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Last active October 16, 2023 04:00
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Webpack for AMD projects
* Example webpack.config.js for an AMD project (or AMD + CJS mixed project).
* This file should be at the root of your project.
* This can then be used in combination with Karma as well
* Just load this file and pass it to karma.webpack key
* (see
* This example is a bit extreme. Typically in webpack, you don't need much
* configuration if you have nicely behaving code and work with correctly
* configured node packages.
* This demonstrates how you could adapt an existing, messier AMD project
* to be optimized with webpack. Why would you do that?
* - it's faster
* - incremental rebuilds are very fast for large projects which means in dev you
* load only 1 built file instead of many separate files
* - it supports npm packages (!!)
* - you can add compilation steps (for es6 or jsx) via loader config
* - it's more flexible in terms of optimization (how you split and merge bundles
* based on their size
* ## Usage
* Paste this into webpack.config.js in the root of your project.
* Adapt for your project.
* Run webpack to build, or webpack -p to build for production.
* Run webpack --watch to rebuild after each file change.
* Use webpack-dev-middleware if you want to plug it into your app and have it serve built files as part of your dev workflow straight from your web server.
var _ = require("lodash");
// depending on -p flag, we'll tweak some settings
var production = process.argv.indexOf("-p") > -1;
module.exports = {
// point to the dir your app code is in
context: __dirname + "/client",
// entry point to your app
// it's possible to have multiple entry points (see docs)
// this is relative to the context dir above
entry: "./app/app",
output: {
// where we want to output built files
path: __dirname + "/client-dist",
// this is useful if you have multiple output bundles
// that will be required asynchronously at some point in the app
// this is needed so that webpack knows where to load those bundles
// from. For example, you could point it to CDN. Or in this example
// we point it to localhost:2888 which is a webpack-dev-server we
// use in development that recompiles files on the fly as they change
publicPath: production ? "/client-dist/" : "http://localhost:2888/"
// in development we want to produce source-maps
// (see
devtool: production ? false : "eval",
// this is to support older versions of jquery
// you might not need it
amd: { jQuery: true },
// this is to support older versions of when.js
// you might not need it
externals: ["vertx"],
module: {
// this is how we configure AMD style shims
// see the shims() function below
loaders: [].concat(shims()),
// this is to support moment.js
// you might not need it
noParse: [/.*moment\/moment.js.*/]
resolve: {
root: [
// if your AMD config had baseUrl point to smth like
// /client/lib or /client/vendor, you could set this
// here so that webpack can find files in /client/vendor
// e.g. require("mylib") would be first looked for in /client/vendor
// and only then in node_modules
__dirname + "/client/vendor"
alias: {
// support AMD style tpl! plugin
// you could similarly adapt any other existing
// AMD plugin (e.g. text! or css!)
"tpl": "underscore-template-loader",
// if you used AMD paths, you can similarly
// alias things in webpack, e.g.
// for internal app 'shortcuts'
"ui": "app/ui",
"config": "app/config",
"domain": "app/modules/domain/domain",
"raven": "app/lib/raven",
// for 3rd party libs
// (in this case these are in /client/vendor)
"spectrum": "spectrum/spectrum",
"chosen": "chosen/chosen.jquery",
// you can also alis node_modules in case
// their package.json#main is wrong
"auto_grow": "auto_grow/dist/auto_grow",
"bootstrap": "bootstrap/docs/assets/js/bootstrap"
// You could immediately use webpack syntax for shimming
// (see
// But in this case, we use something that looks more like AMD
// style shims, but is then converted via this function into webpack
// style shims
function shims() {
var list = {
"backbone": {
// this is almost like AMD except we need to name
// both local variable that backbone expects (_) and module id (underscore)
deps: ["_=underscore", "$=jquery"],
// same as AMD
exports: "Backbone",
// indicate that Backbone expects this === window
// because it wants to attach itself to window so that
// other Backbone plugins could extend it (or smth like that)
// typically we should avoid leaking things into window, but
// we need this sometimes for things like jQuery and Backbone
needsWindow: true
"chosen/chosen.jquery": {
deps: ["$=jquery"],
exports: "$.fn.chosen",
needsWindow: true
"backbone.stickit": {
deps: ["Backbone=backbone", "$=jquery", "_=underscore"]
"bootstrap": {
deps: ["$=jquery"]
"highcharts": {
exports: "Highcharts",
deps: ["$=jquery"]
return, function (options, key) {
// convert to imports? plugin syntax
var imports = "";
if (options.deps && options.deps.length) {
imports = "imports?" + options.deps.join("&");
if (options.needsWindow) {
imports += imports.length ? "&this=>window" : "imports?this=>window";
// convert to exports? plugin syntax
var exports = "";
if (options.exports) {
exports = "exports?" + options.exports;
// conver to module.loaders webpack config object
// (
return { test: new RegExp(key + ".js$"), loader: _.compact([imports, exports]).join("!") };
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