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Created August 18, 2017 16:04
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using Qoden.Util;
using Qoden.Validation;
namespace Qoden.UI
public enum LinearLayoutDirection
TopBottom, BottomTop, LeftRight, RightLeft
* Layout builder performs layout in a coordinate system where
* primary layout direction is positive X axis and overflow layout direction
* is Y axis. Once done it performs reverse transform to get coordinates in
* coordinate system associated with view.
/// <summary>
/// Linear layout builder.
/// </summary>
public class LinearLayoutBuilder
RectangleF _layoutSpaceBounds, _layoutBounds, _originalBounds;
PointF _layoutOrigin;
float _maxSize;
Matrix2d _layoutToView, _viewToLayout;
LayoutBuilder _layoutBuilder;
List<IViewLayoutBox> _views = new List<IViewLayoutBox>();
public bool Flow { get; set; }
public LinearLayoutBuilder(LayoutBuilder layoutBuilder, LinearLayoutDirection layoutDirection, LinearLayoutDirection? flowDirection = null, RectangleF? bounds = null)
Assert.Argument(layoutBuilder, nameof(layoutBuilder)).NotNull();
flowDirection = flowDirection ?? DefaultFlowDirection(layoutDirection);
_layoutBuilder = layoutBuilder;
_maxSize = 0;
_originalBounds = bounds ?? _layoutBuilder.OuterBounds;
_layoutBounds = new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, SizeF.Empty);
_layoutToView = LayoutTransform(_originalBounds, layoutDirection, flowDirection.Value);
_viewToLayout = _layoutToView.Inverted();
_layoutSpaceBounds = _viewToLayout.Transform(_originalBounds);
_layoutOrigin = _layoutSpaceBounds.Location;
public IViewLayoutBox Add(LayoutParams layoutParams)
Assert.State(_layoutBuilder).NotNull("Layout is not started. Did you call StartLayout?");
var layoutResult = LayoutView(_layoutOrigin, ref layoutParams);
var newLayoutOrigin = layoutResult.NewLayoutOrigin;
if (Flow && newLayoutOrigin.X - LayoutStep > _layoutSpaceBounds.Right)
var nextLine = new PointF(_layoutSpaceBounds.X, _layoutOrigin.Y + _maxSize + FlowStep);
layoutResult = LayoutView(nextLine, ref layoutParams);
newLayoutOrigin = layoutResult.NewLayoutOrigin;
if (newLayoutOrigin.X > _layoutSpaceBounds.Right)
newLayoutOrigin.X = _layoutSpaceBounds.X;
newLayoutOrigin.Y = _layoutOrigin.Y + layoutResult.LayoutViewFrame.Height + FlowStep;
_layoutBounds = RectangleF.Union(_layoutBounds, layoutResult.ViewLayoutBox.Frame());
_maxSize = Math.Max(_maxSize, layoutResult.LayoutViewFrame.Height);
_layoutOrigin = newLayoutOrigin;
return layoutResult.ViewLayoutBox;
public RectangleF LayoutBounds => new RectangleF(_originalBounds.Location, _layoutBounds.Size);
public void AddOverflow()
_layoutOrigin = new PointF(_layoutSpaceBounds.X, _layoutOrigin.Y + _maxSize + FlowStep);
_maxSize = 0;
public float LayoutStep { get; set; } = 0;
public float FlowStep { get; set; } = 0;
public IEnumerable<IViewLayoutBox> Views => _views;
struct LayoutViewResult
public IViewLayoutBox ViewLayoutBox;
public RectangleF LayoutViewFrame;
public PointF NewLayoutOrigin;
private LayoutViewResult LayoutView(PointF layoutOrigin, ref LayoutParams layoutParams)
var freeSpaceSize = new SizeF(_layoutSpaceBounds.Right - layoutOrigin.X, _layoutSpaceBounds.Bottom - layoutOrigin.Y);
//Free space available a view in layout coordinates
var freeSpace = new RectangleF(layoutOrigin, freeSpaceSize);
//Free space available for a view in view coordinates
var viewFreeSpace = _layoutToView.Transform(freeSpace);
//Area which view wants to occupy in view coordinates
var viewBox = _layoutBuilder.View(layoutParams.View, viewFreeSpace);
//Area which view wants to occupy in layout coordinates
var layoutFrame = _viewToLayout.Transform(viewBox.Frame());
//Space required for view starting from layout origin in layout coordinates
var viewFrame = new RectangleF(layoutOrigin, new SizeF(layoutFrame.Right - layoutOrigin.X, layoutFrame.Bottom - layoutOrigin.Y));
var newLayoutOrigin = new PointF(viewFrame.Right + LayoutStep, viewFrame.Top);
return new LayoutViewResult()
ViewLayoutBox = viewBox,
NewLayoutOrigin = newLayoutOrigin,
LayoutViewFrame = viewFrame
* Calculates transform matrix from layout coordinate system to view coordinate system.
