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Last active June 27, 2022 11:08
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Lean 4 port of [Proving insertion sort correct easily in Coq]( using
import Aesop
variable [LE α] [DecidableRel ((· ≤ ·) : α → α → Prop)]
@[aesop safe constructors]
inductive Sorted : List α → Prop where
| nil : Sorted []
| single : Sorted [x]
| cons_cons : x ≤ x' → Sorted (x' :: xs) → Sorted (x :: x' :: xs)
@[simp] def insertInOrder (a : α) : List α → List α
| [] => [a]
| x :: xs =>
if a ≤ x then
a :: x :: xs
x :: insertInOrder a xs
@[simp] def insertionSort : List α → List α
| [] => []
| x :: xs => insertInOrder x (insertionSort xs)
variable (antisymm : ∀ {x y : α}, ¬ (x ≤ y) → y ≤ x)
theorem sorted_insertInOrder {xs : List α} (h : Sorted xs) : Sorted (insertInOrder x xs) := by
induction h <;> aesop
theorem sorted_insertionSort {xs : List α} : Sorted (insertionSort xs) := by
induction xs <;> aesop (add safe sorted_insertInOrder)
inductive Perm : List α → List α → Prop where
| nil : Perm [] []
| cons : Perm xs xs' → Perm (x :: xs) (x :: xs')
| swap : Perm (x :: y :: xs) (y :: x :: xs)
| trans : Perm xs ys → Perm ys zs → Perm xs zs
attribute [aesop safe] Perm.nil
attribute [aesop unsafe] Perm.cons
attribute [aesop unsafe] Perm.swap
attribute [aesop unsafe] Perm.trans
theorem Perm.symm : Perm xs ys → Perm ys xs := by
intro h
induction h <;> aesop
@[aesop safe]
theorem perm_insertInOrder {xs : List α} : Perm (x :: xs) (insertInOrder x xs) := by
induction xs <;> aesop
theorem perm_insertionSort {xs : List α} : Perm xs (insertionSort xs) := by
induction xs with
| nil => aesop
| cons x xs =>
cases xs with
| nil => aesop
| cons x' xs =>
apply Perm.trans (ys := x :: insertInOrder x' xs)
· exact Perm.cons perm_insertInOrder
· apply Perm.trans (ys := x :: insertionSort (x' :: xs))
· aesop (add safe Perm.cons, unsafe [cases List, Perm.symm])
· aesop
def IsSortingAlgorithm (f : List α → List α) := ∀ xs, Perm xs (f xs) ∧ Sorted (f xs)
theorem isSortingAlgorithm_insertionSort : IsSortingAlgorithm (insertionSort (α := α)) :=
fun _xs => ⟨perm_insertionSort, sorted_insertionSort @antisymm⟩
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