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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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open bool
open int
open eq.ops
-- 1
abbreviation Var := string
notation `Σ` := Var → ℤ
inductive AExp :=
| lit : ℤ → AExp
| var : Var → AExp
| sub : AExp → AExp → AExp
| mul : AExp → AExp → AExp
namespace AExp
attribute lit [coercion]
attribute var [coercion]
infixl `-` := sub
prefix `-` := λx, 0 - x
infixl `+` := λx y, x - (-y)
infixl `*` := mul
definition val (σ : Σ): AExp → ℤ
| (lit n) := n
| (var x) := σ x
-- no infix?
| (sub a b) := val a - val b
| (mul a b) := val a * val b
notation `A⟦` a `⟧` σ:100 := val σ a
lemma val.add (a₁ a₂ : AExp) (σ : Σ) : A⟦a₁ + a₂⟧σ = A⟦a₁⟧σ + A⟦a₂⟧σ :=
A⟦a₁ + a₂⟧σ = A⟦a₁⟧σ - (0 - A⟦a₂⟧σ) : rfl
... = A⟦a₁⟧σ + A⟦a₂⟧σ : by rewrite [zero_sub, sub_neg_eq_add]
end AExp
open AExp
inductive BExp :=
| true : BExp
| leq : AExp → AExp → BExp
| not : BExp → BExp
| and : BExp → BExp → BExp
definition bool.of_eq (p : Prop) [dec : decidable p] : bool :=
match dec with
| inl := tt
| inr := ff
namespace BExp
infixl `≤` := leq
infixl `&&` := and
prefix `¬` := bnot
definition val (σ : Σ) : BExp → bool
| true := tt
| (leq a₁ a₂) := bool.of_eq (le A⟦a₁⟧σ A⟦a₂⟧σ)
| (not b) := ¬val b
| (b₁ && b₂) := val b₁ && val b₂
notation `B⟦` b `⟧` σ:100 := val σ b
end BExp
open BExp
inductive Com :=
| skip : Com
| ass : Var → AExp → Com
| seq : Com → Com → Com
| cond : BExp → Com → Com → Com
| while : BExp → Com → Com
open Com
infix `::=`:50 := ass
infix `;;`:30 := seq
-- 3
definition string.eq.decidable [instance] (s₁ s₂ : string) : decidable (s₁ = s₂) := sorry
inductive bigstep : Com → Σ → Σ → Prop :=
| skip : Π{σ : Σ}, bigstep skip σ σ
| ass : Π{x : Var} {a : AExp} {σ : Σ}, bigstep (x ::= a) σ
(λx', if x' = x then A⟦a⟧σ else σ x')
| seq : Π{c₁ c₂ : Com} {σ σ' σ'': Σ} (H₁ : bigstep c₁ σ σ') (H₂ : bigstep c₂ σ' σ''), bigstep (c₁;;c₂) σ σ''
| if_tt : Π{b : BExp} {c₁ c₂ : Com} {σ σ': Σ} (Hb : B⟦b⟧σ = tt) (H₁ : bigstep c₁ σ σ'), bigstep (cond b c₁ c₂) σ σ'
| if_ff : Π{b : BExp} {c₁ c₂ : Com} {σ σ': Σ} (Hb : B⟦b⟧σ = ff) (H₂ : bigstep c₂ σ σ'), bigstep (cond b c₁ c₂) σ σ'
| while_tt : Π{b : BExp} {c : Com} {σ σ' σ'': Σ} (Hb : B⟦b⟧σ = tt) (Hc : bigstep c σ σ') (Hind : bigstep (while b c) σ' σ''), bigstep (while b c) σ σ''
| while_ff : Π{b : BExp} {c : Com} {σ: Σ} (Hb : B⟦b⟧σ = ff), bigstep (while b c) σ σ
notation `⟨` c `,` σ `⟩⟱` σ':100 := bigstep c σ σ'
namespace bigstep
variables {b : BExp} {c : Com}
variables {σ σ' σ₁ σ₂ : Σ}
lemma unroll_loop' : ⟨while b c, σ⟩⟱σ' ↔ ⟨cond b (c;; while b c) Com.skip, σ⟩⟱σ' :=
(assume H : ⟨while b c, σ⟩⟱σ',
show ⟨cond b (c;; while b c) Com.skip, σ⟩⟱σ',
cases H,
{ apply (bigstep.if_tt Hb (bigstep.seq Hc Hind)) },
{ apply (bigstep.if_ff Hb bigstep.skip) }
(assume H : ⟨cond b (c;; while b c) Com.skip, σ⟩⟱σ',
show ⟨while b c, σ⟩⟱σ',
cases H,
{ cases H₁, apply (bigstep.while_tt Hb H₁_1 H₂) },
{ cases H₂, apply (bigstep.while_ff Hb) }
lemma deterministic (H₁ : ⟨c, σ⟩⟱σ₁) (H₂ : ⟨c, σ⟩⟱σ₂) : σ₁ = σ₂ :=
revert H₂,
revert σ₂,
eapply bigstep.induction_on H₁,
{ intro σ σ₂ H₂, cases H₂, exact rfl },
{ intro x a σ σ₂ H₂, cases H₂, exact rfl },
{ clear H₁ c σ σ₁,
intro c₁ c₂ σ σ' σ'' Hc₁ Hc₂ Hind₁ Hind₂ σ₂ H₂,
cases H₂,
apply Hind₂,
rewrite (Hind₁ σ'_1 H₁),
exact H₂_1
{ clear H₁ c σ σ₁,
intro b c₁ c₂ σ σ' Hb Hc₁ Hind σ'₂ H₂,
cases H₂,
{ exact Hind σ'_1 H₁ },
{ have Hcontr : ff = tt, from (Hb_1⁻¹ ⬝ Hb), contradiction }
{ clear H₁ c σ σ₁,
intro b c₁ c₂ σ σ' Hb Hc₁ Hind σ'₂ H₂,
cases H₂,
{ exact bool.no_confusion (Hb_1⁻¹ ⬝ Hb) },
{ exact Hind σ'_1 H₂_1 }
{ clear H₁ c σ σ₁,
intro b c σ σ' σ'' Hb Hc Hwhile Hc_ind Hwhile_ind σ₂ H₂,
cases H₂,
{ apply Hwhile_ind, rewrite (Hc_ind σ'_1 Hc_1), exact Hind },
{ exact bool.no_confusion (Hb_1⁻¹ ⬝ Hb) }
{ clear H₁ c σ σ₁,
intro b c σ Hb σ₂ H₂,
cases H₂,
{ exact bool.no_confusion (Hb_1⁻¹ ⬝ Hb) },
{ exact rfl }
end bigstep
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