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Created August 28, 2018 04:36
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import data.set.finite
-- we don't need no infinite sets here
open finset
open function
-- `fin n` is the type of the first `n` natural numbers
theorem pigeonhole (n m : ℕ) (f : fin n → fin m) : n > m → ¬(injective f) :=
assume : n > m,
-- proof of negation: show contradiction
assume : injective f,
show false,
-- using ‹n > m› (these quotes refer to proofs of known facts), we can prove the
-- contradiction by proving `n ≤ m`
from suffices n ≤ m,
from nat.lt_le_antisymm ‹n > m› ‹n ≤ m›,
-- the type `fin n` has `n` elements
calc n = fintype.card (fin n) : by simp
-- ... which we can also express as the cardinality of its universal set
... = card (univ : finset (fin n)) : rfl
-- ... which is the same for its image under an injective function
... = card (image f univ) : by simp [card_image_of_injective univ ‹injective f›]
-- ... which is no larger than the universal set (in `fin m`)
... ≤ card (univ : finset (fin m)) : card_le_of_subset (subset_univ _)
... = fintype.card (fin m) : rfl
-- ... which has `m` elements
... = m : by simp
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