private static Matrix2d LayoutTransform(RectangleF bounds, LinearLayoutDirection layoutDirection, LinearLayoutDirection flowDirection)
switch (layoutDirection)
case LinearLayoutDirection.LeftRight:
switch (flowDirection)
case LinearLayoutDirection.TopBottom:
return new Matrix2d();
case LinearLayoutDirection.BottomTop:
return Matrix2d.Translation(0, bounds.Height) * Matrix2d.Stretch(1, -1);
case LinearLayoutDirection.RightLeft:
switch (flowDirection)
case LinearLayoutDirection.TopBottom:
return Matrix2d.Translation(bounds.Width, 0) * Matrix2d.Stretch(-1, 1);
case LinearLayoutDirection.BottomTop:
return Matrix2d.Translation(bounds.Width, bounds.Height) * Matrix2d.Stretch(-1, -1);
case LinearLayoutDirection.TopBottom:
switch (flowDirection)
case LinearLayoutDirection.LeftRight:
return Matrix2d.Rotation(90) * Matrix2d.Stretch(1, -1);
case LinearLayoutDirection.RightLeft:
return Matrix2d.Translation(bounds.Width, 0) * Matrix2d.Rotation(90);
case LinearLayoutDirection.BottomTop:
switch (flowDirection)
case LinearLayoutDirection.LeftRight:
return Matrix2d.Translation(0, bounds.Height) * Matrix2d.Rotation(-90);
case LinearLayoutDirection.RightLeft:
return Matrix2d.Translation(bounds.Width, bounds.Height) * Matrix2d.Stretch(-1, 1) * Matrix2d.Rotation(-90);
var message = $"Layout direction {layoutDirection} is not compatible with flow direction {flowDirection}";
throw new ArgumentException(message);
private static LinearLayoutDirection DefaultFlowDirection(LinearLayoutDirection layoutDirection)
switch (layoutDirection)
case LinearLayoutDirection.LeftRight:
return LinearLayoutDirection.TopBottom;
case LinearLayoutDirection.TopBottom:
return LinearLayoutDirection.LeftRight;
case LinearLayoutDirection.RightLeft:
return LinearLayoutDirection.TopBottom;
case LinearLayoutDirection.BottomTop:
return LinearLayoutDirection.LeftRight;
throw new ArgumentException("Unknown layout direction");
public struct LayoutParams
IViewGeometry _view;
Action<IViewLayoutBox> _layout;
public LayoutParams(IViewGeometry view) : this(view, DefaultLayout)
public LayoutParams(IViewGeometry view, Action<IViewLayoutBox> layoutAction)
Assert.Argument(view, nameof(view)).NotNull();
Assert.Argument(layoutAction, nameof(layoutAction)).NotNull();
_view = view;
_layout = layoutAction ?? DefaultLayout;
public IViewGeometry View
get => _view;
_view = Assert.Property(value).NotNull().Value;
public Action<IViewLayoutBox> Layout
get => _layout;
_layout = value;
static void DefaultLayout(IViewLayoutBox obj)
public static class LinearLayoutBuilder_LayoutBuilder_Extensions
public static LinearLayoutBuilder LinearLayout(this LayoutBuilder layoutBuilder, LinearLayoutDirection layoutDirection, LinearLayoutDirection? flowDirection = null, RectangleF? bounds = null)
return new LinearLayoutBuilder(layoutBuilder, layoutDirection, flowDirection, bounds);
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