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Created April 12, 2018 21:25
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This program use each of the numbers in src_numbers exactly once with any of the four basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to total target_number.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
Bruteforce solution to the following assigment
1. Estimate how long it's going to take you, before you do it, and let us know what your guess is.
2. Time yourself at the end, compare results.
Guidelines and requirements:
-Do it in a pythonic, readable way. Readability is the priority.
-Instead of 1, 3, 4, 6, accept any user input for n integers or floas.
-Instead of 24, accept any user input for 1 integer or float.
-Show how many total permutations there are
-Show how many solutions there are
-Graph all the permutations in order of value. X axis: iteration # (arbitrary), Y axi value.
-Error handling.
-Find out how long your program takes for each iteration on average.
Use each of the numbers 1, 3, 4, and 6 exactly once with any of the four basic math operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to total 24. Each number must be used once and
only once, and you may define the order of operations; for example, 3 * (4 + 6) + 1 = 31 is valid,
however incorrect, since it doesn't total 24.
This program use each of the numbers in src_numbers exactly once
with any of the four basic math operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to total target_number.
Each number must be used once and only once!
Running complexity of this algorithm is approximately
n! * S^n
where n is src_numbers and S is symbol_set
import sys
from itertools import permutations, product
show_plot = True
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
show_plot = False
print('matplotlib is not installed! Plot wont be shown')
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print('Too few arguments specified!')
print('Usage: ./ <source_numbers> ... <target_number>')
# User's command line arguments
target_number = float(sys.argv[-1:][0])
src_numbers = sys.argv[1:-1]
symbol_set = ['+','-','/','*','(',')','/(','*(','-(','+(',')/',')*',')+',')-']
permutation_list = []
def is_invalid_parenthesis(symbols):
for i in range(1, len(symbols)):
prev_symbol = symbols[i-1][-1:][0]
cur_symbol = symbols[i][:1][0]
if prev_symbol == '(' and cur_symbol == ')':
return True
return False
count = 0
for symbols in product(symbol_set, repeat=len(src_numbers)+1):
first_symbol = symbols[0][:1][0]
if first_symbol == '-':
if is_invalid_parenthesis(symbols):
for numbers in permutations(src_numbers):
current_expression = ''
# Add digits to each symbol to form final expression
for i, j in zip(symbols, numbers):
current_expression += i + str(float(j))
current_expression += symbols[-1:][0]
answer = eval(current_expression)
except Exception as e:
break # Expression failed to avalute. Skip it
permutation_list.append((count, answer))
count += 1
if answer == target_number:
# Trim redundant + sign at the begining of the expression
if current_expression.startswith('+'):
current_expression = current_expression[1:]
if show_plot:
# Sort by expression value
perm_by_value = sorted(permutation_list, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
# Plot
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