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Created June 26, 2020 18:28
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Install this hook in app.hooks.js
module.exports = app => {
before: {
all: [
Then use whenever you want to forward params, e.g. in a hook:
const { app, params } = context
app.service('another-service').find({ query: { id: 'x' }, ...params.forward() })
app.service('another-service').get(id, params.forward())
app.service('another-service').patch(id, {smth: 'x' }, params.forward())
const { has } = require('lodash')
const paramsSeen = new WeakSet()
module.exports = function addParamsForward() {
return context => {
if (paramsSeen.has(context.params)) {
throw new Error(
`Params should never be shared across services, always use params.forward(). Fix calls to ${context.path}#${context.method}`,
context.params.forward = ({ only, omit = [] } = {}) => {
const { params } = context
const forwardedParams = {
caller: {
path: context.path,
method: context.method,
type: context.type,
requestId: context.params.requestId,
forwarded: true,
only || [
).forEach(param => {
if (has(params, param) && !omit.includes(param)) {
forwardedParams[param] = params[param]
if (forwardedParams.authenticated) {
forwardedParams.authentication = params.authentication
return forwardedParams
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Hi @KidkArolis,

I have tried to use the hook, but met with some strange error.

I'm using typescript, and the example is using Post and Comment. I added your hook into app.hook.before.all and I have a before hook in Post service that creates comments.

const createComment = async (context: HookContext) => {

  const { data, app, params } = context;

  // logged out with no issue
  // const forward = { ...params.forward() };

  (app as Application)
        { text: data.comments[0]},
        // if I pass as such, it will throw TypeError: Found non-callable @@iterator

  delete; = params.user?.email;

  return context;

So I switched to this

// so I set it here, and use it below
  const forward = { ...params.forward() };

  (app as Application)
        { text: data.comments[0]},

It works just fine, in the comments service, I can grab the params being passed down from Post. However, this works if this is a single call only. If I were do this...

const forward = { ...params.forward() };

  const commentsPromise = data.comments?.map(async (comment: string) => {
    (app as Application)
        text: comment,
      }, forward);

  if (commentsPromise) {
    await Promise.all(commentsPromise);

This only works for the first call, subsequent call will throw the following error

Error: Params should never be shared across services, always use params.forward(). Fix calls to comments#create

Any idea on the two issue I face? Appreciate your help

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@bwgjoseph, this is a convention I enforce in my Feathers applications - to never share the same params object between different service calls. This is because params object might get mutated in hooks affecting other services unexpectedly.

In your case, simple to fix, call params.forward() for each call, e.g.:

const commentsPromise = data.comments?.map(async (comment: string) => {
    (app as Application)
        text: comment,
      }, params.forward());

  if (commentsPromise) {
    await Promise.all(commentsPromise);

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ah! it works, but still can't figure out why using spread ...params.forward() will trigger the non-callable @@iterator error. Other than that, it looks good now.

If you know what's causing the error, do let me know.


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Because you can only spread properties in an object:

let a = { x: 'y' }
let b = { ...a }

Or you can spread arrays as arguments:

let a = ['x', 'y', 'z']

You can't spread an object as arguments:

// not valid!!
// throws non-callable @@iterator / is not iterable
let a = { x: 'y' }

In Feathers, params is an object, params.forward() is also an object, so:

// invalid
service.get(1, ...params)
service.get(1, ...params.forward())

// valid
service.get(1, params)
service.get(1, params.forward())
service.get(1, { ...params })
service.get(1, { ...params.forward() })

// invalid

// valid
service.find({ query: { email: 'x', }, ...params })
service.find({ query: { email: 'x', }, ...params.forward() })

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That's it.

Thank you so much.

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Hello @KidkArolis,

I noticed that in the forwardedParams.caller.type is always before, is that intended? I would imagine that it should be whoever called the forward()?

// I have a hook x at the after-remove hook of service y
// now I call to remove

// within hook x, it calls service z (note hook x is in after-remove hook of service y)
app.service('z').remove(anotherId, params.forward());

So when I logs out the forwardedParams before the return in addParamsForward(), the caller.type is before.

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@bwgjoseph you're right, it could be fixed by readding addParamsForward() hook in after all, so that it uses updated the closed over context when computing forwardedParams.

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