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Created May 6, 2021 12:42
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This is the simplest way I've found to create a dynamic library in swift, then call a function from it in another swift program.
It doesn't use any package manager nonsense, just a compiled library and executable.
///// Step 1: Create your dylib/dll
// libby.swift
// This is the code for the library you want to compile.
// Need to declare with @_cdecl so that this function gets an objective-c/c legible signature.
// That way dlsym() can find it when you load the
public func external_func ()
print ("a func, a very palpable func!")
///// Step 2: Compile it
In the terminal, run:
swiftc -emit-library libby.swift -o libby.dylib
(tested with Swift v5.3.2)
///// Step 3: Create an executable that calls it:
// main.swift
import Darwin
// Open the dynamic library
let handle = dlopen("./libby.dylib", RTLD_NOW)
if let s = dlerror() { print(String(cString: s)) }
if handle == nil { exit(0) }
// Get the function's symbol
let symbol = dlsym(handle, "external_func")
if let t = dlerror() { print(String(cString: t)); exit(0) }
if symbol == nil { exit(0) }
// Cast the unsafe pointer symbol to a swift callable func
typealias func_alias = @convention(c) ()->()
let function = unsafeBitCast(symbol, to:func_alias.self)
// Call it!
// Clean up
///// Step 4: Compile your executable
In the terminal, run:
swiftc main.swift
///// Step 5: Run your program
In the terminal, run:
a func, a very palpable func!
And you're done!
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