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Batman Arkham Knight Cover image, the game that made me rediscover Batman, the one that made it my favorite Comics Hero

Storyline choices 1
Spoilers 2


Batman is a DC Comics character created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.

  • His first appearance was in Detective Comics #27 in 1939.
  • He is one of the first Heroes that are still know today, and he’s actually always in the Top #3 Favorite Heroes with Superman and Spider-Man.
  • He’s known for being really dark and his universe kinda follows this rule.

Batman (From Arkham Knight)

His story

When he was young, Bruce’s parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne, the richest people in Gotham, Owners of Wayne Enterprises, The Wayne Manor (outside of Gotham), and the 2 tallest towers in the city (Wayne Plaza and Wayne Tower (Wayne Enterprise’s Building)) got killed in a small street (that was renamed Crime Alley after this event because the Wayne were the future of the city) after they left a theater with Bruce. He saw everything.

How he became Batman 1

  1. He then trained his whole life to become something… different… one day he saw a bat entering in his room, and became Batman.
  2. When he was young, he was playing with his friend Rachel and he fell in a pit, tons of bats flew around him, he was then extremely scared of bats, he used that fear as a way to become a Symbol for Gotham, The Batman.

Most common names

  1. Batman (Obviousely)
  2. The Batman (nuance)
  3. The Dark Knight
  4. The Caped Crusader
  5. The World’s Greatest Detective
  6. Bruce Wayne (His true name)
  7. Master Bruce (How Alfred usually calls him)
  8. Bat-Man


Batman has said amazing stuff over the years, here are some of the best / funniest / most known (sorted by movies / series / games where he said them).

I am Vengeance, I am the Night, I am Batman !!! 🦇 3
Kevin Conroy
I will never be like you Jervis !
Kevin Conroy
I won’t ! (To Catwoman after she said Call me if you need)
Kevin Conroy
You’re afraid of being ashes. You’re afraid of being forgotten. And you will be forgotten, Joker.
Kevin Conroy
No, I only work in black… and sometimes in very, very, very dark gray ! (To Emmet after he said BATMAN ! Hey ! Could you do one of these in orange ?)
Will Arnett

Common characters



Robin is Batman’s Associate, but is also Bruce Wayne’s Adopted Son.
When a Robin died, Batman always tried to find a new one, in some story lines, he found a new one when another one was actually still alive, which made the previous one an assassin (Arkham Knight for exemple).

Here’s a little list :

Dick Grayson

Real Name Main Role First Appearance
Dick Grayson First Robin Detective Comics #38 (April 1940)

Jason Todd

Real Name Main Role First Appearance
Jason Todd Second Robin / Arkham Knight Batman #357 (1983)

Tim Drake

Real Name Main Role First Appearance
Tim Drake Third Robin Batman #436 (August 1989)

Stephanie Brown

Real Name Main Role First Appearance
Stephanie Brown Fourth Robin Detective Comics #647 (June 1992)

Damian Wayne

Real Name Main Role First Appearance
Damian Wayne Fifth Robin Batman #655 (2006)

Alfred Pennyworth

His devoted butler, he loves Bruce more than anything, he raised him after his parents died.

Alfred Pennyworth
He was a special agent in MI6 during WW1 (one of the best) and still is an excellent fighter (considering his age), he then found out that the Queen was kind of using them as a tool to get what she wanted, and that it wasn’t for good reasons, so he left the MI6 and wandered a while until he met Thomas Wayne, who became one of his best friends, Thomas asked him to be his butler, and he accepted.

He also works with him as his secretary associate, he tries to find stuff about the people Batman fights during night, without him, Batman would have died 150 times already.

They are usually agreeing about what to do, but sometimes Alfred acts more as a dad to Bruce, and Batman just wants to do the job, whatever it takes, even if has to die for it (like stopping the explosion of Ace Chemicals, a chemical laboratory that Scarecrow took over to make it a huge bomb).

Selina Kyle

Selina Kyle
Most commonly known as Catwoman (because of her costume, her extreme agility and the fact that she’s really slim (And also the fact that she was called Cat as a kid)).
Selina Kyle is an antiheroine known to be Batman’s girl 1 (even though he never get engaged with anyone, not even with her 4).

She lived in the street as a kid and she claims that made her the woman of character she is today. She is now the best stealer in Gotham, dressed as a cat, she steals expensive stuff from all over the city, in museums (she knows a couple of them that are poor and defenceless, but then again, she also knows a couple of hotels), jewlery stores, etc.

Batman often works with her to save the city because she’s a talented fighter and really stealth (stealthness is what makes Batman a good Hero, his enemies never see him which means they can’t stop him).

