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Created September 23, 2017 14:36
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public enum TransactionStatus { Pending, Mined }
public enum Network { Bitcoin, Ethereum }
public class TransactionDto
public string Id { get; set; }
public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
public TransactionStatus Status { get; set; }
public decimal Fee { get; set; }
public Network Network { get; set; }
//1. Eth specifics
public string EthGazPrice { get; set; }
public string EthGazLimit { get; set; }
//2. Bitcoin specifics
public string BtcMinerAddress { get; set; }
public class JavvyContext
public static User User { get; private set; }
public static IBitcoinService Bitcoins { get; }
public static IEthereumService Ethereum { get; }
public static ITransactionService TransactionsService { get; }
public static User User { get; }
static JavvyContext()
Bitcoins = new BitcoinService();
Ethereum = new EthereumService();
User = new User();
TransactionService = new TransactionService(UserAccessor, Bitcoins, Ethereum);
public class User
public Deictionary<Network, string> Wallets {get;}
public interface ITransactionService
List<TransactionDto> GetTransactions(int count);
public interface IBitcoinService
List<BitcoinTransaction> GetTransactions(string userId, int n);
public interface IEthereumService
List<EthereumTransaction> GetTransactions(string userId, int n);
public class TransactionService : ITransactionService
User _user;
IEthereumService _ethereum;
IBitcoinService _bitcoin;
public TransactionService(User user, IBitcoinService bitcoin, IEthereumService ethereum)
_user = user;
_bitcoin = bitcoin;
_ethereum = ethereum;
public List<TransactionDto> GetTransactions(int count, Network? network, CancellationToken token)
var btcT = _bitcoin.GetTransactions(_user.Wallets[Network.Bitcoin], count)
var ethT = _ethereum.GetTransactions(_user.Wallets[Network.Ethereum], count)
//3. merge
return new List<TransactionDto>().Where(x => x == network || network == null).Take(count).ToList();
private TransactionDto ToTransaction(BitcoinTransaction b)
//Fill BtcMinerAddress among other things
public TransactionDto ToTransaction(EthereumTransaction e)
//Fill EthGazPrice, EthGazLimit among other things
public class TransactionsList : DataContext
public ObservableCollection<TransactionDto> Transaction { get; }
public ICommand LoadCommand { get; }
public ICommand SelectTransactionCommand {get;}
public TransactionsList()
LoadCommand = new Command(Load);
//Bind this command to select event
SelectTransactionCommand = new Command(SelectTransaciton);
Transaction = new List<TransactionDto>();
Network _network;
public Network? Network
get => _network;
if (_network != value)
_network = value;
string _hashFilter;
public string HashFilter
get => _hashFilter;
if (_hashFilter != value)
_hashFilter = value;
int _hasActivity = 0;
public bool HasActivity
get => _hasActivity > 0;
private void ReportActivity(bool activity)
_hasActivity = _hasActivity + (activity ? 1 : -1);
System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource _tcs;
private async void Load(object arg)
if (_tcs != null) _tcs.Cancel();
_tcs = new CancellationTokenSource();
var tx = JavvyContext.TransactionService;
var token = _tcs.Token;
var txs = await tx.GetTransactions(10, Network, HashFilter, token);
catch (OperationCancelledException e)
//operation cancelled
catch (Exception e)
private void SelectTransaciton(object arg)
SelectTransaciton = Transaction[(int)arg];
TransactionDto _selectedTransaction;
public TransactionDto SelectedTransaction
get => _selectedTransaction;
private set
if (_selectedTransaction != value)
_selectedTransaction = value;
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