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Last active June 1, 2023 23:41
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Custom Datasource
from great_expectations.datasource.fluent import SQLDatasource
import sqlalchemy.engine
from typing import Literal, Optional
class CustomSQLDatasource(SQLDatasource):
type: Literal["my_custom_sql"] = "my_custom_sql"
connection_string: Optional[str] = None # this makes this field optional
some_new_param: dict = {}
def get_engine(self) -> sqlalchemy.engine.Engine:
# as long as this returns a sqlalchemy.engine.Engine everything should work
raise NotImplementedError("use sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine()")
self._engine = sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine()
return self._engine
# methods will automagically be generated for attaching this custom Datasource to the context
# the name of this method is taken from the `type` attribute
import great_expectations as gx
context = gx.get_context()
my_ds = context.sources.add_my_custom_sql("my_datasource", some_new_param={"foo": "bar"})
my_asset = my_ds.add_table_asset("my_asset", table_name="MY_TABLE")
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