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Last active November 17, 2023 09:53
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Save KhepryQuixote/00946f2f7dd5f89324d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python 3 script to extract Chemical Abstract Society Registry Numbers (CASRNs) from PubChem's CID Synonym file.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author: Khepry Quixote
Date: 11 Nov 2014
Language: Python 3.4
This Python 3.4 program will extract CASRN values from PubChem's
CID Synonym file, which can be found at the following address:
As of 11 Nov 2014, this file is approximately 1.2 GB in size.
Lists of Chemical Abstract Society (CAS) Registration Numbers (CASRNs) are hard to find,
and this list is no exception. Within this list, the CASRNs are NOT explicitly identified as such,
possibly because CAS would rather have you go through them for access to the numbers in question.
However, CASRNs do seem to follow a particular pattern and as such can be extracted via
a regular expression pattern: "^[1-9][0-9]{1,6}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]$". This is what this
program does, extracting CASRNs from the synonym list via regular expression pattern recognition.
The "master" output file contains a row for each CID, CASRN combination.
The "summary" output file contains a row for each CID, with all of the CASRNs for that CID number.
The "synonym" output file contains a row for each CID and synonym combination.
TODO: output these files as tables within one SQLite database file.
import codecs
import csv
import os
import re
import sys
import time
# source file full path
srcFileFullPath = "~/data/fracking/CID-Synonym-filtered.txt"
# master file's full path
masFileFullPath = "~/data/fracking/CID-CASRN-SynXref-Master.txt"
# summary file's full path
sumFileFullPath = "~/data/fracking/CID-CASRN-SynXref-Summary.txt"
# synonyms file's full path
synFileFullPath = "~/data/fracking/CID-CASRN-SynXref-Synonyms.txt";
# maximum number of matches desired
# 0 = unlimited number of matches
# greater than 0 = specified number of matches allowed
maxMatches = 0
maxRows = 0
flushCount = 100000
# source file column separator
srcDelim = "\t";
srcFieldNames = ['cid','synonym']
# master file column separator
masDelim = "\t";
masFieldNames = ['cid','casrn']
# summary file column separator
sumDelim = "\t";
sumCasrnDelim = "|";
sumFieldNames = ['cid','casrns']
# synonyms file column separator
synDelim = "\t";
synFieldNames = ['cid','synonym']
# summary value separator (ALT+1 is ☺)
sumValSeparator = "|";
# Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number regular expression pattern
regExprCasRegNbr = "^[1-9][0-9]{1,6}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]$"
# =============================================================================
# Main routine:
# =============================================================================
def main():
global srcFileFullPath
global masFileFullPath
global sumFileFullPath
global synFileFullPath
bgnTime = time.time()
prevCID = ""
# if necessary
if srcFileFullPath.startswith('~'):
# expand the source file path with the user's folder
srcFileFullPath = os.path.expanduser(srcFileFullPath)
# verify that the source file exists
if not os.path.exists(srcFileFullPath):
sys.stderr.write('srcFileFullPath does NOT exist: %s%s' % (srcFileFullPath, os.linesep))
# make sure the target folders exist
masFileFullPath = os.path.expanduser(masFileFullPath)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(masFileFullPath)):
sumFileFullPath = os.path.expanduser(sumFileFullPath)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sumFileFullPath)):
synFileFullPath = os.path.expanduser(synFileFullPath)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(synFileFullPath)):
srcFile =, 'rb', 'cp1252')
masFile =, 'wb', 'cp1252')
sumFile =, 'wb', 'cp1252')
synFile =, 'wb', 'cp1252')
srcReader = csv.DictReader(srcFile, delimiter=srcDelim, fieldnames=srcFieldNames)
masWriter = csv.DictWriter(masFile, delimiter=masDelim, fieldnames=masFieldNames)
sumWriter = csv.DictWriter(sumFile, delimiter=sumDelim, fieldnames=sumFieldNames)
synWriter = csv.DictWriter(synFile, delimiter=synDelim, fieldnames=synFieldNames)
# compile the CASRN regex pattern
# for later use in CASRN matching
pattern = re.compile(regExprCasRegNbr)
casrns = []
synonyms = []
rows = 0
for rowDict in srcReader:
rows += 1
# break on exceeding maximum rows
if maxRows > 0 and rows > maxRows:
# if level-break on CID
if prevCID != "" and rowDict['cid'] != prevCID:
# if CASRNs were found
if len(casrns) > 0:
# output rows to appropriate files
for casrn in casrns:
masWriter.writerow({'cid':prevCID, 'casrn':casrn})
sumWriter.writerow({'cid':prevCID, 'casrns':sumCasrnDelim.join(casrns)})
for synonym in synonyms:
synWriter.writerow({'cid':prevCID, 'synonym':synonym})
del casrns[:]
del synonyms[:]
prevCID = rowDict['cid'].strip()
# if synonym matches CASRN regex pattern
if pattern.match(rowDict['synonym'].strip()):
# append it for later file output
if rows % flushCount == 0:
endTime = time.time()
seconds = endTime - bgnTime
if seconds > 0:
rcdsPerSec = rows / seconds
rcdsPerSec = 0
print ("CID Synonym Rows: {:,} in {:,.0f} seconds @ {:,.0f} records/second".format(rows, seconds, rcdsPerSec))
# end-of-source-file processing
if prevCID != "":
# if CASRNs were found
if len(casrns) > 0:
# output rows to appropriate files
for casrn in casrns:
masWriter.writerow({'cid':prevCID, 'casrn':casrn})
sumWriter.writerow({'cid':prevCID, 'casrns':sumCasrnDelim.join(casrns)})
for synonym in synonyms:
synWriter.writerow({'cid':prevCID, 'synonym':synonym})
del casrns[:]
del synonyms[:]
# close all files
print ("-----------------------------------")
endTime = time.time()
seconds = endTime - bgnTime
if seconds > 0:
rcdsPerSec = rows / seconds
rcdsPerSec = 0
print ("CID Synonym Rows: {:,} in {:,.0f} seconds @ {:,.0f} records/second".format(rows, seconds, rcdsPerSec))
# ============================================================================
# execute the mainline processing routine
# ============================================================================
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
retval = main()
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