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Created June 29, 2011 19:52
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  • Save KiNgMaR/1054754 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KiNgMaR/1054754 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. DB update
/* (c) Ingmar Runge 2011 */
class blitzortung_data
protected $cache_dir = NULL;
protected $ch = NULL;
protected $bo_user = '', $bo_pass = '';
protected $interface = '';
protected $buf_participants, $buf_stations;
protected $stations = array();
protected $participants = array();
public function __construct($cache_dir, $interface = '')
$this->cache_dir = $cache_dir;
$this->interface = $interface;
$this->ch = curl_init();
public function setLogin($user, $pass)
$this->bo_user = $user;
$this->bo_pass = $pass;
public function retrieve()
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $this->interface);
//curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->bo_user . ':' . $this->bo_pass);
$this->buf_participants = $this->retrieveFile('participants.txt');
$this->buf_stations = $this->retrieveFile('stations.txt');
if(!empty($this->buf_participants) && !empty($this->buf_stations))
return $this->parse();
return false;
protected function retrieveFile($file)
if(!preg_match('~^[\w-]+\.\w+$~', $file))
return false;
$url = '' . $file;
$local_file = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $file;
$etag_file = $local_file . '.etag';
$etag = '';
if(file_exists($local_file) && file_exists($etag_file))
$etag = @file_get_contents($etag_file);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
if(preg_match('~^W/(.+?)$~', $etag, $match))
$etag = $match[1];
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('If-None-Match: ' . $etag));
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array());
$response = curl_exec($this->ch);
$http_code = (int)curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if($http_code == 200)
$response = preg_split('~\r?\n\r?\n~', $response, 2);
$etag = '';
if(preg_match('~^ETag: (.+?)$~m', $response[0], $match))
$etag = trim($match[1]);
file_put_contents($local_file, $response[1]);
file_put_contents($etag_file, $etag);
return $response[1];
elseif($http_code == 304)
return file_get_contents($local_file);
return false;
protected function _fix_col($s)
$s = str_replace('\null', '', $s);
$s = str_replace("\\'", "'", $s);
$s = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $s);
return html_entity_decode($s, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
protected function _to_time($s)
if(preg_match('~^(.+)(\.\d+)$~', $s, $match))
$t = (string)strtotime($match[1]) . $match[2];
if($t < 0) $t = 0;
return $t;
return (string)strtotime($s);
protected function parse()
if(empty($this->buf_participants) || empty($this->buf_stations))
return false;
$stations = array();
foreach(explode("\n", $this->buf_stations) as $line)
list($num_id, $idf, $owner, $city, $country, $lat, $lon, $last_signal, $status, $client, $signals) = explode(' ', $line);
if(empty($idf) || $num_id == 0)
$new = new stdClass();
$new->num_id = (int)$num_id;
$new->idf = $idf;
$new->owner = self::_fix_col($owner);
$new->city = self::_fix_col($city);
$new->country = self::_fix_col($country);
$new->lat = (float)$lat;
$new->lon = (float)$lon;
$new->status = $status;
$new->last_signal = self::_to_time(self::_fix_col($last_signal));
$new->client = self::_fix_col($client);
$new->signals = (int)$signals;
$stations[$idf] = $new;
$this->stations = $stations;
$particips = array();
foreach(explode("\n", $this->buf_participants) as $line)
$cols = explode(' ', $line);
list($date, $time, $lat, $lon, $ampere, , $km, $num_part) = $cols;
$new = new stdClass();
$new->stations = array_slice($cols, 8);
$new->time = self::_to_time($date . ' ' . $time);
$new->lat = (float)$lat;
$new->lon = (float)$lon;
if(count($new->stations) > 0)
$particips[] = $new;
$this->participants = $particips;
return true;
public function resultStations()
return $this->stations;
public function resultStrikes()
return $this->participants;
public function __destruct()
/* (c) Ingmar Runge 2011 */
define('SYSTEMDIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
require SYSTEMDIR . 'config.php';
require SYSTEMDIR . 'lib/utils.php';
require SYSTEMDIR . 'lib/blitzortung_data.php';
function blitzortung_sync_to_db()
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=' . Config::db_name, Config::db_user, Config::db_pass);
$dbh->exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8');
$src = new blitzortung_data(SYSTEMDIR . 'cache/txt', Config::outbound_interface);
$src->setLogin(Config::bo_user, Config::bo_pass);
$set_sql = 'owner = :owner, city = :city,
country = :country, latitude = :lat, longitude = :lon, last_signal = :last_signal,
status = :status, client = :client, signals = :signals';
// transfer stations:
$stmt = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO stations SET idf = :idf, ' . $set_sql .
' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . $set_sql);
foreach($src->resultStations() as $stn)
$stmt->bindValue(':idf', $stn->idf);
$stmt->bindValue(':owner', $stn->owner);
$stmt->bindValue(':city', $stn->city);
$stmt->bindValue(':country', $stn->country);
$stmt->bindValue(':lat', $stn->lat);
$stmt->bindValue(':lon', $stn->lon);
$stmt->bindValue(':status', $stn->status[0]);
$stmt->bindValue(':last_signal', (int)$stn->last_signal);
$stmt->bindValue(':client', $stn->client);
$stmt->bindValue(':signals', $stn->signals);
$err = $stmt->errorInfo();
if($err[1] != 0)
$stmt = NULL;
// transfer strikes:
$stmt = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO strikes SET time = :time, time_actual = :time, latitude = :lat, longitude = :lon
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE latitude = :lat, longitude = :lon, time_actual = :time');
foreach($src->resultStrikes() as $stk)
$stmt->bindValue(':time', $stk->time);
$stmt->bindValue(':lat', $stk->lat);
$stmt->bindValue(':lon', $stk->lon);
$new_id = (int)$dbh->lastInsertId();
if($new_id > 0)
$dbh->exec('DELETE FROM strike_stations WHERE strike_id = ' . $new_id);
$parti_stmt = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO strike_stations SET strike_id = :strike_id,
strike_time = :time, station_id = (SELECT my_id FROM stations WHERE idf = :idf)');
foreach($stk->stations as $station_idf)
$parti_stmt->bindValue(':strike_id', $new_id);
$parti_stmt->bindValue(':time', (int)$stk->time);
$parti_stmt->bindValue(':idf', $station_idf);
$parti_stmt = NULL;
$dbh->exec('UPDATE strikes SET num_stations = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM strike_stations sss WHERE sss.strike_id = strikes.my_id) WHERE my_id = ' . $new_id);
$stmt = NULL;
// purge strikes that have been replaced by more accurate entries:
$first_stk = $src->resultStrikes();
$first_stk = $first_stk[0];
$stmt = $dbh->query('SELECT my_id, time FROM strikes WHERE time_actual > ' . ((int)$first_stk->time));
while($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
$found = false;
foreach($src->resultStrikes() as $stk)
if($stk->time === $row['time'])
$found = true;
$stk_id = (int)$row['my_id'];
$dbh->exec('DELETE FROM strikes WHERE my_id = ' . $stk_id);
$dbh->exec('DELETE FROM strike_stations WHERE strike_id = ' . $stk_id);
$stmt = NULL;
// update ranking:
$stmt = $dbh->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM strikes WHERE time_actual >= ' . (gmtime() - 3600));
$total_1h_strikes = (int)$stmt->fetchColumn(0);
$stmt = NULL;
$dbh->exec('DELETE FROM station_ranking');
$dbh->exec('INSERT INTO station_ranking (station_id, strike_count, strike_ratio, signal_count, efficiency) SELECT
my_id, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM strike_stations ss WHERE ss.station_id = s.my_id AND strike_time >= ' . (gmtime() - 3600) . '),
0, signals, 0 FROM stations s WHERE signals > 0');
$dbh->exec('DELETE FROM station_ranking WHERE strike_count = 0');
$dbh->exec('UPDATE station_ranking SET efficiency = (strike_count / ' . $total_1h_strikes . ' * 100 + strike_count / signal_count * 100) / 2,
strike_ratio = strike_count / ' . $total_1h_strikes . ' * 100');
$dbh->exec('UPDATE station_ranking SET efficiency = 100 WHERE efficiency > 100');
$dbh->exec('UPDATE station_ranking SET strike_ratio = 100 WHERE strike_ratio > 100');
die('retrieve() failed!');
$dbh = NULL;
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