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Last active November 23, 2021 05:45
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from typing import Optional
from pprint import pprint
# A Literal is P or ¬P
class Literal:
def from_string(cls, s: str) -> 'Literal':
if s.startswith('-'):
return Literal(s[1:], True)
return Literal(s, False)
def __init__(self, symbol: str, negate: bool):
self.symbol = symbol
self.negate = negate
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.negate:
return '¬' + self.symbol
return self.symbol
def value(self, truth_value: bool) -> bool:
if self.negate:
return not truth_value
return truth_value
# A Clause is a minima
class Clause:
def __init__(self, literals: list[Literal]):
self.literals = literals
def evaluable(self, assignments) -> bool:
return all(literal.symbol in assignments for literal in self.literals)
def evaluate(self, assignments) -> bool:
return any(literal.value(assignments[literal.symbol])
is True for literal in self.literals)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return '∨'.join(str(literal) for literal in self.literals)
# A `cnf` is Conjuntive Normal Form
# `records` is used to record the steps of algorithm
def dpll(cnf: list[Clause], records: list):
symbols = set()
for clause in cnf:
for literal in clause.literals:
symbols = list(symbols)
# Try deduce a truth value of a symbol given an assignments
def deduce(assignments) -> Optional[tuple[str, bool]]:
for clause in cnf:
if sum(literal.symbol not in assignments for literal in clause.literals) != 1:
unit = None
for literal in clause.literals:
if literal.symbol not in assignments:
unit = literal
others = [*filter(lambda x: x != unit, clause.literals)]
if all(literal.value(assignments[literal.symbol]) is False for literal in others):
if unit.negate:
return (unit.symbol, False)
return (unit.symbol, True)
return None
def backtrack(assignments: dict[str, bool]):
# Deduction
deductions = []
while (deduction := deduce(assignments)):
symbol, truth = deduction
assignments[symbol] = truth
records.append(('deduce', symbol, truth))
# Terminating condition
all_evaluable = True
for clause in cnf:
if clause.evaluable(assignments):
if clause.evaluate(assignments) is False:
# undo
for symbol in deductions:
records.append(('undo', deductions))
return None
all_evaluable = False
if all_evaluable:
if all(clause.evaluate(assignments) is True for clause in cnf):
records.append(('complete', assignments))
return assignments
# Guessing
for symbol in symbols:
if symbol in assignments:
for guess in (True, False):
assignments[symbol] = guess
records.append(('guess', symbol, guess))
if (result := backtrack(assignments)):
return result
# undo
records.append(('undo', [symbol]))
# undo
for symbol in deductions:
records.append(('undo', [symbol]))
return None
return backtrack({})
# Building cnf
cnf = []
cnf_s = [
('a', 'c', 'd'),
('a', '-c', '-d'),
('-a', '-c', '-d'),
('-a', 'b', '-f'),
('a', 'b', 'f'),
('-a', '-b', '-g'),
('-a', '-c', 'd'),
('-b', 'c', '-e'),
('b', 'd', 'e'),
('b', 'd', '-e'),
('b', 'c', '-d'),
('-b', 'c', 'e')]
for clause_s in cnf_s:
clause = Clause([])
for literal_s in clause_s:
literal = Literal.from_string(literal_s)
print('∧'.join(map(lambda clause: f'({clause})', cnf)))
records = []
dpll(cnf, records)
pprint(records, width=50)
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