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Created June 13, 2018 13:35
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Read and decrypt firefox sync records using
import argparse
import math
import math
from syncclient.client import SyncClient, FxAClient, TOKENSERVER_URL, six, hexlify, sha256
from pprint import pprint
import json
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto import Random
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="""CLI to interact with Firefox Sync""",
help='Firefox Accounts login.')
help='Firefox Accounts password.')
args, extra = parser.parse_known_args()
# Login to FxA and get the keys.
fxaSession = FxAClient().login(args.login, args.password, keys=True)
# Connect to sync using FxA browserid assertion
bid_assertion_args = get_browserid_assertion(fxaSession)
client = SyncClient(*bid_assertion_args)
sync_keys = KeyBundle.fromMasterKey(fxaSession.keys[1], "")
# Fetch the sync bundle keys out of storage.
# They're encrypted with the account-level key.
keys = decrypt_payload(client.get_record('crypto', 'keys'), sync_keys)
pprint(("KEYS:", keys))
# There's some provision for using separate key bundles for separate collections
# but I haven't bothered digging through to see what that's about because
# it doesn't seem to be in use, at least on my account.
if keys["collections"]:
raise RuntimeError("no support for per-collection key bundles yet sorry :-(")
# Now use those keys to decrypt the records of interest.
bulk_keys = KeyBundle(base64.b64decode(keys["default"][0]), base64.b64decode(keys["default"][1]))
for record in client.get_records('history'):
pprint(("HISTORY:", decrypt_payload(record, bulk_keys)))
def decrypt_payload(record, key_bundle):
j = json.loads(record["payload"])
# Always check the hmac before decrypting anything.
expected_hmac =, j['ciphertext'], hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
if j['hmac'] != expected_hmac:
raise ValueError("HMAC mismatch: %s != %s" % (j['hmac'], expected_hmac))
ciphertext = base64.b64decode(j['ciphertext'])
iv = base64.b64decode(j['IV'])
aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
plaintext = aes.decrypt(ciphertext).strip()
# Remove any CBC block padding, assuming it's a well-formed JSON payload.
plaintext = plaintext[:plaintext.rfind("}") + 1]
return json.loads(plaintext)
def get_browserid_assertion(fxaSession, tokenserver_url=TOKENSERVER_URL):
bid_assertion = fxaSession.get_identity_assertion(tokenserver_url)
_, keyB = fxaSession.keys
if isinstance(keyB, six.text_type): # pragma: no cover
keyB = keyB.encode('utf-8')
return bid_assertion, hexlify(sha256(keyB).digest()[0:16])
class KeyBundle:
def __init__(self, encryption_key, hmac_key):
self.encryption_key = encryption_key
self.hmac_key = hmac_key
def fromMasterKey(cls, master_key, info):
key_material = HKDF(master_key, None, info, 2 * 32)
return cls(key_material[:32], key_material[32:])
def HKDF_extract(salt, IKM, hashmod=hashlib.sha256):
"""HKDF-Extract; see RFC-5869 for the details."""
if salt is None:
salt = b"\x00" * hashmod().digest_size
return, IKM, hashmod).digest()
def HKDF_expand(PRK, info, L, hashmod=hashlib.sha256):
"""HKDF-Expand; see RFC-5869 for the details."""
digest_size = hashmod().digest_size
N = int(math.ceil(L * 1.0 / digest_size))
assert N <= 255
T = b""
output = []
for i in xrange(1, N + 1):
data = T + info + chr(i)
T =, data, hashmod).digest()
return b"".join(output)[:L]
def HKDF(secret, salt, info, size, hashmod=hashlib.sha256):
"""HKDF-extract-and-expand as a single function."""
PRK = HKDF_extract(salt, secret, hashmod)
return HKDF_expand(PRK, info, size, hashmod)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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