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import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import csv
csvPath = Path("budget_data.csv")
# Get the total amount of profit/loss
total = 0
average = 0
minimum = 0
class History {
final String data;
final DateTime time;
History(, this.time);
History.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)
: data = map['data'],
time = DateTime.parse(map['time']);
# June 29th
- CNC App:
- rs-bitswap
use futures::future::join;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::prelude::*;
use libp2p::core::muxing::StreamMuxerBox;

Flutter CNC App

App to collect and log data about a collection of CNC Machines


A list a packages and libraries used


Date: May 18th -> 22nd
Worked on:
- Refactoring all gRPC Streaming methods in rust TxPB. This is due to the fact there are many ways to handle iterators,
sinks and streams in rust and I recently found a better way of doing it.
- Looking into Zero Trust services on kubernetes
- Started planning out how to get a company to use Temporal for backend storage. The company needs to log all information

Hybrid Computing Infrastructure

In order to achieve our plans for CNFS we need to think differently about how the cloud should work. Instead of relying on monolithic datacenters we need to get closer to the source of data and where it's being used.

The stack should be as follows:

  • Cloud Core: Where the datacenters live. Master Nodes, Auth, etc.
  • Edge: This is where the boxes are, on premise, slave nodes.
  • Lite: These are the IOT devices, Clients, Phones, etc, that use the gateways from the Edge and Cloud to access the network.


  • Should we have bootstrap nodes?

    • Pros: Nodes in guangdong will discover each other faster
    • Cons: One more thing to manage as we need to make sure our bootstrap nodes are running and available
  • Could we have lite peers?

    • Pros: Good for hardware restriced devices
    • Cons: Wouldn't be contributing to the overall network