS***************************************************************************
* vector<string> split(lisp_list) --> Split lisp string into an array for each separate string to perform recursion.
* vector<TaggedUnion> parse(lisp_list) --> Parse a lisp string into an array that represents an abstract syntax tree of the lisp code.
* vector<TaggedUnion> parseHelper(list, i) --> Recursively establishes the value of each string in lisp in order to parse into a AST.
* void categorize(list, i) --> Give a description for the lisp command ("s" is a constant, first is an identifier).
* void printList(list) --> prints the values in the list, used as a debugger/proof of concept for the algorithm.
class Parser {
string_array split(const std::string & lisp_list);
list parse(const std::string & lisp_list);
list parseHelper(const string_array & list,
int & i);
void categorize(list & list, const std::string & i);
void printList(const list & list);
// Copyright 2017, Victor R. Cabrera
#include "../include/TaggedUnion.hpp"
using string = std::string;
using list = std::vector<TaggedUnion>;
/* Uninitialized Unions require that you define the constructor, copy constructor, and destructor of
* any potential types that contain a non-trivial constructor. This is done for strings and vector<TaggedUnion>'s in this case
TaggedUnion::TaggedUnion(const list& value) :
type_(Type::List), label_(Label::Neither) {
new (&list_value) list(value);
TaggedUnion::TaggedUnion(const list&& value) :
type_(Type::List), label_(Label::Neither) {
new (&list_value) list(std::move(value));
TaggedUnion::TaggedUnion(const string& value, const Label& label) :
type_(Type::String), label_(label) {
new (&string_value) string(value);
TaggedUnion::TaggedUnion(const string&& value, const Label& label) :
type_(Type::String), label_(label) {
new (&string_value) string(std::move(value));
TaggedUnion::TaggedUnion(const char& value, const Label& label) :
type_(Type::Char), label_(label) {
char_value = value;
TaggedUnion::TaggedUnion(const int& value, const Label& label) :
type_(Type::Int), label_(label) {
int_value = value;
TaggedUnion::TaggedUnion(const double& value, const Label& label) :
type_(Type::Double), label_(label) {
double_value = value;
TaggedUnion::TaggedUnion(const TaggedUnion& rhs) :
type_(rhs.type_), label_(rhs.label_) {
switch ( type_ ) {
case Type::List:
new (&list_value) list(rhs.list_value);
case Type::String:
new (&string_value) string(rhs.string_value);
case Type::Double:
double_value = rhs.double_value;
case Type::Int:
int_value = rhs.int_value;
case Type::Char:
char_value = rhs.char_value;
TaggedUnion & TaggedUnion::operator=(const TaggedUnion& rhs) {
if (this != &rhs) {
if (type_ == Type::String) {
} else if (type_ == Type::List) {
type_ = rhs.type_;
label_ = rhs.label_;
switch ( type_ ) {
case Type::List:
new (&list_value) list(rhs.list_value);
case Type::String:
new (&string_value) string(rhs.string_value);
case Type::Double:
double_value = rhs.double_value;
case Type::Int:
int_value = rhs.int_value;
case Type::Char:
char_value = rhs.char_value;
return *this;
TaggedUnion::~TaggedUnion() {
if (type_ == Type::String) {
} else if (type_ == Type::List) {
void TaggedUnion::printLabel() const {
switch ( label_ ) {
case Label::Atom:
std::cout << "atom";
case Label::Identifier:
std::cout << "identifier";
Type TaggedUnion::getType() const {
return type_;
Label TaggedUnion::getLabel() const {
return label_;
char TaggedUnion::getChar() const {
assert(getType() == Type::Char); return char_value;
int TaggedUnion::getInt() const {
assert(getType() == Type::Int); return int_value;
double TaggedUnion::getDouble() const {
assert(getType() == Type::Double); return double_value;
string TaggedUnion::getString() const {
assert(getType() == Type::String); return string_value;
list TaggedUnion::getList() const {
assert(getType() == Type::List); return list_value;
// Copyright 2017, Victor R. Cabrera
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include "enum.hpp"
/** TaggedUnion class
* CONSTRUCTION: Creates a TaggedUnion class that is able to handle multiple types through an unrestricted union, for the sake of created a nested list of different types in C++
* ************************************************************************PUBLIC OPERATIONS***************************************************************************
* void printLabel() const; --> Prints the TaggedUnion's lisp label_, used for debugging.
* Type getType() const; --> Gets the Type of the TaggedUnion, used to decide which value to return.
* Label getLabel() const; --> Gets the Label of the TaggedUnion, used to retrieve the purpose of the value for lisp interpretation.
* char getChar() const; --> Gets the char value stored in the TaggedUnion.
* int getInt() const; --> Gets the int value stored in the TaggedUnion.
* double getDouble() const; --> Gets the double value stored in the TaggedUnion.
* string getString() const; --> Gets the string value stored in the TaggedUnion.
* list getList() const; --> Gets the list value stored in the TaggedUnion.
class TaggedUnion {
using string = std::string;
using list = std::vector<TaggedUnion>;
union {
char char_value;
int int_value;
double double_value;
string string_value;
list list_value;
Type type_;
Label label_;
explicit TaggedUnion(const list& value);
explicit TaggedUnion(const list&& value);
explicit TaggedUnion(const string& value, const Label& label);
explicit TaggedUnion(const string&& value, const Label& label);
explicit TaggedUnion(const char& value, const Label& label);
explicit TaggedUnion(const int& value, const Label& label);
explicit TaggedUnion(const double& value, const Label& label);
explicit TaggedUnion(const TaggedUnion& rhs);
TaggedUnion & operator=(const TaggedUnion& rhs);
void printLabel() const;
Type getType() const;
Label getLabel() const;
char getChar() const;
int getInt() const;
double getDouble() const;
string getString() const;
list getList() const;
// Copyright 2017, Victor R. Cabrera
#include "../include/Utils.hpp"
void Utils::replaceAll(std::string & str,
const std::string & from,
const std::string & to) {
/* if there's nothing to change, return */
if ( from.empty() ) {
size_t start_pos = 0;
/* while you can still find instances of the
* string you want to change, change it
while ((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
start_pos += to.length();
std::vector<std::string> Utils::split(const std::string & str, char delimiter) {
std::vector<std::string> arr;
std::string word;
std::istringstream splitStream(str);
/* use istringstream in order to read the string
* and end each read given the delimiter passed
while (std::getline(splitStream, word, delimiter)) {
return arr;
bool Utils::isInt(const std::string & str) {
/* checks to see if there is any instance
* of a value that is not a number
return str.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos;
bool Utils::isFloat(const std::string & str) {
float buffer;
std::istringstream iss(str);
/* whitespace is considered invalid */
iss >> std::noskipws >> buffer;
/* if the line ends and the buffer didn't
* fail to grab the value, this is a valid float
return iss.eof() && !;
// Copyright 2017, Victor R. Cabrera
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
/** Utils class
* CONSTRUCTION: Utility Class fused for convenience since I wanted to avoid the boost library for the sake of allowing easy compilation.
* ************************************************************************PUBLIC OPERATIONS***************************************************************************
* vector<string> split(str, delimiter) --> Splits a string into an array based on a delimiter value.
* void replaceAll(str, from, to) --> Replaces all instances of a string with a new value.
* bool isInt(str) --> Checks to see if the tring is convertible to an integer.
* bool isFloat(str) --> Checks to see if the string is convertible to a float.
class Utils {
static std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string & str,
char delimiter);
static void replaceAll(std::string& str,
const std::string& from,
const std::string& to);
static bool isInt(const std::string& str);
static bool isFloat(const std::string& str);
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