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Last active December 14, 2015 08:39
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Using PSSitecoreItemWebAPI
# Adding as an authorised user is much the same as getting. Just provide the template and name fields
Add-SitecoreItem sitecore.local -user apiuser -pass password -database master `
-name "Awesome new item" -template "Sample/Sample Item"
totalCount resultCount items StatusCode
---------- ----------- ----- ----------
1 1 {@{Database=master; Displa... 200
# We can also say where we want the item created as well as set fields at the same time
Add-SitecoreItem sitecore.local -user apiuser -pass password -database master `
-path /sitecore/content/home -name "Awesome new item" -template "Sample/Sample Item" `
-itemFields @{title="This is a title"; text="<h1>Rich text ahoy!</h1>"}
totalCount resultCount items StatusCode
---------- ----------- ----- ----------
1 1 {@{Database=master; Displa... 200
# Use "Get-Help Add-SitecoreItem" to see what else you can do
# As an anoymous user
Get-SitecoreItem sitecore.local | select -expand items
Database : web
DisplayName : Home
HasChildren : False
ID : {110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}
Language : en
LongID : /{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}/{0DE95AE4-41AB-4D01-9EB0-67441B7C2450}/{110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}
Path : /sitecore/content/Home
Template : Sample/Sample Item
Version : 1
Fields : @{{75577384-3C97-45DA-A847-81B00500E250}=; {A60ACD61-A6DB-4182-8329-C957982CEC74}=}
# As an authorised user getting content from a particular database
Get-SitecoreItem sitecore.local -user apiuser -pass password -database master | select -expand items
Database : master
DisplayName : Home
HasChildren : False
ID : {110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}
Language : en
LongID : /{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}/{0DE95AE4-41AB-4D01-9EB0-67441B7C2450}/{110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}
Path : /sitecore/content/Home
Template : Sample/Sample Item
Version : 1
Fields : @{{75577384-3C97-45DA-A847-81B00500E250}=; {A60ACD61-A6DB-4182-8329-C957982CEC74}=}
# You can also provide -path / -query / -item / -scope and many more to filter items
# Use "Get-Help Get-SitecoreItem" to see what is available to you
# Removing an item is as easy as you'd expect
Remove-SitecoreItem sitecore.local -user apiuser -pass password -database master `
-item "{544F86D9-B0B2-497F-8E73-61531708CEFA}"
totalCount resultCount items StatusCode
---------- ----------- ----- ----------
1 1 {@{ID={544F86D9-B0B2-497F-... 200
# Note: the api only returns the ID of the items removed
# Setting properties on an item is much the same as adding an item. This time the name and template are not needed
# Note: here we're using the -item parameter to ensure we are setting on this specific item
Set-SitecoreItem sitecore.local -user apiuser -pass password -database master `
-item "{544F86D9-B0B2-497F-8E73-61531708CEFA}" `
-itemFields @{ Text = "<strong>updated</strong> with something <em>else</em>"}
totalCount resultCount items StatusCode
---------- ----------- ----- ----------
1 1 {@{Database=master; Displa... 200
# Again you can get fancy here and use -query / -scope etc to update multiple items in one go!
# Use "Get-Help Set-SitecoreItem" to see what is available to you
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