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Last active October 27, 2021 15:46
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Gatsby Contentful Recipe

Setup Gatsby with Contentful

Contentful A content platform is everything a CMS isn’t. Control all of your content from a single hub. Publish to any digital channel. Integrate anything with our industry-leading app framework. See ya, CMS.

Install necessary NPM packages


Add the source plugin

Create a setup script

You are good to go. Please run npm run setup to get started

const spaceImport = require('contentful-import')
const exportFile = require('../contentful/export.json')
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const chalk = require('chalk')
const path = require('path')
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs')
const argv = require('yargs-parser')(process.argv.slice(2))
To set up this project you need to provide your Space ID
and the belonging API access tokens.
You can find all the needed information in your Contentful space under:
` ${'->')} Space Settings ${
)} API keys`
The ${'Content Management API Token')}
will be used to import and write data to your space.
The ${'Content Delivery API Token')}
will be used to ship published production-ready content in your Gatsby app.
The ${'Content Preview API Token')}
will be used to show not published data in your development environment.
Ready? Let's do it! 🎉
const questions = [
name: 'spaceId',
message: 'Your Space ID',
when: !argv.spaceId && !process.env.CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID,
validate: input =>
/^[a-z0-9]{12}$/.test(input) ||
'Space ID must be 12 lowercase characters',
name: 'managementToken',
when: !argv.managementToken,
message: 'Your Content Management API access token',
name: 'accessToken',
when: !argv.accessToken && !process.env.CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN_TOKEN,
message: 'Your Content Delivery API access token',
.then(({ spaceId, managementToken, accessToken }) => {
// env vars are given precedence followed by args provided to the setup
// followed by input given to prompts displayed by the setup script
spaceId = CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID || argv.spaceId || spaceId
managementToken = argv.managementToken || managementToken
accessToken = CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN || argv.accessToken || accessToken
console.log('Writing config file...')
const configFiles = [`.env.development`, `.env.production`].map(file =>
path.join(__dirname, '..', file)
const fileContents =
`# All environment variables will be sourced`,
`# and made available to gatsby-config.js, gatsby-node.js, etc.`,
`# Do NOT commit this file to source control`,
].join('\n') + '\n'
configFiles.forEach(file => {
writeFileSync(file, fileContents, 'utf8')
console.log(`Config file ${chalk.yellow(file)} written`)
return { spaceId, managementToken }
.then(({ spaceId, managementToken }) =>
spaceImport({ spaceId, managementToken, content: exportFile })
.then((_, error) => {
`All set! You can now run ${chalk.yellow(
'yarn run dev'
)} to see it in action.`
.catch(error => console.error(error))
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