Jim Gordon

The Commissioner Gordon, one of Bruce’s best friend and also one of Batman’s most trusted partner.
Jim gets in contact with Batman by using the Bat-Symbol, that huge light-spot with a Bat in the middle that creates a huge Bat on the sky, that way Batman knows he’s needed.

Sometimes Batman also needs Gordon, and he does the same (if he can’t find him (which is rare), most of the time he comes sneaky in his back and asks him what he needs, talks a few minutes and leaves while Gordon doesn’t watch, Gordon often reacts to this behaviour with Every damn time).

Thomas et Matha Wayne



The Justice League




Clark Kent / Kal-El


Bartholomew Henry “Barry” Allen / Jay Garrick / Wally West / Bart Allen

Green Arrow

Oliver Queen

Wonder Woman

Princess Diana


Victor Stone


Arthur Curry

Green Lantern

Hal Jordan

Martian Manhunter

J’onn J’onzz

The Atom

Ray Palmer


Billy Batson

the Wisdom of Solomon, the Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, the Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles, and the Speed of Mercury


The fusion between Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein

Bat Associates




League of Assassins

The League of Assassins is a league of people with an immortal leader who are known for being extremely dangerous (their name says it all).

Their leader, Ra’s Al Ghul is more than 2000 years old and needs a successor, and he thinks Bruce is the one.

They look like Crazy-Ass Ninjas (They wear dark, colored or gray-ish clothes that kinda look like what Jedi wear, and they have Samurai Swords, they speak arabic and often live on a temple on top of huge mountains next to a cliff called Nanda Parbat)

The most important people in this league are Ra’s and his daughters, Talia and Nyssa.

Talia Al Ghul

Ra’s Al Ghul

Nyssa Raatko


This one has a H2 Header because he deserves it.

Real Name Main Role First Appearance
Unknown 5 Batman’s biggest enemy Batman #1 (April 25, 1940)

Who is he ?

Joker is Batman’s most recurrent enemy, his first appearance was in the first Batman dedicated Comic Book, and since then he’s still the main.

Why is Joker still the main villain after nearly 80 years ? (ETA Feb. 2020)

Joker is often called one of the best villains of all time, a title that Darth Vader also gets a lot, why ? Because he’s mysterious, crazy, he’s the only one Batman really struggles with, and he’s also the only one Batman ever killed (if we say that running over someone with an electrocuting Batmobile at 100 kmh doesn’t kill).

Joker believes Batman is his only reason to live, that’s why he never killed him, and that’s also why he never tries to know WHO Batman really is, he knows that if he unmasks him, he won’t be able to be The Batman anymore, so he won’t have any reason to continue to live.

He’s different than any other villain in any other universes of any type of entertainment, everyone wants to know who Superman is, everyone wants to know who Green Arrow is, everyone wants to know who The Flash is, everyone wants to know who his enemy is, but not Joker, that’s one reason that makes him so interesting.

Other villains don’t care who their enemy is, Scarecrow for example doesn’t care who he is, but he still tries to unmask him, so people can see that There is no Savior, no more Hope, no… more… BATMAN !! 6

Movies, Games, Comics

There are a lot of stuff telling the stories of Batman.


The Dark Knight Trilogy

Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises

Lego Movies

The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie 2


Arkham Knight


DC Comics

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Written by Khodok
Batman - Github

Written with StackEdit.

  1. I’ll mainly talk about the storyline I know the most, the one I like the most, or the most interesting ones, if multiple storylines are interesting, I’ll quote them all. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. This text may contain spoilers about Games and movies, it’s necessary to give contexts to some of the stuff I talk about on this. ↩︎

  3. Was first a line of Batman: The Animated Series: Season 1, Episode 10, also said by Kevin Conroy, it’s his Batman Touch, he created the line. ↩︎

  4. The only girl with who something really happens is Talia Al Ghul, Ra’s Al Ghul’s daughter, with who he has a son who becomes Robin, Damian Wayne. ↩︎

  5. In the 2019 Action Movie Joker, he actually has a name, and he had one before (in a comic book or an animated series, not sure), he also had one in the TV Show Gotham (Jerome Valeska then Jeremiah Valeska), but 95% of the time, his name is unknown. ↩︎

  6. In Batman: Arkham Knight, when Scarecrow is about to get the Cloudburst running, Batman is under the effects of the The Fear Toxin, Joker makes an appearance and makes him believe he is Scarecrow, who then gives him more Fear Toxin and tells he won, Batman then beats a couple of dudes down and Scarecrow manages to leave by blowing the front of the Blimp after replying Who said anything about running ? when Batman says You have nowhere to run ! ↩︎

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