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Created September 19, 2023 10:06
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# Muhammad Khuirul Huda
umur = int(input("Masukkan Umur Anda: "))
jenisKelamin = input("Masukkan Jenis Kelamin Anda: ")
hasilTes1 = float(input("Hasil Tes 1: "))
hasilTes2 = float(input("Hasil Tes 2: "))
kolomC = 0
kolomE = 0
if umur >= 20 and umur <= 30:
if jenisKelamin[0] == 'L' or jenisKelamin[0] == 'l':
if hasilTes1 >= 38 and hasilTes1 <= 40:
kolomC = 3
elif hasilTes1 > 35 and hasilTes1 <= 37:
kolomC = 2
elif hasilTes1 <= 35:
kolomC = 1
if hasilTes2 >= 14 and hasilTes2 <= 16:
kolomE = 3
elif hasilTes2 > 11 and hasilTes2 <= 13:
kolomE = 2
elif hasilTes2 <= 11:
kolomE = 1
elif jenisKelamin[0] == 'P' or jenisKelamin[0] == 'p':
if hasilTes1 >= 34 and hasilTes1 <= 36:
kolomC = 3
elif hasilTes1 >= 32 and hasilTes1 <= 34:
kolomC = 2
elif hasilTes1 <= 31:
kolomC = 1
if hasilTes2 > 10 and hasilTes2 <= 13:
kolomE = 3
elif hasilTes2 >= 8 and hasilTes2 <= 10:
kolomE = 2
elif hasilTes2 < 8:
kolomE = 1
elif umur >= 31 and umur <= 40:
if jenisKelamin[0] == 'L' or jenisKelamin[0] == 'l':
if hasilTes1 > 35 and hasilTes1 <= 37:
kolomC = 3
elif hasilTes1 > 32 and hasilTes1 <= 35:
kolomC = 2
elif hasilTes1 >= 30 and hasilTes1 <= 32:
kolomC = 1
if hasilTes2 >= 28 and hasilTes2 <= 30:
kolomE = 3
elif hasilTes2 > 25 and hasilTes2 <= 27:
kolomE = 2
elif hasilTes2 < 25:
kolomE = 1
elif jenisKelamin[0] == 'P' or jenisKelamin[0] == 'p':
if hasilTes1 > 30 and hasilTes1 <= 32:
kolomC = 3
elif hasilTes1 >= 28 and hasilTes1 <= 30:
kolomC = 2
elif hasilTes1 < 28:
kolomC = 1
if hasilTes2 > 22 and hasilTes2 <= 24:
kolomE = 3
elif hasilTes2 >= 20 and hasilTes2 <= 22:
kolomE = 2
elif hasilTes2 < 20:
kolomE = 1
kolomF = (kolomC + kolomE) / 2
if kolomF >= 2.5:
kriteriaKebugaran = "Sangat Bugar"
elif kolomF >= 2:
kriteriaKebugaran = "Cukup Bugar"
elif kolomF >= 1:
kriteriaKebugaran = "Kurang Bugar"
print("Umur Anda Adalah:", umur)
print("Jenis Kelamin Anda Adalah:", jenisKelamin)
print("Tingkat Kebugaran Anda adalah:", kolomF, "(Skor)", "Keterangan:", kriteriaKebugaran, "(keterangan)")
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